- Sep 18, 2024
GUEZ Lionel authored
Read `inst_eddies_nml.txt` out of function `loop_inst_eddies`. Preparing to modify the date in the namelist in `inst_eddies_Aviso.py`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
Instead of `config_nml.txt`. Preparing to include other namelists in this file.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Bug fix: do not provide standard input for `inst_eddies_Aviso.py`, it does not read it.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
In the case of non-uniform longitude-latitude grid: we read the whole coordinate arrays from the NetCDF file; we have a different way of inverting the projection, in `invert_proj`; the program `eddy_graph` does not use `corner_whole` and step, which are not defined, it uses instead the shapefile `extr_proj`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
Rather than calling dbffileisnull or shpfileisnull. This should be faster and more robust.
- Sep 12, 2024
GUEZ Lionel authored
Of derived type `shpc_slice_handler`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Preparing to generalize to a non-uniform longitude-latitude grid.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
In program `test_mean_speed`. To make it work with a non-uniform grid, we would have to read a contour in projection coordinates.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Use `uniform_lon_lat` from modules `input_ssh_m` or `read_grid_m` to compute actual argument of `shpc_create`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
In program `examine_eddy`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Replace dummy argument `grid_lon_lat` of procedure `shpc_create` by `with_proj`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Specify whether to read shapefile `extr_proj` in procedure `shpc_open` instead of just trying to read this shapefile. Use `uniform_lon_lat` to decide whether to read the shapefile. As `shpc_open` is called in both programs `inst_eddies` and `eddy_graph`, we cannot access variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module `input_ssh_m`, which is not used in program `eddy_graph`, nor variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module `read_grid_m`, which is not used in program `inst_eddies`. So we add a dummy argument `with_proj` to procedure `shpc_open`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
In module `input_ssh_m`. Read it from `input_ssh_nml`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Rename variable `corner` of module `input_ssh_m` to `corner_whole`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
I did not like the difference of treatment between corner and step.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Read `input_ssh_nml` before reading the NetCDF files. Preparing to read from the namelist whether the grid is uniform.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Preparing to read a second input variable from stdin in procedure `input_ssh`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
So that the program `eddy_graph` can read it, instead of deducing it from the longitude coordinate.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Instead of deducing it from the longitude coordinate. The deduction could not be generalized to a non-uniform longitude-latitude grid. Also, the test on `step(1)` and nlon was not perfectly robust.
GUEZ Lionel authored
We are trying to simplify the logic in program `inst_eddies`. Also, the program `inst_eddies` should not write `grid_nml.txt` to the top level of the SHPC directory since several instances could run in parallel for several slices. So we are leaving it as a task for a script above `inst_eddies` to create `grid_nml.txt` at the top level of the SHPC directory. In tests, we have to move `grid_nml.txt` to SHPC because we use `SHPC/grid_nml.txt` in other tests.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Create `cropped.nc` and `unpacked.nc` in the current directory. Several instances of script `inst_eddies.py` for different slices should run in different directories.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
We are reverting commit d4d05bc2. It was not true that we needed two input fluxes in the Fortran program. `inst_eddies.py` can read the file `config_nml.txt` and merge its content to stdin for the Fortran program.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
Always read coordinates from NetCDF file and create `grid_nml.txt`. Do not try to read `grid_nml.txt`. Reverting part of commit c4410682. We are trying to simplify the logic in program `inst_eddies`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Add argument SHPC-dir to script `inst_eddies_Aviso.py`. We want to be able to run `inst_eddies_Aviso` in parallel for several slices. Since we write `used_config_nml.txt` to the current directory, we need to run the parallel instances from different directories. So the current directory cannot always be the directory containing the SHPC to be appended to.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Add argument `SHPC_dir` to function `loop_inst_eddies`. We want to be able to run `loop_inst_eddies` in parallel for several slices. Since we write `used_config_nml.txt` to the current directory, we need to run the parallel instances from different directories. So the current directory cannot always be the directory containing the SHPC to be appended to.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
We are trying to simplify the logic in program `inst_eddies`. Also, the program `inst_eddies` should not write `used_config_nml.txt` to the top level of the SHPC directory since several instances could run in parallel for several slices. So we are leaving it as a task for a script over `inst_eddies` to create `used_config_nml.txt` at the top level of the SHPC directory.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Do not try to read `used_config_nml.txt`. We are reverting commit d9a67386, trying to simplify the logic in program `inst_eddies`. We consider that using a single configuration for several runs of `inst_eddies` is the problem of a script over `inst_eddies`, not the problem of `inst_eddies`. Drawback: we write again `used_config_nml.txt` in several runs of `inst_eddies`, but this is not important.