- Sep 18, 2024
GUEZ Lionel authored
Preparing to make dummy arguments longitude and latitude optional.
- Jul 01, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Directory Tests was created in commit 40a1c5aa.
- Mar 02, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Move Fortran source files used in tests of both parts, `Inst_eddies` and Overlap, to directory Tests at root of repository.
- Feb 26, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Also split the tests, Fortran source files, Python files and JSon files. Keep at the top level the files used in both `Inst_eddies` and Overlap. Motivations for the split: - The top directory contained many files. - It may be useful to compile only one of the two sub-projects. For example, only `Inst_eddies` on Ciclad, where MPI 3 is not available.
- Jan 10, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Pass argument copy to `read_snapshot` rather than arguments periodic and `dist_lim`. Motivation: do not recompute copy at each call of `read_snapshot`. `read_snapshot` is going to be called many times in overlap program, with always the same value of copy. And we do not need the values of periodic and `dist_lim` separately in `read_snapshot`. Complete `send_snapshot` and `recv_snapshot` by sending and receiving an entire snapshot. So we need nlon, nlat and copy in `recv_snapshot` to allocate `extr_map`. It is better to pass arguments nlon, nlat and copy than sending and receiving the shape of `extr_map` with MPI, of course, since the shape is the same for all snapshots. In program `test_send_recv`, write the entire received snaphot. Bug fix in `Tests/CMakeLists.txt`: several targets missed `${netcdff_INCLUDE_DIR}`. Create procedure `write_snapshot` from code in main program `test_read_snapshot`, because we need to do this also in program `test_send_recv`. Note the dissymmetry with `read_snapshot`, which does not include the opening and closing of the shapefiles. That is because we anticipate calling `read_snapshot` several times with the same shapefiles in program overlap. Change order of dummy arguments of procedure `write_extr_map`. More convenient for calling it with keywords from `write_snapshot`.
- Apr 03, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Apr 02, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
0ce6b1b4. Write extr_map in test_read_snapshot since extr_map has been defined. So create a procedure write_extr_map because now we want to write extr_map both in test_local_extrema and in test_read_snapshot. Preparing to take into account periodicity in successive_overlap: add argument periodic to read_snapshot and extend s%extr_map in longitude if periodic. In program extraction_eddies, constraint on max_radius(1) is necessary only if periodic. Make read_snapshot more general: add argument step. In procedure get_snapshot, remove definition of s%number_eddies because this is already done in read_snapshot. Promote dist_lim from local constant of successive_overlap to constant of module successive_overlap_m because we need it in read_snapshot (and test_successive_overlap and test_read_snapshot).