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New module "Event display" and new macro "reconQltyMonitor" with calibrated config_2017offline.dat file

Sirui Li requested to merge siruili/TRIUMF_s1249_analyzer:EventDisplay into master

What's new

  • The drift chamber calibration parameters "tref_offset", "wire_offset", "weight" are no more hard coded into anaGm2.HandleDC.cxx now read from external file config.dat through ParameterManager class. So that we could easily do the iteration of calibration

  • A new module eventDisplay.cxx is added to output DC hit information (fired wire, plane no., TDC value, TDC width, drift distance, is best fit hits or not, etc) and track fit information (track slope, track position, fit confidence level, isGoodEvent etc). These output inforamtion will be stored in a new tree file called eventdisptree{runnum}all.root. A flag "EventDispTree_create" in config.dat file could be used to toggle this module on or off.

  • A new macro reconQltyMonitor is added. It will read the eventdisptree{runnum}all.root files and output a histograms root file for inspecting track reconstruction quality (confidence level distribution, residual distribution, TDC value distribtuion and drift distribution by wires, etc). Scripts for merging output files sample by sample are also attached.

  • The DC planes misalignment calibration (up till iteration 3) was done using reconQltyMonitor macro. Calibration result was saved in config_2017offline.dat files (wire_offsets and weights).

What will be in next merge request

  • The macro yield.C for producing muonium yield histogram and calculating yield value is under construction. It will also produce histograms for finding out z_0, x_0 and t_0 offset. I also plan to use this code to compare different cut conditions.

Merge request reports
