Using Phi at LPNHE
To know what is a phi, see by example the Intel review on this subject.
In practise, each Xeon Phi boards owns 4 processor, each with 60 computing cores. At the end, each board is like a NUMA machine with 240 cores, available through a MPI or OpenMP programming. See the OpenMP page at LPNHE.
Basic usage
Accessing the host machine
The access should be ask to [Victor Mendoza]( LPNHE Phi machine).
Thus, the access is done via :
Caution, in that case we are logged on the host machine but not on a phi machine.
In practise, to avoid typing its password each time, one should a more full ssh
command, with connection agent forward :
ssh -Y -2 -A
Accessing the phi
From the host machine. one have access to two phi boards with ssh
: phi boards are just like other Linux machines. they are named mic0
and mic1
(mic is the other name of the phi architecture).
ssh mic0 # ou mic1
The home
of the lab is directly available on the host machine.
But on phi, the seen home is /home/$USER
, which is /local/home/$USER
on the host machine. Needed file copies must be done. Thus, it would be usefull to create a /local/home/$USER/.ssh
with an authorized_keys
Compiling for phi
Intel compiler
The use of the Intel compiler icc
is mandatory. To do so, we are using tokens from computing center ccin2p3, binaries coming from CERN via AFS.
export INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=/home/beau/intel/licenses
. /afs/ intel64
# example with tests on phi, OpenMP mode
cd ~/HPC/gpu/pi-test
icc -mmic -O3 -qopenmp --static pi_omp.c
cp a.out /local/home/$USER
ssh mic1 # to log onto the Phi machine
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=239 # there are 240 cores by phi device
GNU compiler
In principle, it is possible to use gcc
... but the full procedure is not yet running.
A priori, we should use either the one from MPSS :
or the onde from redhat/SL :
scl enable devtoolset-4 'bash'
gcc -dumpversion
To go further
export INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/intel/licenses . /afs/ intel64
2. compiling
icc -openmp -mmic -O2 pi_omp.c -o /local/home/$USER/bin/pi_omp.mic
session (
PS1='[\u@\h \W]$ ' export I_MPI_ROOT=/opt/intel/xe2015/impi/ export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin export PATH=PATH:I_MPI_ROOT/mic/bin:HOME/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$I_MPI_ROOT/mic/lib:/opt/intel/xe2015/lib/mic
4. execution (240 cores) :
ssh mic0
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=240
~/bin/pi_omp.mic 501000000000
MPI is installed on phi boards, which allows to use our two Phi boards and the host machine for the same computation task.
Methodology : 0. ssh configuration
Create the file `/local/home/$USER/.ssh/known_hosts`, with :
mic0, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBJ5M4tOENUmsAZ3I6DWaMLBIA55Ph5vWeNMTeIYmeIkLYS+63lAnAWD6RQygb06jw/CS232+LA/ec+fK8qktDKI=
mic1, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBOUYIRxFQA+HNDuGFegHKHMljuZpdj/t0hENwyT97yFwusZR1cnKC9z7qGaV/yN7ww9I7R18tnQzjzin1O0mnMY=,lpnxphi,host, ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAqq9zTsTOPoOvJru01sJjiLtq4GJyN7SgrnRXF3diuHZbcTifDej4i6PegzQWj05bYKUEnvoTRZJICdOsdU2eXonaQ5ZxYp4nbW1y1/ESLgj9uA8RfgZSvRX35uxdzcbYeZDyEnMtW6o0STramWc3cGEnmP36uDrnMKbN77raGmVhdKvLhhAelK8W445bkq27pNnaJAwaECfVwBGU6Ba/lbAJThcEy1q9NbVM90PEvDpdpn8dIYBNQPDQEpk92/itgt0kaBmbytrhMQUeYMSQTqjO5gqAs+A48Z4NVStbvLFO4xH7q1NlO0KY+QtVgFqjsfIGZiRnPtQM5gDdnqctCw==
export INTEL_LICENSE_FILE=$HOME/intel/licenses . /afs/ intel64 . /afs/
2. compiling
mpiicc -O3 -o ~/bin/pi pi_mpi.c
mpiicc -O3 -mmic -o /local/home/$USER/bin/pi.mic pi_mpi.c
execution : (512 cores)
export I_MPI_MIC=enable export I_MPI_MIC_POSTFIX=.mic export I_MPI_MIC_PROXY_PATH=/opt/intel/xe2015/impi/ export I_MPI_FABRICS=tcp cat > targets lpnxphi:32 mic0:240 mic1:240
mpirun -env LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/intel/xe2015/impi/ targets /home/$USER/bin/pi
### Documentation ###