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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Sep 12, 2024
    • GUEZ Lionel's avatar
      Invert order of arguments of procedure `read_grid` · f7452fff
      GUEZ Lionel authored
      Invert order of dummy arguments of procedure `read_grid`.
    • GUEZ Lionel's avatar
      Specify whether to read `extr_proj` in `shpc_open` · 00080fd7
      GUEZ Lionel authored
      Specify whether to read shapefile `extr_proj` in procedure `shpc_open`
      instead of just trying to read this shapefile. Use `uniform_lon_lat`
      to decide whether to read the shapefile. As `shpc_open` is called in
      both programs `inst_eddies` and `eddy_graph`, we cannot access
      variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module `input_ssh_m`, which is not used
      in program `eddy_graph`, nor variable `uniform_lon_lat` of module
      `read_grid_m`, which is not used in program `inst_eddies`. So we add a
      dummy argument `with_proj` to procedure `shpc_open`.
  2. Jun 23, 2023
  3. Oct 18, 2022
  4. Jul 27, 2022
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Assume "{shpc_dir}/{orientation}/Slice_{slice}" · 789b6dbc
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Assume that a slice is in a directory
      "{shpc_dir}/{orientation}/Slice_{slice}" where shpc_dir can be any
      name, orientation is "Anticyclones" or "Cyclones" and slice is an
      integer. Do not read or create any longer a file "orientation.txt" in
      the slice directory. Add procedure `get_slice_dir`. Add dummy
      arguments cyclone and slice to procedure `shpc_open`. Add dummy
      argument slice to procedure `shpc_create`.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Polish · 9cff0dd4
      Lionel GUEZ authored
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Rename `write_snapshot` to `save_snapshot` · bf424501
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Rename procedure `write_snapshot` to `save_snapshot`.
  5. Jul 26, 2022
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Split `shpc_slice_handler` · 9219ce9a
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Split derived type `shpc_slice_handler` into `shpc_slice_handler` and
      `shpc_slice_meta out`. Do not mix what is necessary to open, create
      and close, analogous to a logical unit, with what comes from reading
      the files.
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Create component `unit` in `shpc_slice_handler` · 13ff23e3
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Create component `unit` for `ishape_last.txt` in derived type
      `shpc_slice_handler`. Open, create and close `ishape_last.txt` at the
      same time we open, create and close the shapefiles. So we use
      `read_opcol` instead of `read_column` when we need to read
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Rename type shpc to `shpc_slice_handler` · 51b4120d
      Lionel GUEZ authored
  6. Jul 25, 2022
  7. Jan 04, 2022
  8. Jul 19, 2021
  9. Jun 29, 2021
  10. Jun 22, 2021
  11. Jun 17, 2021
  12. Jun 16, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Read grid data from `grid_nml.txt` · bf7a3ba1
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Instead of asking the user to define it. So ne no longer need the file
      `read_snapshot_nml.txt` for programs `test_read_snapshot` and
      `test_send_recv`: we can just supply the remaining data in the `input`
      key of tests `Read_snapshot` and `Send_recv`.
  13. Feb 26, 2021
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Split arborescence into `Inst_eddies` and Overlap · 56150231
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Also split the tests, Fortran source files, Python files and JSon
      files. Keep at the top level the files used in both `Inst_eddies` and
      Motivations for the split:
      - The top directory contained many files.
      - It may be useful to compile only one of the two sub-projects. For
      example, only `Inst_eddies` on Ciclad, where MPI 3 is not available.
  14. Apr 16, 2020
  15. Apr 15, 2020
    • GUEZ Lionel's avatar
      Use `shp_triplet` components for field identifiers · 59b5a302
      GUEZ Lionel authored
      Use the components for field identifiers of a variable of type
      `shp_triplet` instead of storing these field identifiers in variables
      of modules `init_shapefiles_m` and `read_field_indices_m`. The dummy
      argument hshp of procedure `read_field_indices` becomes
    • GUEZ Lionel's avatar
      Create derived type `shp_triplet` · df32aa8f
      GUEZ Lionel authored
      Create derived type `shp_triplet`. Motivation: we need to manipulate
      two triplets of shapefiles in program `eddy_graph`. Use everywhere a
      variable of type `shp_triplet` instead of the three variables
      `hshp_extremum`, `hshp_outermost`, `hshp_max_speed` when all three of
      them appear. Rename character variable `shp_triplet` to
  16. Mar 05, 2020
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Generalize main unit `test_get_snapshot` · e1aa5bcc
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Prepare for a run of `test_get_snapshot` which receives a
      snapshot. Generalize main unit `test_get_snapshot`: it is now
      parallelized; it reads a date index from stdin; it sends a snapshot
      from process 1 to process 0 if it is run with 2 processes.
      The logic of the overlap program will be that all processes access the
      triplet of input shapefiles. So modify subroutine
      `read_field_indices`: process 0 reads field indices and broadcasts
      them. This implies that programs `test_overlap`, `test_read_snapshot`
      and `test_read_eddy` use MPI.
      Generalize ``.
      In program `test_send_recv`, read input SHP triplet from command line
      instead of requiring it to be present in the current directory with
      the name `SHP_triplet_old`. Generalize `test_send_recv`: read
      `ishape_last` from file. In `test_send_recv`, all processes must now
      access the triplet of shapefiles since process 0 reads field
      indices. For the sake of uniformity, read and broadcast k1 from
      process 0.
  17. Feb 18, 2020
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Make date index `intent(in)` in `read_snapshot` · 7e9c066b
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Change of idea: make date index an intent in argument of procedure
      `read_snapshot`. Replace dummy arguments `ishape_first` and scalar
      `ishape_last` by k1 and array `ishape_last`. It is now the task of
      `read_snapshot` to find the ishapes to read. This seems clearer.
  18. Feb 07, 2020
    • Lionel GUEZ's avatar
      Use SHP triplets with several snapshots · d023fd3f
      Lionel GUEZ authored
      Organize better the directory `Input`: create sub-directories for regions.
      Big change: use SHP triplets that can contain several snapshots. So
      program `test_overlap` reads a single SHP triplet. The dates that
      `test_overlap` should read are now specified in the input
      namelist. SHP triplet directory must now contain a file named
      `contents.csv`. `test_overlap` reads `contents.csv` into variables k1
      and `ishape_last`. So there is no longer any need to read the number
      of entities in one of the shapefiles.
      For each region, concatenate SHP triplets for dates 2006/01/01 and
      Read namelist from process 0 in program `test_send_recv`: it is
      simpler since it is the default setting of mpiexec and I do not see
      any drawback.
      In programs `test_read_snapshot` and `test_send_recv`, just hard code
      for now the ishapes we want to read in the SHP triplet.