In this directory you will find examples on how to use ARC6 clients packaged in this repository.
For the purposes of these examples, we assume that the URL of the ARC6 endpoint is pointed to by the environmental variable `ARC_CE`. At CC-IN2P3, the value of that variable can be set to the LSST ARC computing element, i.e.
To interact with the ARC computing element you must be authenticated as a member of a virtual organization (VO). To acquire a proxy as a member of the LSST VO use the command:
$ voms-proxy-init --voms lsst
You can inspect the acquired proxy and ensure it was delivered to you as a member of the LSST VO with the command
$ voms-proxy-info --all
=== VO lsst extension information ===
VO : lsst
## Submit, query and retreive the results of a canned job
The [ARC6 client tools]( include with some job descriptions that you can use for testing purposes. For instance, the command [`arctest`]( can be used to submit a simple job which executes `/usr/bin/env`. Use the command below to submit your job:
$ arctest -J 2 -C$ARC_CE
Job submitted with jobid:
After successful submission, you can query the status of the job:
Jobs processed: 1, successfully retrieved: 1, successfully cleaned: 1
## Submit, query and retreive your own jobs
The command [`arcsub`]( allows you to submit a job given its description. One of the job description languages supported by ARC6 is the **extended Resource Specification Language (xRSL)**, described [here]( We will be using that language to describe the jobs we use in these examples.
To submit a job which will execute `/usr/bin/env` and store its results in file `stdout` we can use the description included in file `arc-env.xrsl`:
$ cat arc-env.xrsl
&( executable ="/usr/bin/env")
( jobname ="arc-env-flash")
( queue ="flash")
( stdout ="stdout")
( gmlog ="gmlog")
$ arcsub -C$ARC_CE arc-env.xrsl
Job submitted with jobid: