GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.cxx 16.87 KiB
#include "GaspardTrackerTrapezoid.h"
// C++ headers
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Gaspard
#include "TGaspardTrackerPhysics.h"
GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::GaspardTrackerTrapezoid(map<int, GaspardTrackerModule*> &Module,
TGaspardTrackerPhysics* &EventPhysics)
: m_ModuleTest(Module),
m_PreTreatData(new TGaspardTrackerData),
m_FirstStageBaseLarge(97.5), // mm
m_FirstStageHeight(113.5), // mm
m_StripPitchX = m_FirstStageBaseLarge / (double)m_NumberOfStripsX;
m_StripPitchY = m_FirstStageHeight / (double)m_NumberOfStripsY;
delete m_PreTreatData;
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::ReadConfiguration(string Path)
ifstream ConfigFile;;
string LineBuffer;
string DataBuffer;
// A:X1_Y1 --> X:1 Y:1
// B:X128_Y1 --> X:128 Y:1
// C:X1_Y128 --> X:1 Y:128
// D:X128_Y128 --> X:128 Y:128
double Ax, Bx, Cx, Dx, Ay, By, Cy, Dy, Az, Bz, Cz, Dz;
TVector3 A, B, C, D;
double Theta = 0, Phi = 0, R = 0, beta_u = 0 , beta_v = 0 , beta_w = 0;
bool check_A = false;
bool check_C = false;
bool check_B = false;
bool check_D = false;
bool check_Theta = false;
bool check_Phi = false;
bool check_R = false;
bool check_beta = false;
bool ReadingStatus = false;
while (!ConfigFile.eof()) {
getline(ConfigFile, LineBuffer);
// If line is a GaspardXXX bloc, reading toggle to true
// and toggle to true flags indicating which shape is treated.
if (, 12, "GPDTrapezoid") == 0) {
cout << "///////////////////////" << endl;
cout << "Trapezoid module found:" << endl;
ReadingStatus = true;
// Reading Block
while (ReadingStatus) {
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer ;
// Comment Line
if (, 1, "%") == 0) {
ConfigFile.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n' );
// Finding another telescope (safety), toggle out
else if (, 12, "GPDTrapezoid") == 0) {
cout << "WARNING: Another Module is find before standard sequence of Token, Error may occured in Telecope definition" << endl;
ReadingStatus = false;
// Position method
else if (, 6, "X1_Y1=") == 0) {
check_A = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Ax = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Ax = Ax;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Ay = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Ay = Ay;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Az = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Az = Az;
A = TVector3(Ax, Ay, Az);
cout << "X1 Y1 corner position : (" << A.X() << ";" << A.Y() << ";" << A.Z() << ")" << endl;
else if (, 8, "X128_Y1=") == 0) {
check_B = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Bx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Bx = Bx;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
By = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
By = By;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Bz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Bz = Bz;
B = TVector3(Bx, By, Bz);
cout << "X128 Y1 corner position : (" << B.X() << ";" << B.Y() << ";" << B.Z() << ")" << endl;
else if (, 8, "X1_Y128=") == 0) {
check_C = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Cx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Cx = Cx;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Cy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Cy = Cy;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Cz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Cz = Cz;
C = TVector3(Cx, Cy, Cz);
cout << "X1 Y128 corner position : (" << C.X() << ";" << C.Y() << ";" << C.Z() << ")" << endl;
else if (, 10, "X128_Y128=") == 0) {
check_D = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Dx = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Dx = Dx;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Dy = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Dy = Dy;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Dz = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Dz = Dz;
D = TVector3(Dx, Dy, Dz);
cout << "X128 Y128 corner position : (" << D.X() << ";" << D.Y() << ";" << D.Z() << ")" << endl;
} // End Position Method
// Angle method
else if (, 6, "THETA=") == 0) {
check_Theta = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Theta = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Theta = Theta;
cout << "Theta: " << Theta << endl;
else if (, 4, "PHI=") == 0) {
check_Phi = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
Phi = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
Phi = Phi;
cout << "Phi: " << Phi << endl;
else if (, 2, "R=") == 0) {
check_R = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
R = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
R = R;
cout << "R: " << R << endl;
else if (, 5, "BETA=") == 0) {
check_beta = true;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
beta_u = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
beta_u = beta_u;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
beta_v = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
beta_v = beta_v;
ConfigFile >> DataBuffer;
beta_w = atof(DataBuffer.c_str());
beta_w = beta_w;
cout << "Beta: " << beta_u << " " << beta_v << " " << beta_w << endl;
