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`runQltyMonitor.C` modification finished

Sirui Li requested to merge siruili/TRIUMF_s1249_analyzer:master into master

Modification to runQltyMonitor has been finished. KEKCC data reprocessing-2 (generating badEventList.txt) should start after this merge request.

What's added

  • goodEventTagger: now use bigtree.root file as input, adding offline branch to bigtree files, with isGoodEvent, isGoodBeam, etc inside the branch. The "bad event selection by TRG and T1_ION criterial" function is moved to runQltyMonitor.
  • runQltyMonitor now has two function:
  1. plot scaler rate and adc readout event by event (renewed)
  2. generate badEventList.txt according to the TRG and T1_ION rate criterials written in criterial.txt. (moved from goodEventTagger).

What will be in next merge request

  • goodEventTagger is going to be implemented into anaGm2 as a module. Adding isGoodEvent leaf to bigtree.root will start after that.
  • Some code for Drift Chamber planes mis-alignment checking will also be added in the next merge request (though may still be in progress).

Merge request reports
