Update jitter noise models
We currently use white jitter noise (in angle), for MOSA and SC. The allocation is not white, and have some relaxation at low frequencies, with a noise in
A \Big[1 + \Big( \frac{0.8 \text{mHz}}{f} \Big)^4 \Big]
This corresponds to feature (7) in the list, with high priority, deadline January 2023. Note that the noise shape will probably need to be updated in the near future, so that we should allow for pole-zero model parametrization.
This is implemented for LISANode (one of the many changes in https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/j2b.bayle/LISANode/-/merge_requests/350, to be split into its own self-contained merge request). We use a Franklin noise generator. We don’t have Franklin generators in LISA Instrument, so we can either implement it (a bit more work), or use ad-hoc models for now.
Edited by Jean-Baptiste Bayle