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Commit 9af41fab authored by Lionel GUEZ's avatar Lionel GUEZ
Browse files

Add arguments corner, nlon and nlat to procedure read_snapshot. In

read_snapshot, assert that there is no duplicate tuple in
s%ind_extr. Since we are not sure of that, we must use a do construct
and not a forall in order to define s%extr_map.

Bug fix in program test_local_extrema: support missing values. Add
corresponding test.

Output s%ind_extr in program test_read_snapshot.
parent df10448d
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CORNER = 16.12500 , -38.87500 ,
NLON = 20,
NLAT = 20
......@@ -4,13 +4,14 @@ module read_snapshot_m
subroutine read_snapshot(s, hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed)
subroutine read_snapshot(s, hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed, &
corner, nlon, nlat)
use, intrinsic:: ISO_C_BINDING
use contour_531, only: convert_to_ind
use derived_types, only: snapshot, eddy
use nr_util, only: pi
use nr_util, only: pi, assert, deg_to_rad
use read_eddy_m, only: read_eddy
use shapelib, only: shpfileobject, shpgetinfo
......@@ -23,12 +24,16 @@ contains
TYPE(shpfileobject), intent(inout):: hshp_max_speed
! shapefile max_speed_contour_1
real, intent(in):: corner(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude of the
! corner of the whole grid, in rad
integer, intent(in):: nlon, nlat
! Local:
integer ishape, k, i
integer shapetype, dbffieldcount, dbfrecordcount
real(c_double) minbound(4), maxbound(4)
type(eddy) e
real, parameter:: deg_to_rad = pi / 180.
......@@ -43,17 +48,20 @@ contains
end do
allocate(s%ind_extr(2, s%number_vis_eddies))
forall (i = 1:s%number_vis_eddies) s%ind_extr(:, i) &
= nint(convert_to_ind(s%list_vis(i)%coord_extr, &
corner = [0.125, -59.875] * deg_to_rad, &
= nint(convert_to_ind(s%list_vis(i)%coord_extr, corner, &
step = [0.25, 0.25] * deg_to_rad))
allocate(s%extr_map(120, 180))
allocate(s%extr_map(nlon, nlat))
s%extr_map = 0
forall (i = 1:s%number_vis_eddies) &
s%extr_map(s%ind_extr(1, i), s%ind_extr(2, i)) &
= merge(i, -i, s%list_vis(i)%suff_amp)
do i = 1, s%number_vis_eddies
s%extr_map(s%ind_extr(1, i), s%ind_extr(2, i)) &
= merge(i, -i, s%list_vis(i)%suff_amp)
end do
call assert(count(s%extr_map /= 0) == s%number_vis_eddies, &
"read_snapshot: one eddy per grid point")
s%number_eddies = s%number_vis_eddies
......@@ -11,14 +11,12 @@ program test_get_snapshot
use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite
use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, find_coord, nf95_inquire_dimension, &
nf95_get_var, nf95_close
use nr_util, only: pi, assert
use nr_util, only: pi, assert, deg_to_rad
use shapelib, only: shpfileobject, shpclose
implicit none
type(snapshot) s
real, parameter:: deg_over_rad = pi / 180.
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_extremum ! shapefile extremum_$m
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_outermost ! shapefile outermost_contour_$m
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_max_speed ! shapefile max_speed_contour_$m
......@@ -57,9 +55,9 @@ program test_get_snapshot
call get_snapshot(s, min_amp, m = 1, n_proc = 1, k_end = 1, max_delta = 4, &
nlon = nlon, nlat = nlat, k = 1, max_radius = [20, 20], &
corner = [longitude(1), latitude(1)] * deg_over_rad, &
corner = [longitude(1), latitude(1)] * deg_to_rad, &
step = &
[longitude(2) - longitude(1), latitude(2) - latitude(1)] * deg_over_rad)
[longitude(2) - longitude(1), latitude(2) - latitude(1)] * deg_to_rad)
call init_shapefiles(hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed)
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ program test_local_extrema
use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite, nf90_clobber, NF90_FLOAT, NF90_INT
use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_get_var, &
nf95_put_var, nf95_create, nf95_def_dim, nf95_def_var, nf95_put_att, &
nf95_enddef, nf95_gw_var
nf95_enddef, nf95_gw_var, nf95_get_att
use nr_util, only: assert
implicit none
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ program test_local_extrema
