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Scans of the Orthomam database for associations to several phenotypes using Pelican
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This repository contains all data and scripts for the article "Massive sampling strategy for antibody-antigen targets in CAPRI Round 55 with MassiveFold".
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HiPeRTA is a C++ library implementing the real-time analysis low-level reconstruction algorithms of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The real-time analysis is used by the Science Alert Generation (SAG) subsystem of the Array Control And Data Acquisition (ACADA) of CTAO for data quality and science monitoring and science alert generation.
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While collecting data to fill in the "Current knowledge"" section in "Applying Random Sampling methods to data analysis..." (https://hdr-ghenning.pages.unistra.fr/manuscript/), the author stumbled on what seems to be an inconsistency in Exfor entry 41245.022 (http://www-nds.iaea.org/EXFOR/41245.022) between the cross-section value given in the database and code predictions / experimental values. This document looks into bibliographical documents, Talys calculations, and experimental results in order to understand the value quoted in the Exfor entry and make recommendation on how to use it in future works.