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Commit f5f4298d authored by Lionel GUEZ's avatar Lionel GUEZ
Browse files

Move computation of extrema from procedure get_snapshot to procedure

set_all_outerm. Thus, we have the clearer intent(out) for argument s
of set_all_outerm. Also, this prepares a possible replacement of
set_all_outerm by a procedure from the Topology toolkit.

Create test program for procedure set_all_outerm.
parent 2a6cdf7d
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......@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ src_test_set_max_speed = test_set_max_speed.f derived_types.f set_max_speed.f go
src_test_get_snapshot = test_get_snapshot.f get_snapshot.f dispatch_snapshot.f write_eddy.f send_snapshot.f receive_snapshot.f local_extrema.f set_max_speed.f outermost_possible_level.f get_1_outerm.f max_speed_contour_ssh.f good_contour.f spherical_polygon_area.f mean_speed.f inside_4.f set_all_outerm.f
src_test_set_all_outerm = test_set_all_outerm.f derived_types.f dispatch_snapshot.f set_all_outerm.f write_eddy.f send_snapshot.f local_extrema.f get_1_outerm.f good_contour.f spherical_polygon_area.f
sources := $(shell cat ${makefile_dir}/file_list)
lib_list = contour_531 numer_rec_95 shapelib_03 netcdf95 geometry jumble netcdff fortrangis shp fortranc nr_util
......@@ -23,9 +25,10 @@ obj_test_local_extrema := $(src_test_local_extrema:.f=.o)
obj_test_get_1_outerm := $(src_test_get_1_outerm:.f=.o)
obj_test_set_max_speed := $(src_test_set_max_speed:.f=.o)
obj_test_get_snapshot := $(src_test_get_snapshot:.f=.o)
obj_test_set_all_outerm := $(src_test_set_all_outerm:.f=.o)
objects := $(sources:.f=.o)
execut = test_good_contour test_inside_4 test_get_1_outerm test_local_extrema test_max_speed_contour_ssh test_mean_speed test_set_max_speed test_get_snapshot
execut = test_good_contour test_inside_4 test_get_1_outerm test_local_extrema test_max_speed_contour_ssh test_mean_speed test_set_max_speed test_get_snapshot test_set_all_outerm
# 3. Compiler-dependent part
......@@ -47,6 +50,7 @@ test_inside_4: inside_4.o
test_local_extrema: ${obj_test_local_extrema}
test_mean_speed: mean_speed.o
test_get_snapshot: ${obj_test_get_snapshot}
test_set_all_outerm: ${obj_test_set_all_outerm}
depend ${makefile_dir}/
makedepf90 -free -Wmissing -Wconfused $(addprefix -I, ${VPATH}) -nosrc $(addprefix -u , ${lib_list} shapelib netcdf) ${sources} >${makefile_dir}/
......@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ contains
use contour_531, only: convert_to_ind, null_polyline
use derived_types, only: snapshot
use local_extrema_m, only: local_extrema
use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite
use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_get_var
use receive_snapshot_m, only: receive_snapshot
......@@ -43,10 +42,6 @@ contains
real ssh(nlon, nlat) ! sea-surface height, in m
real u(nlon, nlat), v(nlon, nlat) ! wind, in m s-1
real, allocatable:: innermost_level(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
! level of innermost contour, for each extremum
logical, allocatable:: cyclone(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
integer i
! Window around each extremum:
......@@ -70,22 +65,7 @@ contains
call nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, v, start = [1, 1, k])
call nf95_close(ncid)
! Extraction of eddies:
allocate(s%extr_map(nlon, nlat))
call local_extrema(ssh, s%extr_map, s%ind_extr, innermost_level, cyclone)
s%number_vis_eddies = size(s%ind_extr, 2)
forall (i = 1:s%number_vis_eddies)
s%list_vis(i)%coord_extr = corner + (s%ind_extr(:, i) - 1) * step
s%list_vis(i)%ssh_extremum = ssh(s%ind_extr(1, i), s%ind_extr(2, i))
s%list_vis(i)%cyclone = cyclone(i)
s%list_vis(i)%interpolated = .false.
end forall
call set_all_outerm(s, min_amp, max_radius, corner, step, &
innermost_level, ssh)
call set_all_outerm(s, min_amp, max_radius, corner, step, ssh)
! Done with outermost contours, now let us take care of the
! max-speed contours.
......@@ -4,24 +4,20 @@ module set_all_outerm_m
subroutine set_all_outerm(s, min_amp, max_radius, corner, step, &
innermost_level, ssh)
subroutine set_all_outerm(s, min_amp, max_radius, corner, step, ssh)
! Set all outermost contours.
