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Commit 7aa6dee7 authored by adrien-matta's avatar adrien-matta
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parent 47fc53f6
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#include "Analysis.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc,char** argv)
// command line parsing
NPOptionManager* myOptionManager = NPOptionManager::getInstance(argc,argv);
// Instantiate RootInput
string runToReadfileName = myOptionManager->GetRunToReadFile();
RootInput:: getInstance(runToReadfileName);
// if input files are not given, use those from TAsciiFile
if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("EventGenerator")) {
string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("EventGenerator");
if (myOptionManager->IsDefault("DetectorConfiguration")) {
string name = RootInput::getInstance()->DumpAsciiFile("DetectorConfiguration");
// Instantiate RootOutput
RootOutput::getInstance("Analysis/10He_AnalyzedData", "AnalysedTree");
// get input files from NPOptionManager
string reactionfileName = myOptionManager->GetReactionFile();
string detectorfileName = myOptionManager->GetDetectorFile();
string OutputfileName = myOptionManager->GetOutputFile();
// Instantiate some Reaction
NPL::Reaction* He10Reaction = new Reaction ;
He10Reaction -> ReadConfigurationFile("10He.reaction") ;
NPL::Reaction* Li10Reaction = new Reaction ;
Li10Reaction -> ReadConfigurationFile("9Li-dp-10Li.reaction") ;
// Instantiate the detector using a file
NPA::DetectorManager* myDetector = new DetectorManager ;
myDetector -> ReadConfigurationFile(detectorfileName) ;
// Attach more branch to the output
double ELab[2], ExcitationEnergy[2] ;
double ThetaLab[2] , ThetaCM[2] ;
double X[2] , Y[2] ;
double EventWeight=0;
// Exitation Energy
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ExcitationEnergy",ExcitationEnergy,"ExcitationEnergy[2]/D") ;
//E lab et Theta lab
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaCM",ThetaCM,"ThetaCM[2]/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ELab",ELab,"ELab[2]/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("ThetaLab",ThetaLab,"ThetaLab[2]/D") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("X",X,"X/D[2]") ;
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("Y",Y,"Y/D[2]") ;
// For phasespace event
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Branch("EventWeight",&EventWeight,"EventWeight/D") ;
// Get the formed Chained Tree and Treat it
TChain* Chain = RootInput:: getInstance() -> GetChain() ;
// Open the ThinSi Branch
Chain->SetBranchAddress("EventWeight" ,&EventWeight );
Chain->SetBranchStatus("InitialConditions",true) ;
Chain->SetBranchStatus("fIC_*",true) ;
TInitialConditions* Init = new TInitialConditions();
Chain->SetBranchAddress("InitialConditions" ,&Init );
TInteractionCoordinates* ICoord = new TInteractionCoordinates();
Chain->SetBranchAddress("InteractionCoordinates" ,&ICoord );
double XTarget=0 ; double YTarget=0; double ZTarget = 0 ; double BeamTheta = 0 ; double BeamPhi = 0 ; double E=-1000;
// Get Detector Pointer:
TMust2Physics* M2 = (TMust2Physics*) myDetector -> GetDetector("MUST2") ;
// TPlasticPhysics* Pl = (TPlasticPhysics*) myDetector -> m_Detector["Plastic"] ;
// TSSSDPhysics* ThinSi = (TSSSDPhysics*) myDetector -> m_Detector["SSSD"] ;
cout << endl << "///////// Starting Analysis ///////// "<< endl;
int nentries = Chain->GetEntries();
cout << " Number of Event to be treated : " << nentries << endl;
clock_t begin = clock();
clock_t end = begin;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nentries ; i ++ )
// Clear local branch
for(int hh = 0 ; hh <2 ; hh++)
ELab[hh] = -10000 ; ExcitationEnergy[hh] = -10000 ; ThetaLab[hh] = -10000 ;
X[hh] = -10000 ; Y[hh] = -10000 ; ThetaCM[hh] = -10000 ;
// Minimum code
if (i%10000 == 0 && i!=0) {
end = clock();
double TimeElapsed = (end-begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
double percent = (double)i / nentries;
double TimeToWait = (TimeElapsed/percent) - TimeElapsed;
cout << " "<< flush;
cout << "\rProgression:" << percent*100 << " % \t | \t Remaining time : ~" << TimeToWait << "s" << flush;
else if (i==nentries-1) cout << "\r Progression:"
<< " 100% " <<endl;
Chain -> GetEntry(i);
// Clear Previous Event
myDetector -> ClearEventPhysics() ;
// Build the new one
myDetector -> BuildPhysicalEvent() ;
// Target (from initial condition)
XTarget = Init->GetIncidentPositionX();
