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  • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
    Remove test `Get_1_outerm_noise_2` · d669c146
    Lionel GUEZ authored
    The only difference in the test specification of
    `Get_1_outerm_noise_2` with test `Get_1_outerm` is the input file
    `outside_points.csv`. This difference in specification leads to no
    difference in results of the two tests. The input file
    `outside_points.csv` for `Get_1_outerm` is problematic because it has
    an extra point at (9.375, -35.857) which corresponds to a cyclone for
    an old version of SSH data. So we are going to change the input file
    of `Get_1_outerm` to take
    `$tests_old_dir/Region_1_20454_cyclone_3/outside_points.csv`, the same
    one than for `Get_1_outerm_noise_2`, so there is really no use for
    Remove test `Get_1_outerm_noise_2`
    Lionel GUEZ authored
    The only difference in the test specification of
    `Get_1_outerm_noise_2` with test `Get_1_outerm` is the input file
    `outside_points.csv`. This difference in specification leads to no
    difference in results of the two tests. The input file
    `outside_points.csv` for `Get_1_outerm` is problematic because it has
    an extra point at (9.375, -35.857) which corresponds to a cyclone for
    an old version of SSH data. So we are going to change the input file
    of `Get_1_outerm` to take
    `$tests_old_dir/Region_1_20454_cyclone_3/outside_points.csv`, the same
    one than for `Get_1_outerm_noise_2`, so there is really no use for
short_tests.json 13.49 KiB
    "Get_1_outerm": {
	"input": "&main_nml date = 20454/\n",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"symlink": [
	"commands": [
            ["mkdir", "-p", "SHPC/Slice_0/Cyclones"],
    "Get_1_outerm_noise_2_8": {
	"description": "Assume insufficient amplitude for extrema 2 and 8. Even if extremum 8 does not have a particularly small amplitude, we just want to see the target extremum, 6, grow its outermost contour compared to the case without minimum amplitude.",
	"input": "&main_nml date = 20454/\n",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"symlink": [
	"commands": [
    "Good_contour": {
	"description": "3 contours at that level. 2 contain the inside point, one of which contains the 2 outside points.",
	"symlink": [
	"command": [
	"stdin_filename": "$src_dir/Inst_eddies/Tests/Input/good_contour.txt"
    "Good_contour_2": {
	"description": "Select another good contour. Case where one of the contours tested does not contain inside point.",
	"symlink": [
	"command": [
	"stdin_filename": "$src_dir/Inst_eddies/Tests/Input/good_contour_2.txt"
    "No_good_contour": {
	"symlink": [
	"command": [
	"stdin_filename": "$src_dir/Inst_eddies/Tests/Input/no_good_contour.txt"
    "Local_extrema": {
	"input": "f",
	"command": [
    "Local_extrema_larger": {
	"description": "With a larger region than in test Local_extrema.",
	"input": "f",
	"command": [
    "Local_extrema_missing": {
	"input": "f\n",
	"description": "With input file containing missing values.",
	"command": [
    "Local_extrema_periodic": {
	"description": "Same as Local_extrema but with periodicity. The data is actually regional so there is a discontinuity in the field and the longitude grid assuming periodicity is not regular.",
	"input": "t\n",
	"command": [
    "Local_extrema_periodic_2": {
	"description": "The data is really global so there is no discontinuity in the field and the longitude grid assuming periodicity is regular.",
	"input": "t\n",
	"command": [
    "Mean_speed": {
	"input": "&main_nml /\n",
	"symlink": [
	"command": [
    "Mean_speed_alt": {
	"input": "&main_nml /\n",
	"symlink": [
	"command": [
    "Set_max_speed": {
	"symlink": ["$PWD/Get_1_outerm/config_nml.txt"],
	"commands": [
		"$PWD/Get_1_outerm/SHPC", "$PWD/Get_1_outerm/cont_list.shp"
	"input": "t\n"
    "Set_max_speed_noise": {
	"symlink": ["$PWD/Get_1_outerm_noise_2_8/config_nml.txt"],
	"commands": [
            ["mkdir", "-p", "SHPC/Slice_0/Cyclones"],
	"input": "t\n"
            ["mkdir", "-p", "SHPC/Slice_0/Anticyclones"],
	"&MAIN_NML IND_TARG_EXTR = 5 3 INNERMOST_LEVEL = -1.2629 CYCLONE = f date = 15780/\n",
	"create_file": ["config_nml.txt", "&config_nml /\n"],
	"description": "This test is only useful to create input for test Set_max_speed_degenerate. Namelist values were obtained with test_local_extrema."
