- Feb 20, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Bug fix: do not provide standard input for `inst_eddies_Aviso.py`, it does not read it.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Feb 06, 2023
Lionel GUEZ authored
Because `$tests_old_dir/Extraction_eddies_region_5/SHPC` is opened with `SHPC_class` in test `Plot_eddy_contours_window`, which will create `n_slices.txt`, so there will always be this file only in `$tests_old_dir/Extraction_eddies_region_5/SHPC`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
We import in the test infrastructure the experiment `Inst_eddies_4` because we want to no longer keep invalid contours, so we will need to update the experiment.
- Jul 28, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Changing my mind. In an SHPC, store shapefiles in "Slice_{slice}/{orientation}" instead of "{orientation}/Slice_{slice}". Two reasons: easier to store accessory files from running `inst_eddies`, such as `perf_report` and output from Torque submission script; clearer that a slice should contain the same dates for both orientations.
- Jul 27, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Assume that a slice is in a directory "{shpc_dir}/{orientation}/Slice_{slice}" where shpc_dir can be any name, orientation is "Anticyclones" or "Cyclones" and slice is an integer. Do not read or create any longer a file "orientation.txt" in the slice directory. Add procedure `get_slice_dir`. Add dummy arguments cyclone and slice to procedure `shpc_open`. Add dummy argument slice to procedure `shpc_create`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Rename `main_nml` to `config_nml` in module `config_m`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Extract code from program `inst_eddies` into new procedure `input_ssh`.
- Apr 29, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add tests for a case where the speed is not defined on a whole segment.
- Apr 06, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Following update of `test_compare.py`.
- Jan 20, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
We can make a symbolic link or copy to `$large_input_dir`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 05, 2022
Lionel GUEZ authored
Following modifications of `CMakeLists.txt` files.
- Dec 06, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
When there are more than 3 input files. We recover the convenience of commit b34b85a8, with the underlying generality of commit d365e754.
- Nov 12, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Provide list of input files as arguments of `inst_eddies.py`, following commit 8e0c03e1.
Lionel GUEZ authored
For programs `inst_eddies` and `test_get_1_outerm`, following commits 9a59d13 and 9dc139d.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Following commit b0e3ce55.
- Jul 23, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
In commit d5e89eb9, the test was added with the useless key "input". Now, after commit 29c37646, the useless key is the key "required".
Lionel GUEZ authored
Now that `inst_eddies` reads `main_nml` only on the first date, we do not need to create a file `main_nml.txt` before running `inst_eddies.py`. `inst_eddies.py` can just read `main_nml` from standard input.
- Jul 20, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jun 29, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace positional argument template by optional argument. This argument is now needed only in case we process several dates, since the first date is now read from the NetCDF file.
- Jun 25, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace `/proju/lmd-oce/data/AVISO/DT_2018/2006/01` by `$large_input_dir`.
- Jun 22, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
This SHPC was made with an old version of `inst_eddies`: it contained cyclones and anticyclones output together. We create a test `Region_6` instead.
- Jun 17, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Make it 15 days long because we want to use it in place of `Overlap/Tests/Input/Region_2_SHPC`.
- Jun 04, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create separate collections of shapefiles for cyclones and anticyclones.
- Jun 03, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Preparing for two collections of shapefiles. We create the procedure `write_nml` so we will be able to call it twice. But it needs to access the namelist. So the namelist must be at the module level.
- Mar 02, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Take into account new structure of repository in JSon test files.
- Feb 26, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
Also split the tests, Fortran source files, Python files and JSon files. Keep at the top level the files used in both `Inst_eddies` and Overlap. Motivations for the split: - The top directory contained many files. - It may be useful to compile only one of the two sub-projects. For example, only `Inst_eddies` on Ciclad, where MPI 3 is not available.
- Feb 16, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Jan 07, 2021
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Apr 28, 2020
GUEZ Lionel authored
Bug fixes in main program `eddy_graph`. Add default value for max_delta. Trim names of files and directories. Following upgrade of `test_compare.py`, remove `mkdir_run.sh` and write the mkdir command in the JSON tests files.
- Feb 18, 2020
Lionel GUEZ authored
Change of idea: instead of storing `date_index` and `ishape_last` in a file `contents.csv`, store only `ishape_last` in a file `ishape_last.txt`. The `date_index` column was useless and it complicated reading the file. The first value of `date_index` can be read from one of the three DBF files. Also, to roll with the flow, let the lower bound of `ishape_last` in main unit `test_overlap` be 1 instead of k1. Change order of actual arguments of `dbf_read_attribute_03` following revision of `Shapelib_03`.
- Oct 30, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Read `SHP_triplet` directories as arguments in script `filter.py`. Move directory `Tests/Input/Extraction_eddies_region_5` to `Tests/Input/Region_5_2006_01_01`.
- Aug 20, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create general script `mkdir_run.sh` to replace specific scripts `extraction_eddies.sh`, `test_read_snapshot.sh`, `test_read_eddy.sh` and to run `test_successive_overlap`. Replace `$input_dir` by `$src_dir/Tests/Input` in `*_tests.json`. Motivation: we also need `src_dir` to point to `mkdir_run.sh`.
- Aug 08, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Take into account new policy in `filter.py`: the names of the three shapefiles are always the same and form a unit in a snaphot directory. Rename `compil_prod_dir`to `build_dir` in JSON test files. Add a test of `successive_overlap` with global grid, normal resolution.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Take into account new policy in `filter.py`: the names of the three shapefiles are always the same and form a unit in a snaphot directory. Rename `compil_prod_dir`to `build_dir` in JSON test files. Add a test of `successive_overlap` with global grid, normal resolution.
- May 13, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
files, that make up a snapshot into a directory that contains only these files. We hope that this will ease the handling of snapshots. For now, this is useful in program test_successive_overlap. So, in program extraction_eddies, create the shapefiles in a directory called Snapshot. As we cannot create the directory from Fortran (in Fortran 2003, it becomes possible in Fortran 2008), we have to wrap the Fortran executable in a shell script "extraction_eddies.sh". In the same way, read from a directory Snapshot_old in programs test_read_eddy and test_read_snapshot and create scripts "test_read_eddy.sh" and "test_read_snapshot.sh". Reference the shell scripts "extraction_eddies.sh", "test_read_eddy.sh" and "test_read_snapshot.sh" in JSON test files. In program test_successive_overlap, finally read two snapshots, from directories Snapshot_1 and Snapshot_2. Pass to successive_overlap the date of the second snapshot. Use new variables corner_deg and step_deg to avoid converting to rad twice. Create directory Snapshot in Tests/Input/Region_4/2006_01_01.
- Feb 28, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored