Pierre Aubert authoredPierre Aubert authored
phoenix_mock_socket.cpp 2.03 KiB
Auteur : Pierre Aubert
Mail : pierre.aubert@lapp.in2p3.fr
Licence : CeCILL-C
#include <sstream>
#include "phoenix_mock_socket.h"
///Create a mock socket
/** @param[out] vecInput : vector of input message to be read
* @param[out] inputFileName : name of the input message file to be loaded
* @param[out] outputFileName : name of the output message file to be written
* @param address : host address
* @param port : port to be used
* @return true on success, false otherwise
bool phoenix_createMockSocket(PVecMockMessage & vecInput, std::string & inputFileName, std::string & outputFileName, const std::string & address, size_t port){
std::stringstream strFileName;
strFileName << address << "_" << port << "_";
std::string baseFileName(strFileName.str());
// inputFileName = baseFileName + "_recv.pmocksocket";
// outputFileName = baseFileName + "_send.pmocksocket";
inputFileName = baseFileName + ".pmocksocket";
outputFileName = baseFileName + ".pmocksocket";
data_load(inputFileName, vecInput);
return true;
///Read a mock socket
/** @param[out] vecInput : vector of input message to be read
* @param address : host address
* @param port : port to be used
* @return true on success, false otherwise
bool phoenix_readMockSocket(PVecMockMessage & vecInput, const std::string & address, size_t port){
std::stringstream strFileName;
strFileName << address << "_" << port << "_";
std::string baseFileName(strFileName.str());
std::string inputFileName = baseFileName + ".pmocksocket";
return data_load(inputFileName, vecInput);
///Close a mock socket
/** @param vecOutput : vector of output messages to be saved
* @param outputFileName : name of the output message file to be written
* @return true on success, false otherwise
bool phoenix_closeMockSocket(const PVecMockMessage & vecOutput, const std::string & outputFileName){
if(vecOutput.size() != 0lu){
return data_save(outputFileName, vecOutput);
return true;