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proc4 revised (re-calibrate drift chamber wire offset, weight, mu decay offset)

Sirui Li requested to merge siruili/TRIUMF_s1249_analyzer:master into master

What's in this merge request

proc4 is the version after drift chamber misaligment calibration and muon decay offset calibration, and is used to calculate muonium yield.

In this revised proc4 version, I redo the drift chamber misaligment calibration and muon decay offset calibration after corrected HandleDC.cxx bugs.

After this merged request been accepted, we will use yieldv2 to produce muonium emission histogram again.


  • Summary table of iteration process ( also 5 rounds of iteration. The last column is the old iteration data for comparison ) revised_iteration_summary

  • x0 offset y0z0offsetPlot

  • y0 offset x0_offset_typical_y

  • z0 offset z0_offset

  • t0 offset S19-t0_offset

Merge request reports
