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Script to reorganize dl1 output of hipecta

Merging to useBinaryHiPeRTA branch instead to master because last modifications where done in this branch.

Thanks to @paubert for comments and help in the development ! The reorganisation of the dl1 file of hipecta was implemented in the code hipecta_r1_to_dl1. Check options within the code.


  • There has not been any (major) modification in the original code Just taking its output and reorganising it. The code run alike the previous version.
  • Issue #21 (closed) was implemented.
  • Both dl1 files (1. output of hipecta and 2. the reorganised file) can be kept.
  • The reorganize_dl1_file script just takes between 2-4 sec to run. It almost does not affect the running time of the main part of the code (~60 sec to run).
Edited by Enrique Garcia

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