🏃 Upcoming ARM based instance runners availability and associated instance runner tags changes. Read more 🏃
Change pylint poe target
Fixes has_cli for unitest and adapt unittest stage in C.I
Adapt to use more efficient poetry management
enforce gitlab ci full clone
Add new explicit source PyPI
Fixes C.I RPM's publish
fixes UserWarning: Specifying exception names in the overgeneral-exceptions option without module name is deprecated and support for it will be removed in pylint 3.0.
Add py.typed file
pyright withing poetry venv
fixes argument parsing
Add --version and --debug default flags
fixes pylint minimal python version
Rely on coverage keyword for gitlab-ci
Match poetry-dynamic-version with latest
Add pydoc poe target
pyright and pre-commit
Add pulp autopublish
Add support for main as default git branch
Add support for py310 and py311
Fixes bad template for gitlab issues