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Commit be249805 authored by POLCHER Jan's avatar POLCHER Jan :bicyclist_tone4:
Browse files

First implementation of the reading and placement of gauging stations or...

First implementation of the reading and placement of gauging stations or infrastructures. Tested on Mallorca with some imaginary structures.
parent 594c4082
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......@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ sys.path.append(localdir+'/F90subroutines')
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import getargs
config = getargs.SetupConfig()
# Maximum error in the distance of the station in km
MaxDistErr = config.getfloat("OverAll", "MaxDistErr", fallback=25.0)
# Maximum error in the upstream area in %
MaxUpstrErr = config.getfloat("OverAll", "MaxUpstrErr", fallback=10.0)
import routing_interface
import NcHelp as NH
import RPPtools as RPP
......@@ -88,6 +95,25 @@ class HydroGraph :
def position(self, modelgrid, locations) :
npt, nbas = self.routing_fetch.shape
if len( > 0 :
for i,id in enumerate( :
dist = RPP.distances(np.array(modelgrid.coordll)[:,0], np.array(modelgrid.coordll)[:,1], \
# Calculation in km
disterr = (MaxDistErr-dist/1000.)/MaxDistErr
disterr[disterr < 0] = np.nan
# Calculation in km^2 and result in %
upstrerr = (MaxUpstrErr-np.abs(self.routing_fetch/1.e+6-locations.upstream[i])/locations.upstream[i]*100)/MaxUpstrErr
upstrerr[upstrerr<0] = np.nan
cost = np.tile(disterr,nbas).reshape((nbas,npt)).transpose()+upstrerr
if np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(cost)) > 0 :
ij, ib = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(cost),cost.shape)
locations.addhtupos(i, ij, ib, np.nanmax(cost))
def add_variable(self, outnf, procgrid, NCFillValue, part, coord, name, title, units, data, vtyp, orig_type = "float"):
var = procgrid.landscatter(data.astype(vtyp), order='F')
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import getargs
config = getargs.SetupConfig()
class Locations :
def __init__(self, bbox) : = []
self.lon = [] = []
self.upstream = []
self.type = []
structure_file = config.get("OverAll","StructuresFile",fallback=None)
if structure_file != None :
self.addstructures(structure_file, bbox)
grdc_file = config.get("OverAll","GRDCFile",fallback=None)
if grdc_file != None :
self.addgrdcstations(grdc_file, bbox)
self.ij = [-1]*len(
self.ib = [-1]*len(
self.cost = [np.nan]*len(
def addstructures(self, f, bbox) :
for line in open(f, 'r') :
if line.find("#") != 0 :
col = line.split()
lon = float(col[1]); lat = float(col[2])
if min(bbox[0]) < lon < max(bbox[0]) and min(bbox[1]) < lat < max(bbox[1]) :[0]))
self.type.append(" ".join(col[4:]).lower())
def addgrdcstations(self, f, bbox) :
g = Dataset(f, 'r')
for i, id in enumerate(g.variables["number"][:]) :
if min(bbox[0]) < g.variables["lon"][i] < max(bbox[0]) and \
min(bbox[1]) < g.variables["lat"][i] < max(bbox[1]) :
self.type.append("gauging station")
def addhtupos(self, i, ij, ib, cost) :
self.ij[i] = ij
self.ib[i] = ib
self.cost[i] = cost
......@@ -68,6 +68,17 @@ def boxit(cent, dlon, dlat, polyres) :
def loladist(a,b) :
return np.sqrt((a[0]-b[0])**2+(a[1]-b[1])**2)
# Function to compute the distance in m
def distances(lonvec, latvec, lon, lat) :
dLat = np.deg2rad(latvec-lat)
dLon = np.deg2rad(lonvec-lon)
lat1 = np.deg2rad(latvec)
lat2 = np.deg2rad(lat)
a = np.sin(dLat/2) * np.sin(dLat/2) + np.sin(dLon/2) * np.sin(dLon/2) * np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat2)
c = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1-a))
return c * EarthRadius
# Function to compute maximum radius of cicle around polygon
@jit(nopython = True)
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import HydroGrid as HG
import Interface as IF
import GraphHydro as GR
from Truncate import trunc as TR
import Locations as LO
# Logging in MPI :!topic/mpi4py/SaNzc8bdj6U
......@@ -124,6 +125,20 @@ print("Rank : {0} - Basin_count After Truncate : ".format(part.rank), hsuper.bas
INFO("=================== HydroGraph ====================")
hgraph = GR.HydroGraph(nbasmax, hsuper, part, modelgrid)
INFO("=================== Locate gauging stations and other structures ====================")
loc = LO.Locations(modelgrid.box_land)
hgraph.position(modelgrid, loc)
for i, id in enumerate( :
if loc.ij[i] >= 0 :
print(rank," --> Locations to be placed : ", id)
print("Locations : lon, lat, upstream : ", loc.lon[i],[i], loc.upstream[i])
print("Locations : ij, ib, cost :", loc.ij[i], loc.ib[i], loc.cost[i])
print("Locations in HTU :", hgraph.routing_cg[loc.ij[i],loc.ib[i],:], hgraph.routing_fetch[loc.ij[i],loc.ib[i]]/1.e+6)
print("Locations : type : ", loc.type[i])
hgraph.dumpnetcdf(OutGraphFile, gg, modelgrid, part, hydrotcst)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=32:Piledriver
#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00
#PBS -l walltime=8:00:00
#PBS -l mem=80gb
#PBS -l vmem=80gb
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ source ../../Environment
# Clean-up
/bin/rm -f DocumentationInterface *.txt
/bin/rm -f DocumentationInterface Out_*.txt Weight_*.txt
# 2 Proc
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fi
# 4 Proc
/bin/rm -f run.def *.txt
/bin/rm -f run.def Out_*.txt Weight_*.txt
cp run_E2OFD.def run.def
mpirun -n 3 python ../../
if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fi
# Test MERIT on E2OFD grid
/bin/rm -f run.def *.txt
/bin/rm -f run.def Out_*.txt Weight_*.txt
cp run_E2OFDMERIT.def run.def
mpirun -n 3 python ../../
if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
......@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ fi
# More points on 32 proc
/bin/rm -f run.def *.txt
/bin/rm -f run.def Out_*.txt Weight_*.txt
cp run_EuroSW.def run.def
mpirun -n 32 python ../../
if [ $? -gt 0 ] ; then
# ID Lon(decimal) lat upstream area (km^2) Nature
1 2.7918 39.7810 763.0 Reservoir
2 3.1861 39.5861 4.0 Run of river
......@@ -25,3 +25,9 @@ numop = 200
GraphFile =
# File containing infrastructures to be placed.
# Maximum error in the distance of the station in km^2
MaxDistErr = 25.0
# Maximum error in the upstream area in %
MaxUpstrErr = 10.0
StructuresFile = Structures.txt
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