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  • Hydrolinks
  • master default protected
  • newdivbas
  • v1.0
4 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.02Mar23Feb1817161583118Jan171312617Dec161117Nov146530Oct2721161514530Sep2724171410919Aug13121030Jul191725Jun2422181612121May1715141220Apr131Mar2715109724Feb1696329Jan27262420191817161514131197628Dec272321181616Nov1126Oct24232120196130Sep292525Aug131Jul28271715141311965430Jun2423221816141110985430May29262219181310875432129Apr28262422211615320Mar1611229Feb282726127643225Jan1097Jul5129Jun2827262220191716151312change small error when plotting HTUadd a class to place demand points (power stations) and code to place hydropower plantstest case for Frane with SAFRANrun def for SAFRANtest France with SAFRANMerge branch 'Hydrolinks' of into Hydrolinksread infrastructures placement from csv filesAdds the model upstream area to the diagnostic files.Merge branch 'Hydrolinks' of into HydrolinksCall floodplains fraction calculation in RoutingPreProc & add floodplains in output.Add subpts_index in Interface & add function to calculate floodplains fraction after truncateSave conversion between pixel index within a grid point and ij local grid point index (subpts_index)add variables to store the available volumes for different usesplace the infrastructures on the HTUs from their placement on pixelsplace the infrastructures on the HTUs from their placement on pixelsmake Basin_pts deal only with points in the core domain of processorssmall changes on Basin_ptsadd the module Basin_ptsconvert basin_pts into a python list and manage it during Truncateremove floodplains area calculationremove center of gravity computationRemove the gravity center from the netCDF fileRemove the gravity center from the netCDF fileImprove error message for when the points are outside of the domain of the hydrology file.Added some extra information into the station diagnostic files.A variable have changed name in the graph files.Added time constants recommended by Anthony.Merge branch 'master' of a new configurationCorrection topoindex calculation + add topo_option 7. topo_option is set by default to 4.Adds the index of the HTU which is considered representative for the grid. It is currently the HTU with the largest upstream area. This will allow 2D diagnostics in ORCHIDEE.Adds the bounds to the graph file for all grid points and not only the land points. This will facilitate the interpolations with CDO.E2OFD with HydroSHED does not seem to work for the moment. It works with MERIT ?Update the Mallorca tests so that they are at the level of the other applications.Merge branch 'newdivbas' into 'master'Merge branch 'newdivbas' of into newdivbasnewdivbasnewdivbasCorrection bug HTU-monitor indexLast update HydroDATA_shapefile MERIT-HYDROSHEDS versionA estimation of the maximu stream time step which is more realistic.Merge branch 'newdivbas' of into newdivbas