R: install.packages("~/Documents/morse_X.X.X.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
R: library("morse")
R: ?morse
## Tests
- Build from sources: `Build & Reload`
- Test: `Build > More > Test package` (Ctrl + Shift + T). Note that you must activate the option "Use devtools package functions if available" in `Project Options > Build Tools`.
- Generate the documentation: `Build & Reload or Build > More > Document` (Ctrl + Shift + D)
- Check the package with the stable and the devel version of R:
- in `Build > More > Configure Build Tools`, add `--as-cran` in `Check Package -- R CMD check additional` options
- `Build > Check` (Ctrl + Shift + E)
# morse_paper
the R-package 'morse' paper for publication in JOSS