- Oct 04, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
In script `eddy_dump.py`, do not assume that there is a single date index. So find ishape by iterating through values of date index and eddy index. Add a test of overlap in `short_tests.json`.
- Oct 03, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
In procedure `write_eddy`, no need of special treatment for interpolated eddy: the outermost contours and max-speed contours are defined as null. Read name of input file on the command line in script `read_overlap.py`. Add tests with program `test_overlap` in `short_tests.json`. Bug fix in main unit `test_overlap`: we have to call `init_interpolated_eddy`. In main unit `test_overlap`, change the initial value of `flow(2:max_delta)%number_eddies` for more clarity in the results. Bug fix in main unit `test_overlap`: valid isolated eddies of snasphot 2 are in `flow(max_delta + 1)`, not `flow(2)`.
- Oct 01, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Rename `test_successive_overlap` to `test_overlap`: we will also use it for non-successive overlap. Accordingly, add an input variable `max_delta` and change the size of flow to `max_delta` + 1. We read from snapshots `flow(1)` and `flow(max_delta + 1)`. For `flow(2:max_delta)`, we only need to define the component `number_eddies`.
- Sep 27, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
In tests, remove use of `$test_old_dir`, use data from `$src_dir/Tests/Input` instead. Motivation: run tests for the first time more easily.
Lionel GUEZ authored
- Sep 24, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Change the order of dummy arguments of `write_overlap`. Add tests for program `test_write_overlap`. In program `test_write_overlap`, make the eddy identifiers distinct.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create procedure `init_interpolated_eddy` so that initialization is not repeated needlessly at each call of `write_overlap`. (Problem was mentioned in message of commit 10f339d2.)
Lionel GUEZ authored
Use `SHP_triplet` instead of Snapshot for the name of the directory containing the three shapefiles extremum, `outermost_contour` and `max_speed_contour`. This is meant as a general name, analogous to a new file type. Generally, the shapefiles may contain eddies at different dates, not just a snapshot.
- Sep 18, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add options for the NAG compiler. Replace `target_include_directories` by `include_directories` in `Tests/CMakeLists.txt`. The file was becoming too long. Remove unused items in use statements. Bug fix in `Tests/Input/successive_overlap_region_5_nml.txt`: remove a comma.
- Sep 06, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Bug fix in procedure overlap: procedure `interpolate_eddy` does not exist any longer. In tests, remove use of `$test_old_dir`, use data from `$src_dir/Tests/Input` instead. Motivation: run tests for the first time more easily.
- Sep 03, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Change order of dummy arguments of procedure `write_overlap`. Motivation: call with keywords in `test_write_overlap`. Add main program `test_write_overlap` and corresponding tests in `short_tests.json`. New script `triplet_dump.sh`.
- Sep 02, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Add `.cmake` files. The idea is to have a build system independent of the environment. This allows us to have a customized version of `ConfigureCompilerFlags.cmake` without the `-ffpe-trap=invalid` option. Move the inner part of procedure overlap to a separate procedure `write_overlap`. overlap was too complex with 6 nested constructs. The downside is that the initialization of `e` is repeated for every non-successive overlap. If necessary, we can later add an initialization on first entry (but an initialization at declaration is not possible). `write_overlap` has some consistency: all the arguments are `intent(in)`, scalars or small vectors of intrinsic type, and `write_overlap` only writes to files. All modifications to flow are done outside of `write_overlap`.
- Aug 23, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Remove procedure `interpolate_eddy`. I realized that the longitude of one of the overlapping eddies must be shifted. It seemed awkward to pass variable m from overlap as an argument to `interpolate_eddy`. Passing separately the useful components of overlapping eddies made the procedure bulky, not worth creating for three lines of computation. As a consequence, inline the interpolation of eddies in procedure overlap. An advantage is that part of the processing that was in `interpolate_eddy` can migrate out of the interpolation loop. As another consequence, remove program `test_interpolate_eddy` and correponding test. Upgrade procedure `candidate_overlap` to deal with non-successive overlap. Add dummy argument delta.
- Aug 21, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Make the program `test_interpolate_eddy` more comfortable to use by reading a directory on the command line.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create main program `test_interpolate_eddy`. Add corresponding test in `short_tests.json`. Add corresponding input files.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Move dummy arguments k and i of procedure `write_eddy` to the end of dummy argument list: keyword association more likely for these. Follow upgrade of `Shapelib_03`: move argument associated to dummy argument hshp of `shp_open_03` to the beginning of argument list.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Use `dbf_read_attribute_03` instead of dbfreadattribute in procedure `read_eddy`. This also allows us to avoid the intermediary real `c_double` variable. Modify intent of hshp arguments, taking also advantage of upgrade of `shp_read_object_03` in `Shapelib_03`.
- Aug 20, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Create general script `mkdir_run.sh` to replace specific scripts `extraction_eddies.sh`, `test_read_snapshot.sh`, `test_read_eddy.sh` and to run `test_successive_overlap`. Replace `$input_dir` by `$src_dir/Tests/Input` in `*_tests.json`. Motivation: we also need `src_dir` to point to `mkdir_run.sh`.
- Aug 19, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Replace `intent(inout)` by `intent(in)` for shpfileobject arguments in `write_eddy`. This requires an updated version of `Shapelib_03`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Changing my mind, `interpolate_eddy` only interpolates, it does not write the interpolated eddy, this seems clearer. So it can be a function instead of a subroutine and we call `write_eddy` from overlap. We need to add arguments `hshp_extremum`, `hshp_outermost` and `hshp_max_speed` to overlap. The main program `test_successive_overlap` now has to create shapefiles.
