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ETE / COVIDici_public
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalThis is the publicly accessible git repository containing the code that accompanies the publication "Retrospective assessment of a non-Markovian mechanistic model for forecasting COVID-19-related hospital strain in France".
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resinfo-gt / ftto / 202012-resinfo-ftto
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2020/12
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Collection d'ateliers sur l'analyse de données pour la recherche de signaux d'ondes gravitationnelles
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Fascicule de TD de l'UE "Astrophysique pour la licence", Lyon 1.
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resinfo-gt / swmb / 202310-resinfo-swmb
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2023/10
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resinfo-gt / swmb / 202301-resinfo-swmb
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2023/01
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resinfo-gt / swmb / 202206-resinfo-swmb
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2022/06
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resinfo-gt / swmb / 202112-resinfo-swmb
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2021/12
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gonum / gonum
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseGonum is a set of numeric libraries for the Go programming language. It contains libraries for matrices, statistics, optimization, and more
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resinfo-gt / swmb / 202211-min2rien-swmb
Licence Art Libre 1.3Dépôt pour la journée Min2Rien ayant lieu à Lille en novembre 2022
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matrixIxirtam project consists in both OpenHardWare and OpenSoftWare to check for synchronisation of several cameras. matrix component create a counter number as a matrix, whereas xirtam component reads it from the recorded images.
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List of LISA acronyms. TeX file to be used in other document. Autogeneration of the PDF version.
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resinfo-gt / wapt / 202012-resinfo-wapt
Licence Art Libre 1.3RESINFO : Comité d'Animation 2020/12