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New feature comparative plot

Justine TALPAERT requested to merge new-feature-comparative-plot into main

This MR proposes to add the following features :

  • : A reference_data_index variable to indicate which of the following experiments should be used as a reference dataset to compare against
  • : matplotlib figure is now created before calling the .plot() function
  • : relatives plots are created if reference_data_index exists, is between 0 and the number of experiments-1 (because it is an index) and is not None.
  • : The PlotsLayout() class gathers all the matplotlib process to create the figure and axes. 2 different layouts are set to organize plots. Matplotlib figure and axes are created explicitly.
  • : each metric from IRF.metrics_classes can have a relative plot computed with experiment data and reference data.

@vuillaume @tom.francois @hana.alimessaoud Please review 😁

Merge request reports
