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  • Florian Uhlig's avatar
    Initial commit · 6e6785bf
    Florian Uhlig authored
    This project is meant as a starting point for further developments. It contains
    a small CMake project which builds 4 executables from source files in three
    different programming languages (Fortran, C and C++). Three executables are
    generated directly from the source files. The last executable is generated
    from a source file and an additional library with some functionality.
    Initial commit
    Florian Uhlig authored
    This project is meant as a starting point for further developments. It contains
    a small CMake project which builds 4 executables from source files in three
    different programming languages (Fortran, C and C++). Three executables are
    generated directly from the source files. The last executable is generated
    from a source file and an additional library with some functionality.