letmutoutput=File::create(output_stats_file_name).expect("Impossible de creer le fichier");
writeln!(output,"Gene, Transcrit, GC ratio introns, GC ratio left, GC ratio right, GC3 ratio cds, first intron length, all introns length, CDS length, nb of introns ").expect("Impossible d'ecrire dans le fichier");
writeln!(output,"Gene, Transcrit, GC ratio introns, GC ratio left, GC ratio right, GC3 ratio cds, first intron length, all introns length, mean intron length, CDS length, nb of introns ").expect("Impossible d'ecrire dans le fichier");
// Sorties pour phyloscape
letmutoutput_gc3_file_name=args.gff_path.to_str().expect("Pas de fichier gff3").to_owned();