Time cropping feature idea for the .plot_fluctuations() function
Just wanted to propose a small feature for your consideration!
Once the Instrument object has been initialized, the .plot_fluctuations()
function is helpful for seeing some general diagnostic plots of the instrument's behavior. A feature that might be nice is the ability to specify the time range over which you want the plot to be generated. Currently, one can only specify how many initial timing data points they want to 'skip,' but not how many data points to remove from the end.
This would also make the Instrument code more uniform in practice to what GWResponse allows. In that code, once the GW object has been initialized, the .plot()
function has the same general purpose. In .plot()
, however, you must provide the time array explicitly, which makes it easy for the user to cut a specific time slice out that they want to visualize. E.g. .plot(times)
for the full array, or .plot(times[100:-200])
for a temporally cropped version.