! Extraction of eddies: find extrema and set all outermost
! contours in snapshot. Not a function because snapshot is not
! completely defined.
use derived_types, only: snapshot
use get_1_outerm_m, only: get_1_outerm
use local_extrema_m, only: local_extrema
type(snapshot), intent(inout):: s
! Intent(in): s%number_vis_eddies, s%ind_extr,
! s%list_vis%ssh_extremum, s%list_vis%cyclone,
! s%list_vis%coord_extr
! Intent(out): s%list_vis%outermost_contour, s%list_vis%suff_amp,
! s%list_vis%twice
! Intent(inout): s%extr_map
type(snapshot), intent(out):: s
! Specifically: define everything in s except
! s%list_vis%max_speed_contour, s%list_vis%max_speed and
! s%number_eddies.
real, intent(in):: min_amp ! minimum amplitude of ssh, between
! extremum and outermost contour, in m
......@@ -34,29 +30,45 @@ contains
real, intent(in):: step(:) ! (2) longitude and latitude steps, in rad
real, intent(in):: innermost_level(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
! level of innermost contour, for each extremum
real, intent(in):: ssh(:, :) ! sea-surface height, in m
! Local:
real, allocatable:: innermost_level(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
! level of innermost contour, for each extremum
logical, allocatable:: cyclone(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
integer i
logical flat_extr(s%number_vis_eddies) ! flat extremum
logical noise_around(s%number_vis_eddies)
logical, allocatable:: flat_extr(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies) flat extremum
logical, allocatable:: noise_around(:) ! (s%number_vis_eddies)
! Window around each extremum:
integer llc(2, s%number_vis_eddies) ! indices in global grid of
! lower left corner
integer, allocatable:: llc(:, :) ! (2, s%number_vis_eddies)
! indices in global grid of lower left corner
integer urc(2, s%number_vis_eddies) ! indices in global grid of
! upper right corner
integer, allocatable:: urc(:, :) ! (2, s%number_vis_eddies)
! indices in global grid of upper right corner
real corner_window(2, s%number_vis_eddies) ! longitude and latitude, in rad
real, allocatable:: corner_window(:, :) ! (2, s%number_vis_eddies)
! longitude and latitude, in rad
allocate(s%extr_map(size(ssh, 1), size(ssh, 2)))
call local_extrema(ssh, s%extr_map, s%ind_extr, innermost_level, cyclone)
s%number_vis_eddies = size(s%ind_extr, 2)
allocate(s%list_vis(s%number_vis_eddies), flat_extr(s%number_vis_eddies), &
noise_around(s%number_vis_eddies), llc(2, s%number_vis_eddies), &
urc(2, s%number_vis_eddies), corner_window(2, s%number_vis_eddies))
forall (i = 1:s%number_vis_eddies)
s%list_vis(i)%coord_extr = corner + (s%ind_extr(:, i) - 1) * step
s%list_vis(i)%ssh_extremum = ssh(s%ind_extr(1, i), s%ind_extr(2, i))
s%list_vis(i)%cyclone = cyclone(i)
s%list_vis(i)%interpolated = .false.
end forall
! Define the geographical window around each eddy extremum:
forall (i = 1:s%number_vis_eddies)
llc(:, i) = max(s%ind_extr(:, i) - max_radius, 1)
program test_set_all_outerm
use contour_531, only: null_polyline
use derived_types, only: snapshot
use dispatch_snapshot_m, only: dispatch_snapshot
use jumble, only: new_unit, get_command_arg_dyn
use netcdf, only: nf90_nowrite
use netcdf95, only: nf95_open, nf95_close, nf95_inq_varid, nf95_get_var, &
find_coord, nf95_inquire_dimension
use nr_util, only: pi
use set_all_outerm_m, only: set_all_outerm
use shapelib, only: shpt_point, shpt_polygon, shpfileobject, ftdouble, &
shpclose, ftinteger
use shapelib_03, only: shp_create_03, dbf_add_field_03
implicit none
type(snapshot) s
real:: min_amp = 0.
! minimum amplitude of ssh, between extremum and outermost contour,
! in m
character(len = :), allocatable:: filename
integer nlon, nlat
! Just the first two values to get the corner and step:
real longitude(2), latitude(2) ! in degrees
integer, parameter:: max_radius(2) = [20, 20]
! maximum radius of an eddy in longitude and latitude, in number of
! grid points
real, parameter:: deg_over_rad = pi / 180.
integer ncid, varid, dimid, i
real, allocatable:: ssh(:, :) ! (nlon, nlat) sea-surface height, in m
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_extremum
! shapefile extremum_$m. The fields in the DBF file are, in that
! order: ssh, date index, eddy index, interpolated, cyclone, suff
! amplitude.
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_outermost
! shapefile outermost_contour_$m. The fields in the DBF file are,
! in that order: area, ssh, date index, eddy index, twice.
