- _npreader_ is a new executable, working similarly as _npanalysis_. It also uses _Analysis.cxx_ to convert raw data to physics tree.
- _npreader_ uses TTreeReader.next() to get data event by event. If a trigger condition only uses a small part of the data,
this data can be unallocated and checked in _UnallocateBeforeTreat()_ function, returning true or false depending on the trigger
(before treating detectors). This can also be done after treating detectors but before building with _UnallocateBeforeBuild()_
or after building but before writing with _FillOutputCondition()_. Using these functions is helpful to check only relevant
observables and write only relevant physics, which accelerates significantly analysis execution.
- An example of analysis syntax working with _npreader_ can be found in npp E805.
- Currently, _npreader_ option is only implemented for MUST2, Exogam, CATS, TAC detectors.
- _npreader_ is a new executable, working similarly to _npanalysis_. It also uses _Analysis.cxx_/_Analysis.cxx_ to convert raw data to physics tree.
- _npreader_ uses the TTreeReader.next() method to retrieve data event by event. A software trigger condition can be set to filter the data.
Depending on the trigger condition, a small part of the data can be extracted by the _UnallocateBeforeBuild()_ method to check the condition before building detectors.
The method then returns _true_ or _false_ depending on this trigger, and will continue the analysis in case of _true_, but will stop and go to the next event in case of _false_.
Conditions can also be set after building detectors but before treating the analysis using the _UnallocateBeforeTreat()_ method
or after treating the analysis but before writing the tree using the _FillOutputCondition()_ method.
These method are useful to treat and write only relevant information which accelerates significantly the execution of the analysis.
- An example of such analysis using the new npreader utility can be found in project E805.
- Currently, the _npreader_ utility is only implemented for MUST2, Exogam, CATS and TAC detectors.