! level of innermost contour, for each extremum
logical, allocatable:: cyclone(:) ! (n_extr)
real Fill_Value
......@@ -51,6 +52,8 @@ program test_local_extrema
call nf95_inq_varid(ncid, "adt", varid)
call nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, ssh)
call nf95_get_att(ncid, varid, "_FillValue", Fill_Value)
where (ssh == Fill_Value) ssh = huge(0.)
call nf95_close(ncid)
......@@ -59,10 +62,13 @@ program test_local_extrema
call new_unit(unit)
open(unit, file = "test_local_extrema.csv", status = "replace", &
action = "write")
write(unit, fmt = *) '"longitude index" "latitude index" cyclone ', &
'"longitude (degrees east)" ', &
'"latitude (degrees north)" "ssh (m)" "innermost_level (m)"'
! (title line)
! Title lines:
write(unit, fmt = *) '"longitude index" "latitude index"'
write(unit, fmt = *) '"" "" "" "degrees east" "degrees north" "m" "m"'
write(unit, fmt = *) 'ilon ilat cyclone longitude latitude ssh ', &
do i = 1, size(ind_extr, 2)
write(unit, fmt = *) ind_extr(1, i), ind_extr(2, i), cyclone(i), &
longitude(ind_extr(1, i)), latitude(ind_extr(2, i)), &
program test_read_snapshot
use, intrinsic:: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV
use derived_types, only: snapshot
use dispatch_snapshot_m, only: dispatch_snapshot
use init_shapefiles_m, only: init_shapefiles
use jumble, only: new_unit
use nr_util, only: deg_to_rad
use read_snapshot_m, only: read_snapshot
use shapelib, only: shpfileobject, shpclose
use shapelib_03, only: shp_open_03
......@@ -14,22 +17,34 @@ program test_read_snapshot
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_extremum ! shapefile extremum_1
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_outermost ! shapefile outermost_contour_1
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_max_speed ! shapefile max_speed_contour_1
integer unit_isolated, unit_number_eddies
integer unit_isolated, unit_number_eddies, i
real:: corner(2) = [0.125, - 59.875]
! longitude and latitude of the corner of the whole grid, in degrees
integer:: nlon = 120, nlat = 120
namelist /main_nml/ corner, nlon, nlat
write(unit = error_unit, nml = main_nml)
write(unit = error_unit, fmt = *) "Enter namelist main_nml."
read(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
write(unit = *, nml = main_nml)
call shp_open_03("extremum_1_old", pszaccess = "rb", hshp = hshp_extremum)
call shp_open_03("outermost_contour_1_old", pszaccess = "rb", &
hshp = hshp_outermost)
call shp_open_03("max_speed_contour_1_old", pszaccess = "rb", &
hshp = hshp_max_speed)
call read_snapshot(s, hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed)
call read_snapshot(s, hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed, &
corner * deg_to_rad, nlon, nlat)
CALL shpclose(hshp_extremum)
CALL shpclose(hshp_outermost)
CALL shpclose(hshp_max_speed)
call init_shapefiles(hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed)
call new_unit(unit_isolated)
open(unit_isolated, file = "isolated_nodes_1.csv", status = "replace", &
action = "write")
......@@ -57,4 +72,10 @@ program test_read_snapshot
print *, 'Created "number_eddies_1.csv".'
print *, "s%ind_extr:"
do i = 1, s%number_vis_eddies
print *, s%ind_extr(:, i)
end do
end program test_read_snapshot
......@@ -211,6 +211,13 @@
"args": "$compil_prod_dir/test_read_snapshot",
"required": ["$input_dir/Test_read_eddy/*"],
"title": "Read_snapshot"
"title": "Read_snapshot",
"stdin": "$stdin_dir/read_snapshot_nml.txt"
"args" : ["$compil_prod_dir/test_local_extrema",
"title" : "Local_extrema_missing",
"description": "test_local_extrema with input file containing missing values."
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ contains
! eddy in longitude and latitude, in number of grid points
real, intent(in):: corner(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude of the
! corner of the global grid, in rad
! corner of the whole grid, in rad
real, intent(in):: step(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude steps, in rad
! Local:
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