TYPE(shpfileobject) hshp_max_speed
! shapefile x_speed_contour_$m. The fields in the DBF file are, in
! that order: area, ssh, spped, date index, eddy index.
integer ifield, unit_isolated, unit_number_eddies
call get_command_arg_dyn(1, filename)
print *, "min_amp = ? "
read *, min_amp
print *, "min_amp = ", min_amp
! Read ssh:
call nf95_open(filename, nf90_nowrite, ncid)
call find_coord(ncid, dimid = dimid, varid = varid, std_name = "longitude")
call nf95_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimid, nclen = nlon)
call nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, longitude)
call find_coord(ncid, dimid = dimid, varid = varid, std_name = "latitude")
call nf95_inquire_dimension(ncid, dimid, nclen = nlat)
call nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, latitude)
allocate(ssh(nlon, nlat))
call nf95_inq_varid(ncid, "adt", varid)
call nf95_get_var(ncid, varid, ssh)
call nf95_close(ncid)
call set_all_outerm(s, min_amp, max_radius, &
corner = [longitude(1), latitude(1)] * deg_over_rad, step &
= [longitude(2) - longitude(1), latitude(2) - latitude(1)] &
* deg_over_rad, ssh = ssh)
do i = 1, s%number_vis_eddies
s%list_vis(i)%max_speed_contour%polyline = null_polyline()
s%list_vis(i)%max_speed_contour%ssh = s%list_vis(i)%ssh_extremum
s%list_vis(i)%max_speed_contour%area = 0.
s%list_vis(i)%max_speed = 0.
end do
s%number_eddies = s%number_vis_eddies
call shp_create_03("extremum_1", shpt_point, hshp_extremum)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'ssh', ftdouble, nwidth = 13, &
ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'date_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 4, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'eddy_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 5, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'interpolat', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 1, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'cyclone', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 1, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_extremum, 'suff_amp', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 1, ndecimals = 0)
call shp_create_03("outermost_contour_1", shpt_polygon, hshp_outermost)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_outermost, 'area', ftdouble, nwidth = 20, &
ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_outermost, 'ssh', ftdouble, nwidth = 13, &
ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_outermost, 'date_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 4, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_outermost, 'eddy_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 5, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_outermost, 'twice', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 1, ndecimals = 0)
call shp_create_03("max_speed_contour_1", shpt_polygon, hshp_max_speed)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_max_speed, 'area', ftdouble, nwidth = 20, &
ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_max_speed, 'ssh', ftdouble, nwidth = 13, &
ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_max_speed, 'speed', &
ftdouble, nwidth = 13, ndecimals = 6)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_max_speed, 'date_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 4, ndecimals = 0)
call dbf_add_field_03(ifield, hshp_max_speed, 'eddy_index', ftinteger, &
nwidth = 5, ndecimals = 0)
call new_unit(unit_isolated)
open(unit_isolated, file = "isolated_nodes_1.csv", status = "replace", &
action = "write")
write(unit_isolated, fmt = *) '"date index" "eddy index"' ! title line
call new_unit(unit_number_eddies)
open(unit_number_eddies, file = "number_eddies_1.csv", status = "replace", &
action = "write")
write(unit_number_eddies, fmt = *) '"date index" ' &
// '"number of visible eddies" "number of interpolated eddies"'
! (title line)
call dispatch_snapshot(s, hshp_extremum, hshp_outermost, hshp_max_speed, &
unit_isolated, unit_number_eddies, k = 1, m = 1, k_begin = 1, &
max_delta = 4)
CALL shpclose(hshp_extremum)
print *, 'Created shapefile "extremum_1".'
CALL shpclose(hshp_outermost)
print *, 'Created shapefile "outermost_contour_1".'
CALL shpclose(hshp_max_speed)
print *, 'Created shapefile "max_speed_contour_1".'
print *, 'Created "isolated_nodes_1.csv".'
print *, 'Created "number_eddies_1.csv".'
print *, "Average number of points per outermost contour: ", &
sum(s%list_vis%outermost_contour%n_points) / real(s%number_vis_eddies)
end program test_set_all_outerm
......@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@
"input": "&MAIN_NML IND_TARG_EXTR=19,11 /\n"
"args": ["$compil_prod_dir/test_set_all_outerm",
"title": "Set_all_outerm",
"input": "0.001\n"
"args": "$compil_prod_dir/test_get_snapshot",
"title": "Get_snapshot",
dispatch_snapshot.o : write_eddy.o send_snapshot.o derived_types.o
get_snapshot.o : set_all_outerm.o set_max_speed.o receive_snapshot.o local_extrema.o derived_types.o
get_snapshot.o : set_all_outerm.o set_max_speed.o receive_snapshot.o derived_types.o
receive_snapshot.o : derived_types.o
send_snapshot.o : derived_types.o
set_all_outerm.o : get_1_outerm.o derived_types.o
set_all_outerm.o : local_extrema.o get_1_outerm.o derived_types.o
set_max_speed.o : spherical_polygon_area.o mean_speed.o max_speed_contour_ssh.o inside_4.o good_contour.o derived_types.o
get_1_outerm.o : spherical_polygon_area.o outermost_possible_level.o good_contour.o derived_types.o
test_get_snapshot.o : get_snapshot.o dispatch_snapshot.o derived_types.o
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ test_inside_4.o : inside_4.o
test_local_extrema.o : local_extrema.o
test_max_speed_contour_ssh.o : max_speed_contour_ssh.o
test_mean_speed.o : mean_speed.o
test_set_all_outerm.o : set_all_outerm.o dispatch_snapshot.o derived_types.o
test_set_max_speed.o : set_max_speed.o derived_types.o
test_get_1_outerm.o : get_1_outerm.o derived_types.o
write_eddy.o : derived_types.o
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ test_inside_4.f
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