// If All necessary information there, toggle out
if ( (check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D) || (check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta) ) {
ReadingStatus = false;
// Add The previously define telescope
// With position method
if ( check_A && check_B && check_C && check_D ) {
AddModule(A, B, C, D);
m_ModuleTest[m_index["Trapezoid"] + m_NumberOfModule] = this;
// with angle method
else if ( check_Theta && check_Phi && check_R && check_beta ) {
AddModule(Theta, Phi, R, beta_u, beta_v, beta_w);
m_ModuleTest[m_index["Trapezoid"] + m_NumberOfModule] = this;
// reset boolean flag for point positioning
check_A = false;
check_B = false;
check_C = false;
check_D = false;
// reset boolean flag for angle positioning
check_Theta = false;
check_Phi = false;
check_R = false;
check_beta = false;
} // end test for adding a module
} // end while for reading block
} // end while for reading file
cout << endl << "/////////////////////////////" << endl<<endl;
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::PreTreat()
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::BuildPhysicalEvent()
// Check flags
bool Check_FirstStage = false;
bool Check_SecondStage = false;
bool Check_ThirdStage = false;
// Thresholds
double FirstStage_Front_E_Threshold = 0; double FirstStage_Front_T_Threshold = 0;
double FirstStage_Back_E_Threshold = 0; double FirstStage_Back_T_Threshold = 0;
double SecondStage_E_Threshold = 0; double SecondStage_T_Threshold = 0;
double ThirdStage_E_Threshold = 0; double ThirdStage_T_Threshold = 0;
// calculate multipicity in the first stage
int multXE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEMult();
int multYE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEMult();
int multXT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontTMult();
int multYT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackTMult();
// calculate multiplicity of 2nd and third stages
int mult2E = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkSecondStageEMult();
int mult2T = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkSecondStageTMult();
int mult3E = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkThirdStageEMult();
int mult3T = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkThirdStageTMult();
// Deal with multiplicity 1 for the first layer
if (multXE==1 && multYE==1 && multXT==1 && multYT==1) {
// calculate detector number
int det_ref = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEDetectorNbr(0);
int detecXE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEDetectorNbr(0) / det_ref;
int detecXT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontTDetectorNbr(0) / det_ref;
int detecYE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEDetectorNbr(0) / det_ref;
int detecYT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackTDetectorNbr(0) / det_ref;
// case of same detector
if (detecXE*detecXT*detecYE*detecYT == 1) {
// store module number
// calculate strip number
int stripXE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEStripNbr(0);
int stripXT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontTStripNbr(0);
int stripYE = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEStripNbr(0);
int stripYT = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackTStripNbr(0);
// case of same strips on X and Y
if (stripXE == stripXT && stripYE == stripYT) { // here we have a good strip event
// various
Check_FirstStage = true;
// store strip ID
// get energy from strips and store it
double EnergyStripFront = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageFrontEEnergy(0);
double EnergyTot = EnergyStripFront;
// get time from strips and store it
double TimeStripBack = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkFirstStageBackEEnergy(0);
// check if we have a 2nd stage event
if (mult2E==1 && mult2T==1) {
Check_SecondStage = true;
double EnergySecond = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkSecondStageEEnergy(0);
EnergyTot += EnergySecond;
else if (mult2E>1 || mult2T>1) {
cout << "Warning: multiplicity in second stage greater than in firststage" << endl;
// check if we have a third stage event
if (mult3E==1 && mult3T==1) {
Check_ThirdStage = true;
double EnergyThird = m_EventData->GetGPDTrkThirdStageEEnergy(0);
EnergyTot += EnergyThird;
else if (mult3E>1 || mult3T>1) {
cout << "Warning: multiplicity in third stage greater than in firststage" << endl;
// Fill total energy
// Fill default values for second an third stages
if (!Check_SecondStage) {
if (!Check_ThirdStage) {
else {
cout << "Not same strips" << endl;
else {
cout << "Not same detector" << endl;
else {
/* cout << "Multiplicity is not one, it is: " << endl;
cout << "\tmultXE: " << multXE << endl;
cout << "\tmultXT: " << multXT << endl;
cout << "\tmultYE: " << multYE << endl;
cout << "\tmultYT: " << multYT << endl;*/
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::BuildSimplePhysicalEvent()
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::AddModule(TVector3 C_X1_Y1,
TVector3 C_X128_Y1,
TVector3 C_X1_Y128,
TVector3 C_X128_Y128)
// Definition of vectors U and V are *identical* with definition
// in NPS.
