- Oct 08, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
procedure so it can be used by program test_set_all_outerm. Move dummy argument corner of set_all_outerm to last position. Bug fix in procedure get_snapshot: urc(2) must always be lower than nlat, even if periodic is true. Fix the same bug in procedure set_all_outerm: llc(2) >= 1 and urc(2) <= nlat even if periodic is true. Bug fix in procedure set_all_outerm: the lower bound of dummy argument ssh is not always 1. Make script examine_ssh_values.py work for a periodic domain. Make program test_set_all_outerm work for a periodic domain. max_radius is now chosen at run-time (we must change it for a very coarse grid). Add a corresponding test. In written shapefiles, replace field "area" by field "r_eq_area", that is radius of disk of equal area. This is a smaller number so it needs fewer characters, especially for a global coarse grid.
- Oct 01, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Sep 28, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
longitude and latitude instead of second longitude and latitude to compute step. This divides the rounding error on step by a factor nlon or nlat.
Lionel GUEZ authored
and test_set_all_outerm.
- Sep 25, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
values at longitude boundaries, in case of periodicity. Add argument "periodic" to procedures get_snapshot and set_all_outerm. Duplicate values at longitude boundaries in ssh, u, v if periodic. set_all_outerm can now call local_extrema with periodic true. In procedure set_all_outerm, we shift the longitudes of outside points if necessary. In program test_get_snapshot, define periodic from step and nlon.
- Sep 21, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
internal procedure. In procedure local_extrema, if periodic, pass arrays "field" and "extr_map" with a duplicate column at each bound. Then there is no need to copy to local 3x3 arrays. Add argument my_lbound.
- Sep 13, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
first dimension of input field. So there may be extrema on the borders and we have to create a private procedure local_extremum. Added scale option to script plot_snapshot.py.
- Sep 04, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
not six significant decimal digits.
- Sep 03, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
reading and spares some disk space: we can reduce the size of the field from 20 to 14 characters. We do not loose precision with this reduction because the order of magnitude of the area is 1e3 km2 or more so the decimal part of the field was 0. Accordingly, change the are for a null contour from - 1 to - 1e6 m2. Bug fix in program test_set_max_speed. No need for width 20 for field "speed".
- Aug 31, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Aug 06, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
validity of an eddy depending not only on its amplitude but also its surface. (Note that, in this version, the component valid is redundant: one can simply test the component out_cont%n_points.)
- Aug 03, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
amplitude min_amp if the difference between innermost level from local_extrema and ssh extremum is smaller. This is not only a performance improvement but also an improvement of results: the algorithm sometimes finds a contour at just min_amp when before it did not find any: the bisection algorithm converged just below min_amp. Also, as a result, if an outermost contour is found, it is now necessarily of sufficient amplitude.
- Aug 01, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
corner_window for all eddies in a two-dimensional array.
- Jul 30, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
hard-coding them. Remove component twice of type eddy, no longer needed.
Lionel GUEZ authored
the logic with flat_extr and noise_around is no longer needed.
Lionel GUEZ authored
set_all_outerm: the value of component suff_amp is modified inside the first batch of get_1_outerm.
- Jul 27, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
>= 0 everywhere outside of procedure local_extrema. In test Nearby_extr, use output from Get_snapshot_region_1_noise since we now use suff_amp in extremum shapefile.
Lionel GUEZ authored
than extr_map /= i. Preparing to remove the coding of sufficient amplitude in extr_map: do not use anywhere the sign of extr_map, use the component suff_amp of the type eddy instead. In program test_successive_overlap, I would rather not use default values for namelist variables. Add a larger test for successive_overlap, to have eddies wih insufficient amplitude in the region.
- Jul 23, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
Stdin to Input. Two input dir provided for in tests.json: $input_dir and $large_input_dir. Rename everywhere variable nearby_extr to outside_points to avoid confusion with function nearby_extr. Rename file "nearby_extr.csv" to "outside_points.csv". In procedure nearby_extr, include in the selection extrema with different sign, even if they do not have sufficient amplitude. Bug fix in read_eddy: use the value of read attribute to define e%interpolated.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jul 19, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jul 17, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
Bug fix in test_set_max_speed: forgot conversion to rad.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
set_all_outerm and in get_snapshot.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
define a selection of extrema. Then get their coordinates. This prepares the way for a more complex selection: taking cylonicity into account.
- Jul 13, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
procedure get_snapshot. The idea is that, in this branch, nearby_extr will eventually include extrema depending not only on them having sufficient amplitude but also on their cyclonicity. Both pieces of information cannot be simply encoded in extr_map. The downside is that we compute needlessly nearby_extr if e%radius4 == 1 in set_max_speed.
Lionel GUEZ authored
set_max_speed. Abandon the computation with pack_indices, this was supposed to give the same result than the computation with argwhere but be faster if not any(extr_map) < 0. I was not sure of that. I abandon that because I want to eventually remove the coding of sufficient amplitude in extr_map.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
procedure set_all_outerm. The idea is that, in this branch, nearby_extr will eventually include extrema depending not only on them having sufficient amplitude but also on their cyclonicity. Both pieces of information cannot be simply encoded in extr_map.
- Jul 02, 2018
- Jun 27, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jun 22, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jun 20, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
- May 22, 2018
Lionel GUEZ authored
title lines in "edgelist_1.csv". Add python script reading "edgelist_1.csv" into a NetworkX graph.