- Sep 12, 2024
GUEZ Lionel authored
Invert order of dummy arguments of procedure `read_grid`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Specify whether to read shapefile `extr_proj` in procedure `shpc_open` instead of just trying to read this shapefile. Use `uniform_lon_lat` to decide whether to read the shapefile. As `shpc_open` is called in both programs `inst_eddies` and `eddy_graph`, we cannot access variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module `input_ssh_m`, which is not used in program `eddy_graph`, nor variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module `read_grid_m`, which is not used in program `inst_eddies`. So we add a dummy argument `with_proj` to procedure `shpc_open`.
- Jun 23, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
copy was undefined. The bug came from commit 7f24341b.
- Oct 18, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jul 27, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Assume that a slice is in a directory "{shpc_dir}/{orientation}/Slice_{slice}" where shpc_dir can be any name, orientation is "Anticyclones" or "Cyclones" and slice is an integer. Do not read or create any longer a file "orientation.txt" in the slice directory. Add procedure `get_slice_dir`. Add dummy arguments cyclone and slice to procedure `shpc_open`. Add dummy argument slice to procedure `shpc_create`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Rename procedure `write_snapshot` to `save_snapshot`.
- Jul 26, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Split derived type `shpc_slice_handler` into `shpc_slice_handler` and `shpc_slice_meta out`. Do not mix what is necessary to open, create and close, analogous to a logical unit, with what comes from reading the files.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create component `unit` for `ishape_last.txt` in derived type `shpc_slice_handler`. Open, create and close `ishape_last.txt` at the same time we open, create and close the shapefiles. So we use `read_opcol` instead of `read_column` when we need to read `ishape_last.txt`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jul 25, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
We are more clearly separating opening files and reading from them.
- Jan 04, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Since `NR_util` has been integrated into Jumble.
Lionel GUEZ authored
But reading from them is not here yet.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Since `shpc_open` is called by all processes, reading d0 and `ishape_last` in `shpc_open` implies that we do not broadcast d0 and `ishape_last`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Since processes need d0 to allocate `ishape_last`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Store `ishape_last` and first date in components of derived type shpc. We then remove arguments `d_init` and `ishape_last` of procedures `read_snapshot` and `get_snapshot`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
It was confusing to mix opening an SHPC with broadcasting some part of the resulting shpc variable.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Note that we then have to declare `d_init` before `ishape_last` in procedure `get_snapshot`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Before reading `ishape_last`, because we are going to use `d_init` as lower bound of `ishape_last`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
We are reverting commit e48b7f7e. I think I did not really appreciate then that the number of days since 1950-1-1 is another date index. It is clearer to use just one date index, which is in the dbf files. So, in effect, we replace everywhere the old 0-based date index k by `k - d_init`. Note that we no longer need argument `d_init` for procedure `dispatch_snapshot` and we no longer need to write `d_init` to file `node_id_param.json`. Note also that the value of every node index changes by the amount `d_init * e_overestim`.
- Jul 19, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because now there is a case when we want to open in appending mode: in program `inst_eddies`.
- Jun 29, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Follow-up to commit 3b68dd5.
Lionel GUEZ authored
To ease use of call with keywords.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jun 22, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Rename triplet to collection, `shp_tr` to shpc, shpt to shpc in comments, identifiers and file names.
- Jun 17, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jun 16, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Instead of asking the user to define it. So ne no longer need the file `read_snapshot_nml.txt` for programs `test_read_snapshot` and `test_send_recv`: we can just supply the remaining data in the `input` key of tests `Read_snapshot` and `Send_recv`.
- Feb 26, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Also split the tests, Fortran source files, Python files and JSon files. Keep at the top level the files used in both `Inst_eddies` and Overlap. Motivations for the split: - The top directory contained many files. - It may be useful to compile only one of the two sub-projects. For example, only `Inst_eddies` on Ciclad, where MPI 3 is not available.
- Apr 16, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Rename files and identifiers: change `"shp_triplet"` to `"shp_tr"`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Add dummy argument `shp_triplet_dir` to procedure `shp_triplet_create`. Motivation: program `eddy_graph` needs to create one SHP triplet per MPI process.
GUEZ Lionel authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
Rename procedure `init_shapefiles` to `shp_triplet_create`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
- Apr 15, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Use the components for field identifiers of a variable of type `shp_triplet` instead of storing these field identifiers in variables of modules `init_shapefiles_m` and `read_field_indices_m`. The dummy argument hshp of procedure `read_field_indices` becomes `intent(inout)`.
GUEZ Lionel authored
Create derived type `shp_triplet`. Motivation: we need to manipulate two triplets of shapefiles in program `eddy_graph`. Use everywhere a variable of type `shp_triplet` instead of the three variables `hshp_extremum`, `hshp_outermost`, `hshp_max_speed` when all three of them appear. Rename character variable `shp_triplet` to `shp_triplet_dir`.
- Mar 05, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Prepare for a run of `test_get_snapshot` which receives a snapshot. Generalize main unit `test_get_snapshot`: it is now parallelized; it reads a date index from stdin; it sends a snapshot from process 1 to process 0 if it is run with 2 processes. The logic of the overlap program will be that all processes access the triplet of input shapefiles. So modify subroutine `read_field_indices`: process 0 reads field indices and broadcasts them. This implies that programs `test_overlap`, `test_read_snapshot` and `test_read_eddy` use MPI. Generalize `algorithm.py`. In program `test_send_recv`, read input SHP triplet from command line instead of requiring it to be present in the current directory with the name `SHP_triplet_old`. Generalize `test_send_recv`: read `ishape_last` from file. In `test_send_recv`, all processes must now access the triplet of shapefiles since process 0 reads field indices. For the sake of uniformity, read and broadcast k1 from process 0.
- Feb 18, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Change of idea: make date index an intent in argument of procedure `read_snapshot`. Replace dummy arguments `ishape_first` and scalar `ishape_last` by k1 and array `ishape_last`. It is now the task of `read_snapshot` to find the ishapes to read. This seems clearer.
- Feb 07, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Organize better the directory `Input`: create sub-directories for regions. Big change: use SHP triplets that can contain several snapshots. So program `test_overlap` reads a single SHP triplet. The dates that `test_overlap` should read are now specified in the input namelist. SHP triplet directory must now contain a file named `contents.csv`. `test_overlap` reads `contents.csv` into variables k1 and `ishape_last`. So there is no longer any need to read the number of entities in one of the shapefiles. For each region, concatenate SHP triplets for dates 2006/01/01 and 2006/01/02. Read namelist from process 0 in program `test_send_recv`: it is simpler since it is the default setting of mpiexec and I do not see any drawback. In programs `test_read_snapshot` and `test_send_recv`, just hard code for now the ishapes we want to read in the SHP triplet.