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  1. May 17, 2018
  2. May 03, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Add arguments corner, nlon and nlat to procedure read_snapshot. In · 9af41fab
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      read_snapshot, assert that there is no duplicate tuple in
      s%ind_extr. Since we are not sure of that, we must use a do construct
      and not a forall in order to define s%extr_map.
      Bug fix in program test_local_extrema: support missing values. Add
      corresponding test.
      Output s%ind_extr in program test_read_snapshot.
  3. May 02, 2018
  4. Apr 19, 2018
  5. Apr 16, 2018
  6. Apr 12, 2018
  7. Apr 06, 2018
  8. Apr 05, 2018
  9. Mar 30, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      When we do not find an outermost contour or a max-speed contour, · 94515cc5
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      instead of defining the component ssh to the ssh of the extremum or to
      the ssh of the outermost contour, use a missing value flag
      (1e4). Also, when radius4 >= 2 and the max speed contour is the
      outermost contour, use missing value flag in the ssh component of max
      speed contour instead of ssh on outermost contour. This makes clearer
      Add function null_ssh_contour.
      In procedure get_1_outerm, simplify the comparison of level_try and
      level_good. So we do not need any longer the dummy argument
  10. Mar 29, 2018
  11. Mar 26, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      We might need the speed on the outermost contour in procedure · fc1ef684
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      weight. So, in procedure set_max_speed, in case radius equals 1, set
      e%max_speed to the speed on the outermost contour instead of zero.
      In procedure set_max_speed, in case the highest speed is on the
      outermost contour, set e%speed_cont%polyline to null_polyline instead
      of e%out_cont%polyline. This saves main memory and there is less
      copying to do.
      speed_cont can now be null even if max_speed is not zero so change
      test for null shape in procedure write_eddy.
      It appears that the shapelib C library cannot write a NaN value to a
      dbf file, so write 1e4 instead.
      Bug fix in
  12. Mar 22, 2018
  13. Mar 20, 2018
  14. Mar 19, 2018
  15. Feb 09, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Circumventing gfortran bug: gfortran makes no difference between quiet · e8581d24
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      and signalling NaN so we cannot use the -ffpe-trap=invalid option.
      Accept that we might not be able to compute the mean speed on the
      outermost contour: there might be undefined values of velocity
      around. In that case just use the contour coming from
      Add quiver_key in
      New test for region 5.
  16. Feb 07, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Make the program test_set_all_outerm more to the point: testing the · 0148e104
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      procedure set_all_outerm. So do not define and output null max-speed
      Bug fix in program test_set_all_outerm: take into account missing
      values in ADT.
      Make work even if there is no max-speed contour
      shapefile. So we can use on results of program
  17. Jan 29, 2018
  18. Jan 24, 2018
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Allow missing values (for continents). · e8e729b1
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      For ssh, missing value is huge(0.). We have to take a large value
      because Contour_531 has an argument zmax for missing values. For
      velocity, missing value is a quiet NaN. We have to take this because
      we need to know if the interpolation procedure in mean_speed has not
      used any missing value and we do not want to alter the interpolation
      procedure itself.
      In local_extrema, we accept as local extrema only points with 8 valid
      values around them.
      When we look for the maximum speed contour, we are hoping that good
      contours do not englobe missing values. If this happens, the program
      When computing the mean speed on a contour, we are hoping that the
      interpolation of speed on contour points does not use missing
      values. If this happens, the program aborts.
      Draw coastlines in At the same time, this allows the
      use of any projection.
  19. Jan 09, 2018
  20. Jan 08, 2018
  21. Dec 22, 2017
  22. Dec 20, 2017
  23. Dec 18, 2017
  24. Dec 15, 2017
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      In procedure get_snapshot, encountered rounding error that led to · 7d99eff6
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      out-of-range index so add min when calculating urc.
      Bug fix in procedure good_contour. polygon_contains_point should not
      be called if polyline is not closed.
      Procedure polygon_contains_point became unpure so remove pure for
      procedure inside_4 too.
      In program test_good_contour, read corner and step from namelist
      rather than from coordinates in NetCDF file. Makes it possible to use
      the same NetCDF file with different coordinates. Also read
      outside_points from a file rather than standard input so there is no
      need to specify in advance the number of outside points.
      Take into account the possibility that no outermost contour was found
      in program test_set_outermost_contour. Also, use fixed names for input
      files because it is not convenient to require a particular order of
      these two files on the command line.
  25. Dec 11, 2017
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Bug fix in test_set_outermost_contour. e%ssh_extremum must be · ccc61328
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      defined. Also, allow test_set_outermost_contour to read ssh from a
      NetCDF variable with a degenerate time coordinate or with no time
      "stdout" key became optional in "tests.json" and "directory" key
      became "title", with no indication of directory.
  26. Dec 07, 2017
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Bug fix in procedure write_eddy: null shape for null outermost · 048507ad
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Read whole NetCDF files in program test_set_outermost_contour instead
      of specifying a reading window. Simpler to prepare a file outside
      the Fortran program, as in program test_local_extrema. Also, compute
      step from read longitude and latitude.