- Apr 02, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
0ce6b1b4. Write extr_map in test_read_snapshot since extr_map has been defined. So create a procedure write_extr_map because now we want to write extr_map both in test_local_extrema and in test_read_snapshot. Preparing to take into account periodicity in successive_overlap: add argument periodic to read_snapshot and extend s%extr_map in longitude if periodic. In program extraction_eddies, constraint on max_radius(1) is necessary only if periodic. Make read_snapshot more general: add argument step. In procedure get_snapshot, remove definition of s%number_eddies because this is already done in read_snapshot. Promote dist_lim from local constant of successive_overlap to constant of module successive_overlap_m because we need it in read_snapshot (and test_successive_overlap and test_read_snapshot).
- Mar 14, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
(instead of date_index = 1). This is the value read from the NetCDF files. We have to increase the width of field date_index to 5 digits (4 digits would only allow approximately 30 years since 1950). In procedure read_snapshot, check that all input eddies have the same date index, and return it as an additional argument. Assume that the input NetCDF files contain a single date. In program test_set_all_outerm, do not write file "isolated_nodes_1.csv". Since s is defined by set_all_outerm only, all the eddies are necessarily isolated.
- Feb 28, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
targetted a single main program. In script plot_snapshot.py, with option --light, do not plot invalid outermost contours.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Feb 25, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
longer a test program).
- Feb 11, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Feb 06, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
unit test_get_snapshot. get_snapshot reads from shapefiles instead of netCDF files. Bug fix: programs test_get_snapshot and test_read_snapshot do not need dispatch_snapshot.f and send_snapshot.f. Procedures dispatch_snapshot, get_snapshot, send_snapshot and receive_snapshot are no longer referenced, for now. They will be called by the overlap program.
- Feb 04, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
spherical_polygon_area to spher_polygon_area. In procedure max_speed_contour_ssh, instead of aborting when the speed is not defined, continue with missing_ssh. Found such a case in November 29th, 2015 data. Added corresponding test. In procedure set_max_speed, if max_speed_contour_ssh returns missing_ssh then we just take the outermost contour as max-speed contour.
- Feb 01, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
order to take missing value attribute into account.
Lionel GUEZ authored
input NetCDF files rather than selecting a window. Clearer and easier to set up new tests.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 25, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
extraction of eddies and overlapping. Procedure dispatch_snapshot will be called by the overlap program and will not write eddies. So remove the calls to write_eddy from dispatch_snapshot and move them to test_get_snapshot and test_read_snapshot. Do not create files isolated_nodes_1.csv and number_eddies_1.csv in test_get_snapshot and test_read_snapshot, that will be done by the overlap program.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 24, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 21, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
distribution_function. This allows to plot comparisons of various combinations of runs. Update plot_snapshot.py to work with version 2 of pyshp.
- Jan 09, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 08, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
script distribution_function.py. Return dictionary instead of tuple: easier to use. In script plot_snapshot.py, move definition of readers to the beginning so there is no risk of entering the window for nothing if we forgot the end_filename option. Also, enter the four values defining the window in a single input: easier to copy and paste.
- Jan 07, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
distribution_function.py. Plot two distribution functions and two histograms for positive speed and absolute value of negative speed.
- Dec 21, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Dec 04, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
after its initial computation and show more directly the consequence of a NaN value. The drawback is the repetition of one line of code. As for performance, one less test is performed in the case of a NaN value. In script stat.py, add stats for cases when speed is missing.
- Nov 12, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
and debugging options, short tests each take less than 10 s, while long tests each take about one mn. Bug fix in plot_snapshot.py. Slicing a multiple-dimension array with a scalar logical does not produce an array with the same shape. Removed computations of number of points per contour from program test_get_snapshot. Created instead a post-processing script, stat.py, computing these numbers of points and other stats.
- Nov 06, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Oct 29, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
plot the grid. Incorporate the functionality of script plot_snapshot_light.py into script plot_snapshot.py, with option --light, to avoid duplication of source code.
Lionel GUEZ authored
the possibility to restrict the plotted domain because the script takes a very long time for a global domain.
- Oct 22, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Oct 15, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
known bug since three years for plots that go back and forth across the map longitudinal boundary.
- Oct 10, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
outside_points(1, :) if necessary in procedure get_snapshot; read max_radius at run-time. Add a corresponding test.
- Oct 08, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
procedure so it can be used by program test_set_all_outerm. Move dummy argument corner of set_all_outerm to last position. Bug fix in procedure get_snapshot: urc(2) must always be lower than nlat, even if periodic is true. Fix the same bug in procedure set_all_outerm: llc(2) >= 1 and urc(2) <= nlat even if periodic is true. Bug fix in procedure set_all_outerm: the lower bound of dummy argument ssh is not always 1. Make script examine_ssh_values.py work for a periodic domain. Make program test_set_all_outerm work for a periodic domain. max_radius is now chosen at run-time (we must change it for a very coarse grid). Add a corresponding test. In written shapefiles, replace field "area" by field "r_eq_area", that is radius of disk of equal area. This is a smaller number so it needs fewer characters, especially for a global coarse grid.
- Oct 01, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Sep 28, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
longitude and latitude instead of second longitude and latitude to compute step. This divides the rounding error on step by a factor nlon or nlat.
Lionel GUEZ authored
and test_set_all_outerm.
- Sep 25, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
values at longitude boundaries, in case of periodicity. Add argument "periodic" to procedures get_snapshot and set_all_outerm. Duplicate values at longitude boundaries in ssh, u, v if periodic. set_all_outerm can now call local_extrema with periodic true. In procedure set_all_outerm, we shift the longitudes of outside points if necessary. In program test_get_snapshot, define periodic from step and nlon.
- Sep 21, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
internal procedure. In procedure local_extrema, if periodic, pass arrays "field" and "extr_map" with a duplicate column at each bound. Then there is no need to copy to local 3x3 arrays. Add argument my_lbound.
- Sep 13, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
first dimension of input field. So there may be extrema on the borders and we have to create a private procedure local_extremum. Added scale option to script plot_snapshot.py.
- Sep 04, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
not six significant decimal digits.