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[CURATE] cWB pipeline library: 6.4.1

CI requested to merge 3711510 into master

=== Record #5798976 ===
Title: cWB pipeline library: 6.4.1
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5798976
This new release (cWB-6.4.1) is a major upgrade of cWB: it fixes minor problems with the previous version, and it extends some functionalities (such as cwb_gwosc interface) to gwosc data from the latest O3b data release. It is fully compatible (i.e. in terms of results) with the latest LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA published analyses/results on the data collected during the Third Observing run O3. Besides the standard Makefiles, we provide an alternative installation method based on cmake, which should simplify the installation process. See for more details. Public git repository:

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  • Contains valid codemeta.json (see validator output)
  • Documentation is provided in the Zenodo entry (at least through codemeta)
  • a stable versioned release of the project
  • It is under an open-source license (see SPDX [])
  • Follows a reasonable set of software development / software engineering practices (rough by-eye quality estimate)

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  • Make sure all boxes of the checklist up to "Uploaded to Zenodo" are ticked
  • Tick "software checklist completed" when done with the above
  • When cleared for merging, tick "Added to Zenodo community/published" and change issue status to "closed"

!! There is no codemeta file in record 5798976 !!

Edited by CI

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