#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
from lisainstrument import Instrument
def test_run():
"""Test that simulations can run."""
instru = Instrument(size=100)
def test_run_no_aafilter():
"""Test that simulations can run with no filter."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, aafilter=None)
def test_run_no_upsampling():
"""Test that simulations can run with no filter."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, physics_upsampling=1, aafilter=None)
def test_no_orbit_file():
"""Test that simulations fail with an invalid orbit file."""
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
Instrument(size=100, orbits="tests/nonexistent-orbits.h5")
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
Instrument(size=100, t0=0, orbits="tests/nonexistent-orbits.h5")
def test_keplerian_orbits_1_0_2():
"""Test that simulations can run with Keplerian orbit files v1.0.2."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, orbits="tests/keplerian-orbits-1-0-2.h5")
"""Test that simulations can run with ESA orbit files v1.0.2."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, orbits="tests/esa-orbits-1-0-2.h5")
def test_keplerian_orbits_2_0():
"""Test that simulations can run with Keplerian orbit files v2.0."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, orbits="tests/keplerian-orbits-2-0.h5")
def test_esa_trailing_orbits_2_0():
"""Test that simulations can run with ESA trailing orbit files v2.0."""
instru = Instrument(size=100, orbits="tests/esa-trailing-orbits-2-0.h5")
def test_locking():
"""Test that simulations can run with various lock configurations."""
# Test six free-running lasers
# Test three free-running lasers
instru = Instrument(size=100, lock="three")
# Test non-swap configurations
for i in range(1, 6):
for primary in ["12", "23", "31", "13", "32", "21"]:
instru = Instrument(size=100, lock=f"N{i}-{primary}")
# Test that any other raises an error
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_initial_telemetry_size():
"""Test that simulations can run with a nonzero initial telemetry size."""
orbit_paths = [
for orbit_path in orbit_paths:
# Read orbit file t0 and leave room for initial telemetry
with h5py.File(orbit_path, "r") as orbitf:
t0 = orbitf.attrs["t0"] + 1e6
instru = Instrument(