- Jun 15, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace `loop_shp_append.py` by `loop_shp_tr_append.py`. Instead of looping on years, we assume we are working on a single year. We could call this script inside a loop on years in the shell. The advantage is that we need to make fewer assumptions on the arborescence of files. Also, we can make `loop_shp_tr_append.py` more general by starting and ending at arbitrary days. We drop the timing that was in `loop_shp_append.py`. We add the creation of file `ishape_last.txt`. In script `shp_tr_append.sh`, assume that the directories contain files `ishape_last.txt` and modify `ishape_last.txt` in the destination directory. In program `test_overlap`, read grid description from a file `grid_nml.txt` in SHP triplet directory, instead of from standard input. This is the same modification we made for program `eddy_graph`. Modify input files accordingly.
- Feb 18, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Change of idea: instead of storing `date_index` and `ishape_last` in a file `contents.csv`, store only `ishape_last` in a file `ishape_last.txt`. The `date_index` column was useless and it complicated reading the file. The first value of `date_index` can be read from one of the three DBF files. Also, to roll with the flow, let the lower bound of `ishape_last` in main unit `test_overlap` be 1 instead of k1. Change order of actual arguments of `dbf_read_attribute_03` following revision of `Shapelib_03`.
- Feb 07, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Organize better the directory `Input`: create sub-directories for regions. Big change: use SHP triplets that can contain several snapshots. So program `test_overlap` reads a single SHP triplet. The dates that `test_overlap` should read are now specified in the input namelist. SHP triplet directory must now contain a file named `contents.csv`. `test_overlap` reads `contents.csv` into variables k1 and `ishape_last`. So there is no longer any need to read the number of entities in one of the shapefiles. For each region, concatenate SHP triplets for dates 2006/01/01 and 2006/01/02. Read namelist from process 0 in program `test_send_recv`: it is simpler since it is the default setting of mpiexec and I do not see any drawback. In programs `test_read_snapshot` and `test_send_recv`, just hard code for now the ishapes we want to read in the SHP triplet.