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Commit 963d768f authored by Simon Penel's avatar Simon Penel
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Ajoute allow(non_snake_case)

parent 9075cb1a
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......@@ -357,11 +357,15 @@ fn get_cpg(start : u64, end : u64, sitecode : &NuclSites) -> Option<f64> {
_ => {},
longueur +=1;
let freqG = nb_G as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freqC = nb_C as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freqobsCpG = nb_CpG as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freqexpCpG = freqC * freqG;
let cpg_ratio = freqobsCpG/freqexpCpG;
let freq_G = nb_G as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freq_C = nb_C as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freqobs_CpG = nb_CpG as f64/ longueur as f64;
let freqexp_CpG = freq_C * freq_G;
let cpg_ratio = freqobs_CpG/freqexp_CpG;
......@@ -650,6 +654,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut dico_transcript_exons = HashMap::<String,ExonDescs>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> exons
let mut dico_transcript_introns = HashMap::<String,IntronDescs>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> introns
let mut dico_transcript_utr5s = HashMap::<String,Utr5Descs>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> utr5's
let mut dico_transcript_TSS = HashMap::<String,u64>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> TSS
let mut dico_transcript_utr3s = HashMap::<String,Utr3Descs>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> utr3's
let mut dico_transcript_cdss = HashMap::<String,CDSDescs>::new(); // Dico transcrit -> cdss
......@@ -908,6 +913,7 @@ fn main() {
sitecode[i as usize] = NuclSite{ nucl:nucl, code:code};
// Boucle sur les 5UTR
let mut start_TSS = 0;
if dico_transcript_utr5s.contains_key(&trans.transcript) {
for utr5 in &dico_transcript_utr5s[&trans.transcript] {
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