YTarget = Init->GetIncidentPositionY();
ZTarget = Init->GetIncidentPositionZ();
// XTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionX(0),1);
// YTarget = RandomEngine.Gaus(Init->GetICPositionY(0),1);
BeamTheta = Init->GetIncidentEmittanceTheta()*deg ; BeamPhi = Init->GetIncidentEmittancePhi()*deg ;
TVector3 BeamDirection = TVector3(cos(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta) , sin(BeamPhi)*sin(BeamTheta) , cos(BeamTheta)) ;
// Must 2 And ThinSi //
for(int hit = 0; hit < M2 -> Si_E.size() ; hit ++)
// Get Hit Direction
TVector3 HitDirection = M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit) - TVector3(XTarget,YTarget,0);
// Angle between beam and particle
ThetaLab[hit] = ThetaCalculation ( HitDirection , BeamDirection ) ;
double Xint = ICoord-> GetDetectedPositionX(hit) - M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit).X();
double Yint = ICoord-> GetDetectedPositionY(hit) - M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit).Y();
double Zint = ICoord-> GetDetectedPositionZ(hit) - M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit).Z();
// cout << Xint << " " << Yint << " " << Zint << endl;
// Angle between particule and z axis (target Normal)
double ThetaN = ThetaCalculation ( HitDirection , TVector3(0,0,1) ) ;
// Angle between particule and Must2 Si surface
double ThetaMM2Surface = ThetaCalculation ( HitDirection , M2 -> GetTelescopeNormal(hit) );
if(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit).Z() > 0)
if( M2 -> CsI_E[hit] < 0 && M2 -> Si_E[hit] > 0 )
ELab[hit] = M2 -> Si_E[hit] ;
// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
// ThetaMM2Surface );
// if(ThinSi -> Energy.size() > 0)
// {
//// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaMM2Surface );
//// ELab[hit] += ThinSi-> Energy[hit];
//// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaMM2Surface );
// }
//// ELab[hit]= He3TargetWind.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaN );
//// ELab[hit]= He3TargetGaz.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 3*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaN );
ThetaCM[hit] = He10Reaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab[hit] ) /deg ;
ExcitationEnergy[hit] = He10Reaction -> ReconstructRelativistic( ELab[hit] , ThetaLab[hit] ) ;
// if(ThinSi -> Energy.size() > 0 )
// if(cut3He_M2_SSSD->IsInside(ThinSi -> Energy[hit], M2 -> Si_E[hit]) )
// myHist1D->Fill(ExcitationEnergy[hit],EventWeight);
X[hit] = HitDirection . X();
Y[hit] = HitDirection . Y();
ThetaLab[hit] = ThetaLab[hit] / deg ;
else if(M2 ->CsI_E[hit] > 0 && M2 -> Si_E[hit] > 0)
ELab[hit]= M2 ->CsI_E[hit] ;
// ELab[hit]= He3TargetWind.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
// 3*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
// ThetaMM2Surface );
// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
// ThetaMM2Surface );
ELab[hit]+= M2 ->Si_E[hit];
// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
// ThetaMM2Surface );
// if(ThinSi -> Energy.size() > 0)
// {
//// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaMM2Surface );
//// ELab[hit] += ThinSi-> Energy[hit];
//// ELab[hit]= He3StripAl.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0.4*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaMM2Surface );
// }
//// ELab[hit]= He3TargetWind.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 0*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaN );
//// ELab[hit]= He3TargetGaz.EvaluateInitialEnergy( ELab[hit] , // Energy of the detected particle
//// 3*micrometer , // Target Thickness at 0 degree
//// ThetaN );
ThetaCM[hit]= He10Reaction -> EnergyLabToThetaCM( ELab[hit] ) /deg ;
ExcitationEnergy[hit] = He10Reaction -> ReconstructRelativistic( ELab[hit], ThetaLab[hit]) ;
// if( cut3He_MUST2->IsInside(M2 -> Si_E[hit], M2 -> CsI_E[hit]) )
// myHist1D->Fill(ExcitationEnergy[hit],EventWeight);
X[hit] = HitDirection . X();
Y[hit] = HitDirection . Y();
ThetaLab[hit] = ThetaLab[hit] / deg ;
else {ExcitationEnergy[hit]=-100 ; X[hit] = -100 ; Y[hit]= -100 ; ThetaLab[hit]=-100;ThetaCM[hit]=-100;}
/*else if(M2 -> GetPositionOfInteraction(hit).Z()<0)
{} */
RootOutput::getInstance()->GetTree()->Fill() ;
return 0 ;
double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B)
double Theta = acos( (A.Dot(B)) / (A.Mag()*B.Mag()) ) ;
return Theta ;
// You can use this file to declare your spectra, file, energy loss , ... and whatever you want.
