- "node_id_param.json", expected to be in the current directory
- the graph of segments without cost functions, "" or
"segments.graphml", expected to be in the current directory
- shapefiles, specified as command line arguments
Output: the graph of segments with cost functions,
import graph_tool
import time
import json
import math
from os import path
import shapefile
import datetime
from numpy import loadtxt
def calculate_radii_and_rossby(start, end, inc, segment, e_overestim, handlers,
current_eddy = report_graph.node_to_date_eddy(segment[i], e_overestim)
i_SHPC = get_SHPC(array_d_init, current_eddy['date_index'])
# calculate the location in the shapefile
location = util_eddies.comp_ishape(handlers[i_SHPC],
# now that we have the location in the shapefiles, we need to
# get the radius and the rossby number
shapeRec = handlers[i_SHPC]["readers"]["extremum"].shapeRecord(location)
lat_in_deg = shapeRec.shape.points[0][1]
f = 2*2*math.pi/(24*3600)*math.sin(math.radians(lat_in_deg)) # [1/s]
V_max = shapeRec.record[4] #[m/s]
R_Vmax = handlers[i_SHPC]["readers"]["max_speed_contour"]\
if (V_max < 100):
# calculate Ro and Delta_Ro
Ro = V_max / (f * R_Vmax) #[]
Ro = 0
days_modifier += 1
return {"radii": radii, "rossby": rossby, "days_modifier": days_modifier}
def get_SHPC(array_d_ini, date_index):
i_SHPC = bisect.bisect(array_d_init, date_index)
assert i_SHPC >= 1
return i_SHPC - 1
t0 = time.perf_counter()
timings = open("timings.txt", "w")
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
sys.exit("Required arguments: SHPC-directory [SHPC-directory] ...")
with open("node_id_param.json") as f: node_id_param = json.load(f)
e_overestim = node_id_param["e_overestim"]
except FileNotFoundError:
print("Input graph:")
print("Number of vertices:", g.num_vertices())
print("Number of edges:", g.num_edges())
print("Internal properties:")
g.vp['pos_first'] = g.new_vp('object')
g.vp['pos_last'] = g.new_vp('object')
g.vp['first_av_rad'] = g.new_vp('float')
g.vp['first_av_ros'] = g.new_vp('float')
g.vp['last_av_rad'] = g.new_vp('float')
g.vp['last_av_ros'] = g.new_vp('float')
g.ep['nl_cost_function'] = g.new_ep('float')
handlers = [util_eddies.open_shpc(shp_dir) for shp_dir in sys.argv[1:]]
array_d_init = [handler["d_init"] for handler in handlers]
# (create the list once and for all)
# Calculate the date index, the eddy index and the SHPC index of
# the first and last instantaneous eddies in the segment:
first = report_graph.node_to_date_eddy(segment[0], e_overestim)
first_SHPC = get_SHPC(array_d_init, first['date_index'])
last = report_graph.node_to_date_eddy(segment[-1], e_overestim)
last_SHPC = get_SHPC(array_d_init, last['date_index'])
first_loc = util_eddies.comp_ishape(handlers[first_SHPC],
last_loc = util_eddies.comp_ishape(handlers[last_SHPC],
first_pos = handlers[first_SHPC]["readers"]["extremum"]\
last_pos = handlers[last_SHPC]["readers"]["extremum"]\
g.vp.pos_first[n] = first_pos # [deg, deg]
g.vp.pos_last[n] = last_pos # [deg, deg]
if (num_of_days > num_of_days_to_avg):
# The segment is longer than the number of days over which to average
# First 7 days calculation
first_res = calculate_radii_and_rossby(0, num_of_days_to_avg,
1, segment, e_overestim,
# average and assign radii
first_radii = first_res['radii'] / num_of_days_to_avg
g.vp.first_av_rad[n] = first_radii
# grab the days modifier
modifier = first_res['days_modifier']
if (num_of_days_to_avg - modifier > 0):
# Average and assign the rossbies:
first_rossby = first_res['rossby'] / (num_of_days_to_avg - modifier)
g.vp.first_av_ros[n] = first_rossby
# Last 7 days calculation
last_res = calculate_radii_and_rossby(len(segment) - 1, len(segment) -
(num_of_days_to_avg + 1), -1,
segment, e_overestim, handlers,
# Average and assign the last radii
last_radii = last_res['radii'] / num_of_days_to_avg
g.vp.last_av_rad[n] = last_radii
# grab the days modifier
modifier = last_res['days_modifier']
if (num_of_days_to_avg - modifier > 0):
# Average and assign the rossbies:
last_rossby = last_res['rossby'] / (num_of_days_to_avg - modifier)
g.vp.last_av_ros[n] = last_rossby
# The number of eddies in a segment is lower than the number
# of days over which to average. The values will be the same
# except for the positions.
res = calculate_radii_and_rossby(0, num_of_days, 1, segment,
# grab the days modifier
modifier = res['days_modifier']
if (num_of_days - modifier > 0):
# Average and assign the rossbies:
rossby = res['rossby'] / (num_of_days - modifier)
g.vp.first_av_ros[n] = rossby
g.vp.last_av_ros[n] = rossby
# Average and assign the radii
radii = res['radii'] / num_of_days
g.vp.first_av_rad[n] = radii
g.vp.last_av_rad[n] = radii
t1 = time.perf_counter()
timings.write(f"iterating on vertices: {t1 - t0} s\n")
t0 = t1
for edge in g.edges():
source_node = edge.source()
target_node =
g.vp.pos_first[target_node][1]) / 2
# (latitude needed for conversion of degrees to kilometers)
lat_for_conv = math.radians(lat_for_conv) # need to convert to radians
# because of the wrapping issue (360° wrapping incorrectly to 0°),
# we check for that here
lon_diff = abs(g.vp.pos_last[source_node][0] \
- g.vp.pos_first[target_node][0])
if (lon_diff > 300):
lon_diff = 360 - lon_diff
Delta_Cent = math.sqrt((lon_diff * 111.32 * math.cos(lat_for_conv))**2
+ ((g.vp.pos_last[source_node][1]
- g.vp.pos_first[target_node][1]) * 110.574)**2)
# calculate the first term
first_term = ((Delta_Cent - delta_cent_mean)/delta_cent_std) ** 2
if (g.vp.first_av_ros[target_node] and g.vp.last_av_ros[source_node]):
Delta_Ro = g.vp.last_av_ros[source_node] \
- g.vp.first_av_ros[target_node]
# At least one of the rossbies is invalid.
# Delta_Ro = delta_ro_mean
# Calculate the second term
second_term = ((Delta_Ro - delta_ro_mean)/delta_ro_std ) ** 2
# R_Vmax 1 and 2 already exist, just get the delta
Delta_R_Vmax = g.vp.last_av_rad[source_node] \
- g.vp.first_av_rad[target_node]
# Calculate the third term
third_term = ((Delta_R_Vmax - delta_r_mean)/delta_r_std) ** 2
# calculate the cost function
cf = math.sqrt(first_term + second_term + third_term)
t1 = time.perf_counter()
timings.write(f"iterating on edges: {t1 - t0} s\n")
t0 = t1
t1 = time.perf_counter()
timings.write(f"saving: {t1 - t0} s\n")