// Vector U parallel to BaseLarge
TVector3 U = C_X128_Y1 - C_X1_Y1;
U = U.Unit();
// Vector V parallel to height
TVector3 V = 0.5 * (C_X1_Y128 + C_X128_Y128 - C_X1_Y1 - C_X128_Y1);
V = V.Unit();
// Position Vector of Strip Center
TVector3 StripCenter = TVector3(0,0,0);
// Position Vector of X=1 Y=1 Strip
TVector3 Strip_1_1;
// Buffer object to fill Position Array
vector<double> lineX;
vector<double> lineY;
vector<double> lineZ;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionX;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionY;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionZ;
// Moving StripCenter to 1.1 corner:
Strip_1_1 = C_X1_Y1 + m_StripPitchX/2*U + m_StripPitchY/2*V;
for (int i = 0; i < m_NumberOfStripsX; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < m_NumberOfStripsY; j++) {
StripCenter = Strip_1_1 + i*m_StripPitchX*U + j*m_StripPitchY*V;
lineX.push_back( StripCenter.X() );
lineY.push_back( StripCenter.Y() );
lineZ.push_back( StripCenter.Z() );
m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionX );
m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionY );
m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionZ );
void GaspardTrackerTrapezoid::AddModule(double theta,
double phi,
double distance,
double beta_u,
double beta_v,
double beta_w)
// convert from degree to radian:
theta *= M_PI/180;
phi *= M_PI/180;
// Vector U on Module Face (paralelle to Y Strip) (NB: remember that Y strip are allong X axis)
TVector3 U ;
// Vector V on Module Face (parallele to X Strip)
TVector3 V ;
// Vector W normal to Module Face (pointing CsI)
TVector3 W ;
// Vector position of Module Face center
TVector3 C ;
C = TVector3(distance * sin(theta) * cos(phi),
distance * sin(theta) * sin(phi),
distance * cos(theta));
TVector3 YperpW = TVector3( cos(theta) * cos(phi),
cos(theta) * sin(phi),
W = C.Unit();
U = W.Cross(YperpW);
V = W.Cross(U);
U = U.Unit();
V = V.Unit();
U.Rotate( beta_u * M_PI/180. , U ) ;
V.Rotate( beta_u * M_PI/180. , U ) ;
U.Rotate( beta_v * M_PI/180. , V ) ;
V.Rotate( beta_v * M_PI/180. , V ) ;
U.Rotate( beta_w * M_PI/180. , W ) ;
V.Rotate( beta_w * M_PI/180. , W ) ;
double Face = 50; // mm
double NumberOfStrip = 100;
double StripPitch = Face/NumberOfStrip; // mm
vector<double> lineX;
vector<double> lineY;
vector<double> lineZ;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionX;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionY;
vector< vector< double > > OneModuleStripPositionZ;
double X, Y, Z;
// Moving C to the 1.1 corner:
C.SetX( C.X() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.X() + U.X() ) ) ;
C.SetY( C.Y() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Y() + U.Y() ) ) ;
C.SetZ( C.Z() - ( Face/2 - StripPitch/2 ) * ( V.Z() + U.Z() ) ) ;
for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfStrip; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfStrip; j++) {
X = C.X() + StripPitch * ( U.X()*i + V.X()*j );
Y = C.Y() + StripPitch * ( U.Y()*i + V.Y()*j );
Z = C.Z() + StripPitch * ( U.Z()*i + V.Z()*j );
m_StripPositionX.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionX );
m_StripPositionY.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionY );
m_StripPositionZ.push_back( OneModuleStripPositionZ );