- Aug 14, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
Prepare for overlap of eddies at non-successive dates: - add argument `delta_out` to procedure `candidate_overlap` (not yet used); - add procedure `interpolate_eddy` (empty for now); - rename `successive_overlap` to overlap because the procedure will handle both cases, successive dates and non-successive dates; - generalize procedure overlap to handle delta between dates.
- Aug 12, 2019
- Aug 08, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
for which `delta_out` == 1 and eddies for which `delta_in` == 1. This is redundant with information in file `edgelist.csv`. I have checked in test `Successive_overlap_global` that eddies for which `delta_out` == 1 correspond to column i1 (sorted, unique) and eddies for which `delta_in` == 1 correspond to column i2 (sorted, unique).
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Lionel GUEZ authored
Take into account new policy in `filter.py`: the names of the three shapefiles are always the same and form a unit in a snaphot directory. Rename `compil_prod_dir`to `build_dir` in JSON test files. Add a test of `successive_overlap` with global grid, normal resolution.
Lionel GUEZ authored
Take into account new policy in `filter.py`: the names of the three shapefiles are always the same and form a unit in a snaphot directory. Rename `compil_prod_dir`to `build_dir` in JSON test files. Add a test of `successive_overlap` with global grid, normal resolution.
- Aug 06, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
GUEZ Lionel authored
- Jun 21, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
- May 27, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
`settings.mk` in GNUmakefile. Bug fix in procedure `dispatch_snapshot`: an isolated eddy is a valid eddy. In script `plot_snapshot.py`, in function snaphot, replace argument ax with argument `new_figure` so the user does not have to call figure and `axes(projection = projection)`. Add argument light to function snapshot so we can call snapshot with light set to False for a second snapshot. Add a test to only read `h.nc` when we need it. In script `read_overlap.py`, print more information: number of nodes, number of edges, number of nodes with at least one successor, number of nodes with at least one predecessor, splitting events, merging events. In script `stat.py`, use the convention that shapefiles are grouped in a directory instead of identifying a set of shapefiles by the end of their basename. In main program `test_successive_overlap`, we know that `delta_in` for snapshot 1 and `delta_out` for snapshot 2 are `huge(0)` so do not test this. Print eddy identifiers in a single line. Add the printing of identifiers of isolated eddies.
- May 21, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
splitting and merging.
- May 17, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
`snapshot`. Also, move calls to `ax.gridlines` and `ax.coastlines` inside function `snapshot`. These changes allow us to call `snapshot` in a new figure. Move `Region4/2006_01_01` to `Region4_2006_01_01` and `Region4/2006_01_02` to `Region4_2006_01_02`. Add a test of `successive_overlap` for a larger region, for which the identifying numbers of the connected eddies are not the same for all edges. Add corresponding input files. Bug fix in main program `test_successive_overlap`.
Lionel GUEZ authored
snapshots in the same figure: useful for visualizing overlaps. So move lines plotting a snapshot inside a new function called snapshot and add option `--dashed`. Remove the option `-e` of `plot_snaphot.py` and add directory argument instead. The idea is that we now consider the three shapefiles as a whole, they should always be alone in a dedicated directory. Move the three shapefiles of `Tests/Input/Region_4/2006_01_02` to a dedicated directory. In `plot_snapshot.py`, netCDF variables for wind are now expected to be called ugos and vgos. Add a test for overlap of two different snapshots.
- May 13, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
files, that make up a snapshot into a directory that contains only these files. We hope that this will ease the handling of snapshots. For now, this is useful in program test_successive_overlap. So, in program extraction_eddies, create the shapefiles in a directory called Snapshot. As we cannot create the directory from Fortran (in Fortran 2003, it becomes possible in Fortran 2008), we have to wrap the Fortran executable in a shell script "extraction_eddies.sh". In the same way, read from a directory Snapshot_old in programs test_read_eddy and test_read_snapshot and create scripts "test_read_eddy.sh" and "test_read_snapshot.sh". Reference the shell scripts "extraction_eddies.sh", "test_read_eddy.sh" and "test_read_snapshot.sh" in JSON test files. In program test_successive_overlap, finally read two snapshots, from directories Snapshot_1 and Snapshot_2. Pass to successive_overlap the date of the second snapshot. Use new variables corner_deg and step_deg to avoid converting to rad twice. Create directory Snapshot in Tests/Input/Region_4/2006_01_01.
- May 06, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
overlap, we will have to read a set of three shapefiles, extremum, outermost_contour and max_speed_contour, containing several snapshots. We do not want to re-read field indices for each snapshot. Rename u, v to ugos, vgos in NetCDF files.
- Apr 30, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
vgos, lon to longitude, lat to latitude. Add a test for successive_overlap with periodic grid. Add snapshot for region 4 at a different date, in input files, for a new test of successive_overlap.
- Apr 18, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
read_snapshot and successive_overlap instead of a named constant of module successive_overlap_m. Bug fix in main programs test_read_snapshot and test_successive_overlap: take into account that step is in degrees.
- Apr 12, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
not sure about this. I will stay on the safe side for now. Support periodic grid in successive_overlap.
- Apr 04, 2019
Lionel GUEZ authored
eddies at date "j" in a new function candidate_overlap. This reduces the number of nested constructs from 8 to 5. Incidentally, we can now avoid defining needlessly polyline_1 if there is no candidate at date "j". Also the function candidate_overlap should also be called by non_successive_overlap. Add argument periodic to procedure successive_overlap. In main unit test_successive_overlap, pass to successive_overlap the date subscript returned by read_snapshot instead of an arbitrary value. Only print delta_in and delta_out if they are /= huge.