// This way you can remove all unnecessary declaration in the main programm.
// In order to help debugging and organizing we use Name Space.
// -------------------------------------- VARIOUS INCLUDE ---------------------------------------
// NPA
#include "DetectorManager.h"
// STL C++
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TChain.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TLeaf.h>
#include <TVector3.h>
#include <TRandom.h>
// NPL
#include "TPlasticData.h"
#include "NPReaction.h"
#include "RootInput.h"
#include "RootOutput.h"
#include "TInitialConditions.h"
#include "TInteractionCoordinates.h"
#include "TMust2Physics.h"
#include "TSSSDPhysics.h"
#include "TPlasticPhysics.h"
#include "NPOptionManager.h"
// Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
#include "NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
#include "NPPhysicalConstants.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double ThetaCalculation (TVector3 A , TVector3 B) ;
// ----------------------------------- DOUBLE, INT, BOOL AND MORE -------------------------------
namespace VARIABLE
// Declare your Variable here:
double X1,Y1,Z1 ;
int N1,N2 = 0 ;
bool check= false ;
// A Usefull Simple Random Generator
TRandom Rand;
using namespace VARIABLE ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------GRAPH------------------------------------------------------
#include <TObject.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TH2F.h>
#include <TGraph2D.h>
namespace GRAPH
// Declare your Spectra here:
TH1F* myHist1D = new TH1F("Hist1D","Histogramm 1D ; x ; count", 100 , -40 , 40 ) ;
TH2F *myHist2D = new TH2F("Hist2D","Histogramm 2D ; x ; y ", 128 , 1 , 128 , 128 , 1 , 128 ) ;
using namespace GRAPH ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------CUT------------------------------------------------------
#include <TCutG.h>
namespace CUT
// Declare your Cut here:
using namespace CUT ;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------ENERGY LOSS----------------------------------------------
#include "NPEnergyLoss.h"
using namespace NPL ;
namespace ENERGYLOSS
// 3He Energy Loss
EnergyLoss He3TargetWind = EnergyLoss ( "He3_Mylar.G4table" ,
3 );
EnergyLoss He3TargetGaz = EnergyLoss ( "He3_D2.G4table" ,
3 );
EnergyLoss He3StripAl = EnergyLoss ( "He3_Aluminium.G4table" ,
3 );
// EnergyLoss He3TargetWind = EnergyLoss ( "3He_Mylar.txt" ,
// "LISE",
// 10000 ,
// 1 ,
// 3 );
// EnergyLoss He3TargetGaz = EnergyLoss ( "3He_D2gaz_1b_26K.txt" ,
// "LISE",
// 10000 ,
// 1 ,
// 3 );
// EnergyLoss He3StripAl = EnergyLoss ( "3He_Al.txt" ,
// "LISE",
// 10000 ,
// 1 ,
// 3 );
EnergyLoss He3StripSi = EnergyLoss ( "3He_Si.txt" ,
100 ,
3 ,
1 );
// proton Energy Loss
EnergyLoss protonTargetWind = EnergyLoss ( "proton_Mylar.txt" ,
100 ,
1 ,
1 );
EnergyLoss protonTargetGaz = EnergyLoss ( "proton_D2gaz_1b_26K.txt" ,
100 ,
1 ,
1 );
EnergyLoss protonStripAl = EnergyLoss ( "proton_Al.txt" ,
100 ,
1 ,
1 );
using namespace ENERGYLOSS ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------Random Engine----------------------------------------------
#include "TRandom3.h"
TRandom3 RandomEngine = TRandom3();
using namespace RANDOMENGINE ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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