    "Set_max_speed_degenerate": {
	"symlink": ["$tests_old_dir/SHPC_degenerate/config_nml.txt"],
	"description": "The SSH value of the extremum is exactly equal to the SSH value of the point next to the extremum, eastward. This points is selected as the point with maximum azimuthal speed. Then good_contour returns a null polyline.",
	"commands": [
	"input": "f\n"
    "Extraction_eddies_region_1_noise": {
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"input": "&dates_nml date = 20454/\n",
	"commands": [
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt"]
    "Extraction_eddies_region_2": {
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml min_amp = 0./\n"
	"input": "&dates_nml date = 20454/\n",
	"commands": [
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt"]
    "Extraction_eddies_region_4": {
	"description": "Part of the domain has missing values.",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"command": [
	"input": "20454\n0\n",
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt", "perf_report.csv"]
    "Inst_eddies_py": {
	"description": "Like Extraction_eddies_region_4, but for a single date. This is a test of options of the wrapper script rather than a test of the Fortran executable.",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"command": [
	"input": "20454\n0\n",
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt", "perf_report.csv"]
    "Inst_eddies_loop": {
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"command": [
	    "2006-01-01", "2006-01-04", "0"
	"input": "20454\n",
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt", "perf_report.csv"]
    "Nearby_extr": {
	"command": [
	"input": "&main_nml /\n",
	"description": "We are using Inst_eddies_loop, which is a previous test."
    "Set_all_outerm_periodic": {
	"description": "test_set_all_outerm with periodicity.",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml MAX_RADIUS_deg = 80., 72., min_radius = 20./\n"
	"input": "&dates_nml date = 1/\n",
	"commands": [
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt"]
    "Extraction_eddies_periodic": {
	"description": "Periodic domain.",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml min_amp = 0., MAX_RADIUS_deg = 80., 72./\n"
	"input": "&dates_nml date = 20454/\n",
	"commands": [
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt"]
    "Extr_proj": {
	"description": "Create shapefile extr_proj.",
	"input": "&main_nml date = 20454, grid_lon_lat = f/\n",
	"create_file": [
            "&config_nml /\n"
	"symlink": [
	"commands": [
    "Region_4_15_days": {
	"description": "This is used in several tests in Overlap.",
	"command": [
            "2006-01-01", "2006-01-15", "0",
            "--bbox", "16.125", "20.875", "-38.875", "-34.125"
	"create_file": ["config_nml.txt", "&config_nml /\n"],
	"exclude_cmp": ["timings.txt", "perf_report.csv"]
    {"command": "$build_dir/Inst_eddies/Tests/test_complete_ssh"},
            ["mkdir", "-p", "SHPC/Slice_0/Cyclones"],
	"input": "&MAIN_NML DATE = 20456 EDDY_I_TARGET = 3/\n",
	"symlink": ["$tests_old_dir/Inst_eddies_loop/config_nml.txt"],
	"description": "This eddy is interesting because the maximum speed is a little lower (relative difference # 1e-3) than in version v0.26. SSH on maximum speed contour differs by about 2e-3 m from version v0.26. There are n_max_cont in cont_list."
            ["mkdir", "-p", "SHPC/Slice_0/Cyclones"],
	"input": "&MAIN_NML DATE = 20454 EDDY_I_TARGET = 3/\n",
	"create_file": ["config_nml.txt", "&config_nml /\n"],
	"The file outside_points created by this test is used in other tests."