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ResistiveStripScorers.hh 3.08 KiB
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#ifndef SharcScorers_h
#define SharcScorers_h 1
 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013   this file is part of the NPTool Project         *
 *                                                                           *
 * For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence                *
 * For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors             *

 * Original Author: Adrien MATTA  contact address:       *
 *                                                                           *
 * Creation Date  : February 2013                                            *
 * Last update    :                                                          *
 * Decription:                                                               *
 *  File old the scorer specific to the Sharc Detector                       *
 *                                                                           *
 * Comment:                                                                  *
 * This new style of scorer is aim to become the standard way of doing scorer*
 * in NPTool.                                                                *
 *The index is build using the TrackID, Detector Number and Strip Number.    *
 *The scorer Hold Energy and time together                                   *
 *Only one scorer is needed for a detector                                   *
#include "G4VPrimitiveScorer.hh"
#include "G4THitsMap.hh"

#include <map>
using namespace std;


class PS_Silicon_Resistive : public G4VPrimitiveScorer{

  public: // with description
    PS_Silicon_Resistive(G4String name, 
                         G4double StripPlaneLength, G4double StripPlaneWidth, 
                         G4int NumberOfStripWidth,G4int depth=0);


  protected: // with description
    G4bool ProcessHits(G4Step*, G4TouchableHistory*);

    void Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent*);
    void EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent*);
    void clear();
    void DrawAll();
    void PrintAll();

  private: // Threshold
    G4double m_TriggerThreshold;

  private: // Geometry of the detector
    G4double m_StripPlaneLength;
    G4double m_StripPlaneWidth;
    G4int    m_NumberOfStripWidth;
    G4double m_StripPitchWidth;

  private: // inherited from G4VPrimitiveScorer
    G4int HCID;
    G4THitsMap<G4double*>* EvtMap;

  private: // Needed for intermediate calculation (avoid multiple instantiation in Processing Hit)
    G4ThreeVector m_Position  ;
    G4int m_DetectorNumber    ;
    G4int m_StripWidthNumber  ;
    G4int m_Index             ;

