7.77 KiB
#include "ObjectManager.hh"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc,char** argv)
// command line parsing
NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
// Instantiate RootInput
string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName);
// if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("EventGenerator")) {
string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("EventGenerator");
if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
// Instantiate RootOutput
RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/Hyde_AnalysedData", "AnalysedTree");
// get input files from NPOptionManager
string reactionfileName = myOptionManager->GetReactionFile();
string detectorfileName = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
string calibrationfileName = myOptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
string OutputfileName = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
// Initialize the reaction
NPL::Reaction* myReaction = new Reaction();
// Initialize the detector
NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager;
// Calculate beam energy at target middle
// Get nominal beam energy
Double_t BeamEnergyNominal = myReaction->GetBeamEnergy() * MeV;
cout << BeamEnergyNominal << endl;
// Slow beam at target middle
Double_t BeamEnergy = BeamTarget.Slow(BeamEnergyNominal, myDetector->GetTargetThickness()/2 * micrometer, 0);
// Double_t BeamEnergy = 1293.56 * MeV;
cout << BeamEnergy << endl;
// Set energy beam at target middle
// Print target thickness
cout << myDetector->GetTargetThickness() << endl;
// Attach more branch to the output
double Ex = 0 ; double ExNoStrips = 0 ; double EE = 0 ; double TT = 0 ; double X = 0 ; double Y = 0 ; int det ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergy",&Ex,"Ex/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergyNoStrips",&ExNoStrips,"ExNoStrips/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("E",&EE,"EE/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("A",&TT,"TT/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("X",&X,"X/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Y",&Y,"Y/D") ;
// Get HydeTracker pointer
HydeTracker* HYDTrack = (HydeTracker*) myDetector->m_Detector["HYDE"];
// Get the input TChain and treat it
TChain* chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain();
// Connect TInitialConditions branch
TInitialConditions *initCond = 0;
chain->SetBranchAddress("InitialConditions", &initCond);
chain->SetBranchStatus("InitialConditions", 1);
// Connect TInteractionCoordinates branch
TInteractionCoordinates *interCoord = 0;
chain->SetBranchAddress("InteractionCoordinates", &interCoord);
chain->SetBranchStatus("InteractionCoordinates", 0);
// Analysis is here!
int nentries = chain->GetEntries();
cout << "Number of entries to be analysed: " << nentries << endl;
// Default initialization
double XTarget = 0;
double YTarget = 0;
double BeamTheta = 0;
double BeamPhi = 0;
// random generator
TRandom3 *gene = new TRandom3();
// Loop on all events
for (int i = 0; i < nentries; i ++) {
if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0) cout << "\r" << i << " analyzed events" << flush;
chain -> GetEntry(i);
// Treat Gaspard event
// Get total energy
double E = HYDTrack->GetEnergyDeposit();
// if there is a hit in the detector array, treat it.
double Theta, ThetaStrip, angle, ThetaCM;
double DetecX, DetecY, DetecZ;
double r;
TVector3 A;
if (E > -1000) {
// Get c.m. angle
ThetaCM = initCond->GetICEmittedAngleThetaCM(0) * deg;
// Get exact scattering angle from TInteractionCoordinates object
// Theta = interCoord->GetDetectedAngleTheta(0) * deg;
DetecX = interCoord->GetDetectedPositionX(0);
DetecY = interCoord->GetDetectedPositionY(0);
DetecZ = interCoord->GetDetectedPositionZ(0);
TVector3 Detec(DetecX, DetecY, DetecZ);
// Get interaction position in detector
// This takes into account the strips
A = HYDTrack->GetPositionOfInteraction();
// Get beam interaction coordinates on target (from initial condition)
XTarget = initCond->GetICPositionX(0);
YTarget = initCond->GetICPositionY(0);
// cout << XTarget << " " << YTarget << endl;
BeamTheta = initCond->GetICIncidentAngleTheta(0)*deg;
BeamPhi = initCond->GetICIncidentAnglePhi(0)*deg;
TVector3 BeamDirection = TVector3(cos(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta), sin(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta), cos(BeamTheta));
// cout << BeamDirection.X() << " " << BeamDirection.Y() << " " << BeamDirection.Z() << endl;
// Hit direction taking into account beam position on target
TVector3 HitDirection = A - TVector3(XTarget, YTarget, 0);
// cout << "A: " << A.X() << " " << A.Y() << " " << A.Z() << endl;
// cout << "HitDirection: " << HitDirection.X() << " " << HitDirection.Y() << " " << HitDirection.Z() << endl;
// Calculate scattering angle w.r.t. optical beam axis (do not take into account beam position on target)
ThetaStrip = ThetaCalculation(A, TVector3(0,0,1));
Theta = ThetaCalculation(Detec, TVector3(0, 0, 1));
// Calculate scattering angle w.r.t. beam (ideal case)
// ThetaStrip = ThetaCalculation(HitDirection, BeamDirection);
// Theta = ThetaCalculation(Detec - TVector3(XTarget, YTarget, 0), BeamDirection);
// Calculate scattering angle w.r.t. beam (finite spatial resolution)
/* double resol = 800; // in micrometer
angle = gene->Rndm() * 2*3.14;
r = fabs(gene->Gaus(0, resol)) * micrometer;
ThetaStrip = ThetaCalculation(A - TVector3(XTarget + r*cos(angle), YTarget + r*sin(angle), 0), BeamDirection);
Theta = ThetaCalculation(Detec - TVector3(XTarget + r*cos(angle), YTarget + r*sin(angle), 0), BeamDirection);
// Correct for energy loss in the target
E = LightTarget.EvaluateInitialEnergy(E, myDetector->GetTargetThickness()/2 * micrometer, ThetaStrip);
// Calculate excitation energy
// if (Theta/deg > 150 && Theta/deg < 180) {
// if (Theta/deg < 60 && ThetaCM/deg < 90) {
// if (Theta/deg > 35 && Theta/deg < 45 && E/MeV < 17) {
// if (Theta/deg < 45) {
if (E/MeV < 38) {
// if (Theta/deg > 90) {
ExNoStrips = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, Theta / rad);
Ex = myReaction->ReconstructRelativistic(E, ThetaStrip);
else {
Ex = -200;
ExNoStrips = -200;
else {
Ex = -100;
ExNoStrips = -100;
EE = E ; TT = ThetaStrip/deg;
if (E>-1000) {
X = A . X();
Y = A . Y();
else {
X = -1000 ; Y = -1000;
// Fill output tree
// delete singleton classes
return 0;
double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B)
double Theta = acos( (A.Dot(B)) / (A.Mag()*B.Mag()) );
return Theta ;