RootOutput.cxx 6.52 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2009-2013 this file is part of the NPTool Project *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence *
* For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors *
* Original Author: N. de Sereville contact address: *
* *
* Creation Date : 21/07/09 *
* Last update : 03/02/11 *
* Decription: This class is a singleton class which deals with the ROOT *
* output file and tree both for NPSimulation and NPAnalysis. *
* Comment: *
* + 03/02/11: Add support for TAsciiFile objects (N. de Sereville) *
* *
* *
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "RootOutput.h"
#include "NPOptionManager.h"
using namespace std;
RootOutput *RootOutput::instance = 0;
RootOutput* RootOutput::getInstance(TString fileNameBase, TString treeNameBase)
// A new instance of RootOutput is created if it does not exist:
if (instance == 0) {
instance = new RootOutput(fileNameBase, treeNameBase);
// The instance of RootOutput is returned:
return instance;
void RootOutput::Destroy()
if (instance != 0) {
delete instance;
instance = 0;
RootOutput::RootOutput(TString fileNameBase, TString treeNameBase)
// The file extension is added to the file name:
TString GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
// The ROOT file is created
TString fileName = GlobalPath + "/Outputs/";
if (fileNameBase.Contains("root")) fileName += fileNameBase;
else fileName += fileNameBase + ".root";
pRootFile = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE");
else{ // the file path must be the current directory
// Does not create the Output file at instantiation
pRootFile = 0 ;
pRootTree = new TTree(treeNameBase, "Data created / analyzed with the NPTool package");
pRootList = new TList();
// Init TAsciiFile objects
void RootOutput::InitAsciiFiles()
// get NPOptionManager pointer
NPOptionManager* OptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance();
// Event generator
// Get file name from NPOptionManager
TString fileNameEG = OptionManager->GetReactionFile();
pEventGenerator = new TAsciiFile();
pEventGenerator->SetNameTitle("EventGenerator", fileNameEG.Data());
// Detector configuration
// Get file name from NPOptionManager
TString fileNameDC = OptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
pDetectorConfiguration = new TAsciiFile();
pDetectorConfiguration->SetNameTitle("DetectorConfiguration", fileNameDC.Data());
// Run to treat file
// Get file name from NPOptionManager
pRunToTreatFile = new TAsciiFile();
if (!OptionManager->IsDefault("RunToTreat")) {
TString fileNameRT = OptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
pRunToTreatFile->SetNameTitle("RunToTreat", fileNameRT.Data());
// Calibration files
pCalibrationFile = new TAsciiFile();
if (!OptionManager->IsDefault("Calibration")) {
TString fileNameCal = OptionManager->GetCalibrationFile();
pCalibrationFile->SetNameTitle("Calibration", fileNameCal.Data());
// Analysis configuration files
pAnalysisConfigFile = new TAsciiFile();
pAnalysisConfigFile->SetNameTitle("AnalysisConfig", "AnalysisConfig");
// The data is written to the file and the tree is closed:
if (pRootFile && !NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetPROOF()) {
cout << endl;
cout << "Got histograms and Tree !" << endl;
cout << " - Number of entries in the Tree: " << pRootTree->GetEntries() << endl;
cout << " - Number of bites written to file: " << pRootTree->Write() << endl;
// write TAsciiFile if used
// EventGenerator
if (!pEventGenerator->IsEmpty()) pEventGenerator->Write();
// DetectorConfiguration
if (!pDetectorConfiguration->IsEmpty()) pDetectorConfiguration->Write();
// CalibrationFile
if (!pCalibrationFile->IsEmpty()) pCalibrationFile->Write();
// RunToTreatFile
if (!pRunToTreatFile->IsEmpty()) pRunToTreatFile->Write();
// Analysis ConfigFile
if (!pAnalysisConfigFile->IsEmpty()) pAnalysisConfigFile->Write();
else if (pRootFile && NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetPROOF()){
if (!pEventGenerator->IsEmpty()) pEventGenerator->Write();
// DetectorConfiguration
if (!pDetectorConfiguration->IsEmpty()) pDetectorConfiguration->Write();
// CalibrationFile
if (!pCalibrationFile->IsEmpty()) pCalibrationFile->Write();
// RunToTreatFile
if (!pRunToTreatFile->IsEmpty()) pRunToTreatFile->Write();
// Analysis ConfigFile
if (!pAnalysisConfigFile->IsEmpty()) pAnalysisConfigFile->Write();
else if(!pRootFile && NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetPROOF()){
else {
cout << "No histograms and Tree !" << endl;
TFile* RootOutput::InitFile(TString fileNameBase){
TString GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
TString fileName = GlobalPath + "/Outputs/Analysis/";
if (fileNameBase.Contains("root")) fileName += fileNameBase;
else fileName += fileNameBase + ".root";
pRootFile = new TFile(fileName, "RECREATE");
return pRootFile;
cout << "ERROR: Do not use RootOutput::InitFile without a proof environment (use --proof option to NPTool)" << endl ;