@@ -84,4 +84,14 @@ To submit this job use the command
$ arcsub -C$ARC_CE arc-env.xrsl
Job submitted with jobid: https://ccarccelsst01.in2p3.fr:9443/arex/lJPNDmDMZz0n3NnJ7oI0cbupABFKDmABFKDmbRGKDmFBFKDmAQSF3n
## Specify input and output files
The job description can include the list of input and output files that the job needs. The list of files in the `inputFiles` attribute of the job description lists the files that we need ARC make available for the job in its session directory. Similarly, the list of files in the `outputFiles` attribute lists the files that we need ARC to retrieve when we use the command `arcget` for that job.
An example of such a job can be found in file `arc-search-for-pattern.xrsl`. To submit that job use the command: