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Revised version for reprocess-4

Sirui Li requested to merge siruili/TRIUMF_s1249_analyzer:master into master

We planned to generate big tree and midtree file with offline calibrated parameters: wire_offset, weight, x0_offset, y0_offset, z0_offset and t0_offset. In previous merget request, a version was submitted for such purpose.

This merge request is an update for that version. I plan to re-run reprocess-4 after this merge request.

What's new

  1. y0_offset is changed: from -2.5mm to -1.778mm. y distribution at x=x0 is not a pure single peak shape. Previous y0_offset was chosen from the peak value of that distribution, it will make the left slope and right slope not symmetry at 0. So later I decided to use the mean value of the distribution as y0_offset. y_distribution

  2. t0_offset is changed: from 36.9ns to 36.43ns. In Nov-22's g-2 source meeting, glen commented that the t0 should be the time when muon stopped by aerogel but not when muon stopped by Beam Counter, to avoid phase shift when doing µSR fitting. The new t0 was aquired from sample 19 's data. See picture for detail t0

  3. A macro yieldv2 was finished. It will read muon decay position and time information from "decay" branch in midtree then give plots and muonium yield calculation. Long run lists for each sample are also attached in yieldv2 directory.

  4. In yieldv2, the decay time cut to exclude prompt positrons is set as 6ns. Confidence level cut is 0.05. S1S2 hit=1 cut is applied. Other cut condition remain the same with online.

Merge request reports
