- Sep 09, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
This was used in old times to distinguish between triplets of shapefiles. Now we have the philosophy of creating a dedicated directory for a triplet. So the script `distribution_function.py` just has to be run in the triplet directory.
- Jul 24, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
The position for interpolated eddies is not in `shp_tr_dir`. We have to read it from `SHP_triplet` in the current directory.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
The shapefile reader does not abort with ishape == - 1. So use None instead.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
For easier comparison between runs.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Plot trajectories using the Networkx graph instead of directly from the CSV file. This allows grouping of edges by connected component, with a different color for each component, and labeling each component with its ancestor.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Only create Graphviz file if option `--gv` is specified.
Lionel GUEZ authored
For `read_eddy_graph`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
In preparation for creation of function `read_eddy`.
- Jul 23, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
As this eddy field was created by filtering the global field of eddies on the position of extrema, it is different for the first four dates than the previous version: the eddies on the border are larger or become valid. The previous version was created by first filtering the Aviso data and then extracting the eddies.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Mark the interpolated eddies with a different shape in the output Graphviz file.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Revert commit e8a607ef because now we are writing a file. We are compelling the user to run this script in the directory containing the input file so the output file does not get lost in the arborescence.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Encapsulate the drawing of the domain box in a function `plot_grid_bb`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jul 21, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add the ability to read a limited number of dates in program `eddy_graph`. The default is to read all the dates.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Catch the error to display a more informative message.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Missing libraries in `target_link_libraries`. This appears now because some links are now declared private in the libraries.
Lionel GUEZ authored
In `plot_snapshot.py`, read `grid_nml.txt` and draw a rectangle showing the domain.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Generalize `filter.py` to act on a triplet of shapefiles containing several dates, with renumber option. Create file `ishape_last.txt`.
- Jun 15, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace `loop_shp_append.py` by `loop_shp_tr_append.py`. Instead of looping on years, we assume we are working on a single year. We could call this script inside a loop on years in the shell. The advantage is that we need to make fewer assumptions on the arborescence of files. Also, we can make `loop_shp_tr_append.py` more general by starting and ending at arbitrary days. We drop the timing that was in `loop_shp_append.py`. We add the creation of file `ishape_last.txt`. In script `shp_tr_append.sh`, assume that the directories contain files `ishape_last.txt` and modify `ishape_last.txt` in the destination directory. In program `test_overlap`, read grid description from a file `grid_nml.txt` in SHP triplet directory, instead of from standard input. This is the same modification we made for program `eddy_graph`. Modify input files accordingly.
- Jun 10, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add grid description in a file `grid_nml.txt` in SHP triplets that should be read by the program `eddy_graph`, instead of reading the grid description from standard input. Add test `Eddy_graph_r2md2`.
- Jun 03, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace script `mkdir_nproc.sh` by script `eddy_graph.sh`. `eddy_graph.sh` is a wrapper script for program `eddy_graph`. It includes the creation of output directories that was done by `mkdir_nproc.sh`. `mkdir_nproc.sh` was only used for program `eddy_graph`. There was the need to automate the concatenation of output files for a run with several MPI processes. Add a test for `eddy_graph`. Improve the handling of the NetCDF Fortran library in cmake files. Add the configuration of `eddy_graph_in.sh`. In main program `eddy_graph`, do not write title lines in files `unit_number_eddies` and `unit_edgelist` because these files are concatenated for all the MPI processes by `eddy_graph.sh`. So the title lines are added by `eddy_graph.sh`.
- May 28, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
In script `plot_snapshot.py`, add dummy arguments to function snapshot so that it does not use global variables and it can work after the module is reloaded. Bug fix for the suptitle in function snapshot. Add test for program `eddy_graph`. Add the corresponding input NetCDF files and the corresponding dates in `Tests/Input/Region_2/SHP_triplet`.
- May 19, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
In script `read_eddy_graph.py`, create a pygraphviz graph and write the corresponding file instead of directly plotting with Matplotlib. Also, create subgraphs in the pygraphviz graph. Motivation: aligning nodes with the same date. Moreover: it is more convenient to visualize a graphviz file. Moreover, networkx documentation seems to advise against relying on networkx's own visualizing functionality.
Lionel GUEZ authored
In script `plot_snapshot.py`, add title with date index. Rename `read_overlap.py` to `read_eddy_graph.py`. Rename `loop_shpcat.py` to `loop_shp_append.py` and `shp_tr_cat.sh` to `shp_tr_append.sh` because an analogy to the cat command is confusing: the cat command does not modify its arguments and the result is in the order of the arguments. Import small NetCDF files in `Tests/Input/Region_1`. Bug fix in `short_tests.json`: missing mpiexec for `test_read_eddy`. New test `Eddy_graph_md2`, with corresponding input files.
- May 14, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Add test of `eddy_graph` with 2 processes. Bug fix in main program `eddy_graph`: broadcast `dist_lim` and periodic.
- Apr 28, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Added a trick to verify at the beginning of execution of program `extraction_eddies` that the directory `SHP_triplet` exists. Added a script to created as many directories as MPI processes, for program `eddy_graph`. Added stdout keys to JSON tests, so that the stdout files are not named `mpiexec_stdout.txt`. Added first test of program `eddy_graph`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Bug fixes in main program `eddy_graph`. Add default value for max_delta. Trim names of files and directories. Following upgrade of `test_compare.py`, remove `mkdir_run.sh` and write the mkdir command in the JSON tests files.
- Apr 27, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Add main program `eddy_graph`. Change order of dummy arguments of `dispatch_snapshot` and overlap.