Adrien Matta authoredAdrien Matta authored
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======================================================================== NPTool - Nuclear Physics Tool for low energy nuclear physics experiments ======================================================================== --- Example 4 - ACTAR TPC --- Example to simulate and analyse experiment using the ACTAR TPC detector 1. SIMULATION The simulation is using the special physics list in order to transport the drift electron in the drift cage volume of ACTAR. The PhysicsListOption.txt file option should be set as follows: EmPhysicsList Option4 DefaultCutOff 1 DriftElectronPhysics 1 Other options should be set to 0. To run the simualtion, do es follow in the NPSimulation folder: > npsimulation -D Example4.detector -E Example4.reaction -O Example4 A gui will launch and type /run/beamOn 10000 (for example) The simulation is slow due to the transport of the drift electrons and is about 3 to 4 evt/sec One can use the Run.mac file in batch mode in order to speed up the Simulation > npsimulation -D Example4.detector -E Example4.reaction -O Example4 -B Run.mac Example4.detector is loacted in Inputs/DetectorConfiguration and enable to choose the gas composition and the pressure for example. In this example we run with iC4H10 gas at 100 mbar. It also allows us to add ancilary detector such as silicon detector at forward angle. This is the case is this example. Example4.reaction is located in Inputs/Event generator and specify the event we want to simulate. In this example we simulate the elastic scattering of a 18O entering in ACTAR a 59.4 MeV on a proton target. The output root file is called Example4.root and will be located in Outputs/Simualtion 2. ANALYSIS To analyse the simulated root tree compile the Example4 folder byt running > cmake ./ then >make To run the analysis type in the Example4 folder: > npanalysis -R RunToTreat.txt -O Example4 Or: > npanalysis --last-sim -O Example4 And output root file will be generated and located in Outputs/Analysis. If one wants to see the fitted tracks will runnign the analysis, please make sure that the token in configs/ConfigActar.dat called RecoVisu is set to 1: RecoVisu= 1 If this is the case run the hclient.C macro in another terminal's window. A canvas should appear with the found tracks and their 3D fit. 3. PARRALLEL SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS On a multicore machine the simulation and analysis could be run using the provided Snakefile. The top section of the Snakefile create a given number of output target file. Adding more file will run the simulation on more cores. Each file is created with a different random generator seed The analysis is run as soon as the simulation is finished. 4. MACRO Sevaral root macro are located in Example4/macro to check the result of the analysis and the obtained vertex, angular and energy resolution.