This will open the NPSimulation GUI (if you are using Qt) or the prompt terminal. In either case you can generate event using:
This will open the NPSimulation GUI (if you are using Qt) or the prompt terminal. In either case you can generate event using:
> run/beamOn/ 10000
> run/beamOn/ 10000
> exit
> exit
This will run the 11Li(d,3He)10He->8He+n+n simulation and produce a root file located in $NPTOOL/Outputs/Simulation/Example1.root.
This will run the 11Li(d,3He)10He->8He+n+n simulation and produce a root file located in $NPTOOL/Outputs/Simulation/Example1.root. One can have a look at the Example1.detector, located in $NPTOOL/Inputs/DetectorConfiguration, and Example1.reaction, located in $NPTOOL/Inputs/EventGenerator, to see how the input file are formated. They usually are self explenatory using easy to understand token.
You can now try to analyse this simulated tree using the associated NPAnalysis project:
You can now try to analyse this simulated tree using the associated NPAnalysis project: