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CC-IN2P3 Kerberos Service / puppet-remctl
CeCILL Free Software License Agreement v2.1Remctl puppet module supported by CC-IN2P3 and published at https://forge.puppetlabs.com/ccin2p3/remctl.
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SOPHYA / SophyaExtLibs
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementArchived 0Updated -
SOPHYA / SophyaProgs
CeCILL-B Free Software License AgreementArchived 0Updated -
Ensemble de mini-tutoriels (plongeons) préparés pour les Journées Informatique 2016.
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A previous version of Fast5x5, replaced with the new project in CodeursIntensifs.
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ESCAPE2020 / WP3 / OSSR Guidelines
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
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Code to convert profilvent raw data into netCDF
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Code to create quicklooks of profilvent from 1a netCDF
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Preliminary configuration for generating, in a centralised and automatic way -- including continuous integration CI, the jupyterhub image to be deployed on the server
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This repository collects the artefacts to configure, build and deploy the Paris Saclay's JupyterHub server.
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ESCAPE2020 / WP3 / ESCAPE metadata template
MIT LicenseRepository to provide a machine-readable metadata template for ESCAPE projects
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