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set_max_speed.f90 6.1 KiB
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  subroutine set_max_speed(speed_cont, max_speed, cont_list, cont_list_proj, &
       cont_list_ssh, n_cont, extr_coord, extr_coord_proj, ssh, u, v, corner)
Lionel GUEZ's avatar
Lionel GUEZ committed
    ! This procedure defines speed_cont and max_speed. On return,
    ! speed_cont may be a null ssh contour and max_speed may be set to
    ! missing_speed. max_speed is never NaN.
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    ! The length of the interval of longitudes of the domain,
    ! longitude of ssh(size(ssh, 1), 1) - longitude of ssh(1, 1),
    ! should be < 180 degrees, so that the geometrical processing done
    ! here is non-ambiguous.
    use, intrinsic:: IEEE_ARITHMETIC, only: IEEE_IS_NAN, ieee_value, &
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    use jumble, only: rad_to_deg
    use shapelib, only: shpt_polygon
    use shapelib_03, only: shp_append_object_03, dbf_write_attribute_03
    use contour_531, only: convert_to_reg_coord, polyline
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    use ccw_orient_m, only: ccw_orient
    use complete_ssh_m, only: complete_ssh
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    use derived_types, only: eddy, null_ssh_contour, ssh_contour, missing_speed
    use good_contour_m, only: good_contour
    use input_ssh_m, only: corner_whole, step
    use mean_speed_m, only: mean_speed
    use spher_polyline_area_m, only: spher_polyline_area
    use cont_list_m, only: write_cont_list, hshp_cont_list, &
         hshp_cont_list_proj, ifield_ssh, ifield_speed
    type(ssh_contour), intent(out):: speed_cont

    real, intent(out):: max_speed
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    ! Average of azimuthal speed on cont_list(i_outer) or speed_cont,
    ! in m s-1. Positive means counterclockwise circulation. If
    ! speed_cont is not a null ssh contour then max_speed is the
    ! speed on speed_cont.
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    type(polyline), intent(inout):: cont_list(:) ! (n_max_cont)
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    ! Contour list, with points given by longitude and latitude, in
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    ! radians. Defined only for subscripts 1:n_cont. On entry, the
    ! outermost contour is element with subscript n_cont. The order of
    ! points in each contour (clockwise or counter-clockwise) is not
    ! specified.
    type(polyline), intent(inout):: cont_list_proj(:) ! (n_max_cont)
    ! Contour list, with points given by projection
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    ! coordinates. Defined only for subscripts 1:n_cont. On entry, the
    ! outermost contour is element with subscript n_cont and the
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    ! contours are in monotonic order of ssh. The contour with a given
    ! subscript in cont_list_proj corresponds to the contour with the
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    ! same subscript in cont_list. More precisely, the point with
    ! subscript j in contour i of cont_list_proj corresponds to the
    ! point with subscript j in contour i of cont_list (this is
    ! important for mean_speed). For i <= n_cont, the order of points
    ! in cont_list_proj(i) (clockwise or counter-clockwise) is not
    ! specified.

    real, intent(inout):: cont_list_ssh(:) ! (n_max_cont)
    integer, intent(inout):: n_cont
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    ! Number of good contours found and stored in cont_list. On entry,
    ! 1 <= n_cont <= n_max_cont - 1 (not 0 because set_max_speed is
    ! only called when there is an outermost contour). On return, 1 <=
    ! n_cont <= n_max_cont.
    real, intent(in):: extr_coord(:)
    ! (2) longitude and latitude of extremum , in rad

    real, intent(in):: extr_coord_proj(:) ! (2)
    ! coordinates of extremum in projection space

    real, intent(in):: ssh(:, :), u(:, :), v(:, :)
    ! The domain should be the bounding box of out_cont, because we do
    ! not exclude other extrema.
    real, intent(in):: corner(:) ! (2)
    ! Coordinates in projection plane of the lower left corner of the
    ! grid, corresponding to ssh(1, 1). A priori, this is not the
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    ! corner of the grid of the NetCDF file.
    real, allocatable:: speed(:) ! (n_cont) speed on the contour
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    integer i, i_outer, ishape

    if (n_cont >= 2) call complete_ssh(cont_list_ssh, n_cont)

    ! Now find the contours associated to the new values of SSH:
    do i = i_outer + 1, n_cont
       cont_list_proj(i) = good_contour(corner, ssh, cont_list_ssh(i), &
       cont_list(i) = convert_to_reg_coord(cont_list_proj(i), corner_whole, &
       if (cont_list(i)%closed) then
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          speed(i) = mean_speed(u, v, cont_list(i), cont_list_proj(i)%points, &
               extr_coord, corner)
          ! It is possible that good_contour returned a null polyline
          ! if there is a missing value of SSH inside the outermost
          ! contour.
          speed(i) = ieee_value(0., IEEE_QUIET_NAN)
       end if
    if (write_cont_list) then
       do i = 1, n_cont
          call shp_append_object_03(ishape, hshp_cont_list_proj, &
               shpt_polygon, cont_list_proj(i)%points)
          call dbf_write_attribute_03(hshp_cont_list_proj, ishape, ifield_ssh, &
               fieldvalue = cont_list_ssh(i))
          call shp_append_object_03(ishape, hshp_cont_list, shpt_polygon, &
               cont_list(i)%points * rad_to_deg)

          if (ieee_is_nan(speed(i))) then
             call dbf_write_attribute_03(hshp_cont_list, ishape, ifield_speed, &
             ! (Cannot write NaN to dbf file.)
             call dbf_write_attribute_03(hshp_cont_list, ishape, ifield_speed, &
          end if
    i = maxloc(abs(speed), dim = 1, mask = .not. IEEE_IS_NAN(speed))
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    ! (The speed may also be NaN when we are near land.)
    if (i == 0) then
       ! All speed values are NaN
       speed_cont = null_ssh_contour()
       max_speed = missing_speed
       max_speed = speed(i)

       if (i == i_outer) then
          ! Maximum speed on the outermost contour
          speed_cont = null_ssh_contour()
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          speed_cont%polyline = cont_list(i)
          speed_cont%ssh = cont_list_ssh(i)
          speed_cont%area = spher_polyline_area(speed_cont%polyline)
          call ccw_orient(speed_cont)
    end if

  end subroutine set_max_speed

end module set_max_speed_m