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Commit fa6bcf96 authored by Pierre Morfouace's avatar Pierre Morfouace
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removing NPInelasticBreakUp

parent 6efee52f
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Pipeline #387126 passed
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 this file is part of the NPTool Project *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence *
* For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors *
* *
* Original Author : Adrien MAtta contact: *
* *
* Creation Date : April 2024 *
* Decription: *
* *
* *
* Comment: *
* *
* *
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "NPCore.h"
#include "NPFunction.h"
#include "NPInelasticBreakup.h"
#include "NPOptionManager.h"
// Use CLHEP System of unit and Physical Constant
#include "NPGlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
#include "NPPhysicalConstants.h"
using namespace NPUNITS;
#include "TF1.h"
InelasticBreakup::InelasticBreakup() {
//------------- Default Constructor -------------
fBeamEnergy = 0;
fThetaCM = 0;
fExcitation1 = 0;
fExcitation3 = 0;
fExcitation4 = 0;
fQValue = 0;
fVerboseLevel = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
fCrossSectionHist = NULL;
fExcitationEnergyHist = NULL;
fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist = NULL;
fshoot3 = true;
fshoot4 = true;
fUseExInGeant4 = true;
fLabCrossSection = false; // flag if the provided cross-section is in the lab or not
// This constructor aim to provide a fast way to instantiate a reaction without input file
// The string should be of the form "A(b,c)D@E" with E the ernegy of the beam in MeV
InelasticBreakup::InelasticBreakup(string reaction) {
// Instantiate the parameter to default
// Analyse the reaction and extract revelant information
string A, b, c, D, E;
unsigned int i = 0;
for (; i < reaction.length(); i++) {
if (, 1, "(") != 0)
for (; i < reaction.length(); i++) {
if (, 1, ",") != 0)
for (; i < reaction.length(); i++) {
if (, 1, ")") != 0)
for (; i < reaction.length(); i++) {
if (, 1, "@") != 0)
for (; i < reaction.length(); i++) {
fParticle1 = Beam(A);
fParticle2 = Particle(b);
fParticle3 = Particle(c);
fParticle4 = Particle(D);
fBeamEnergy = atof(E.c_str());
fThetaCM = 0;
fExcitation1 = 0;
fExcitation3 = 0;
fExcitation4 = 0;
fQValue = 0;
fVerboseLevel = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
// do that to avoid warning from multiple Hist with same name... int offset = 0;
int offset = 0;
while (gDirectory->FindObjectAny(Form("EnergyHist_%i", offset)) != 0)
fCrossSectionHist = new TH1F(Form("EnergyHist_%i", offset), "InelasticBreakup_CS", 1, 0, 180);
fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist = NULL;
fshoot3 = true;
fshoot4 = true;
fLabCrossSection = false;
InelasticBreakup::~InelasticBreakup() {}
bool InelasticBreakup::CheckKinematic() {
double theta = fThetaCM;
/*if (m1 > m2){
theta = M_PI - fThetaCM;
fThetaCM = M_PI - fThetaCM;
fEnergyImpulsionCM_3 = TLorentzVector(pCM_3 * sin(theta), 0, pCM_3 * cos(theta), ECM_3);
fEnergyImpulsionCM_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM - fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.Boost(0, 0, fBetaCM);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fEnergyImpulsionCM_4;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Boost(0, 0, fBetaCM);
if (fabs(fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.E() - (fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.E() + fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E())) > 1e-6) {
cout << "Problem with energy conservation" << endl;
return false;
else {
// cout << "Kinematic OK" << endl;
return true;
double InelasticBreakup::ShootRandomThetaCM() {
double theta; // CM
if (fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist) {
// Take a slice in energy
TAxis* Y = fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist->GetYaxis();
int binY;
// Those test are there for the tail event of the energy distribution
// In case the energy is outside the range of the 2D histo we take the
// closest available CS
if (Y->FindBin(fBeamEnergy) > Y->GetLast())
binY = Y->GetLast() - 1;
else if (Y->FindBin(fBeamEnergy) < Y->GetFirst())
binY = Y->GetFirst() + 1;
binY = Y->FindBin(fBeamEnergy);
TH1D* Proj = fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist->ProjectionX("proj", binY, binY);
SetThetaCM(theta = Proj->GetRandom() * deg);
else if (fLabCrossSection && fCrossSectionHist) {
double thetalab = -1;
double energylab = -1;
while (energylab < 0) {
thetalab = fCrossSectionHist->GetRandom() * deg; // shoot in lab
energylab = EnergyLabFromThetaLab(thetalab); // get corresponding energy
theta = EnergyLabToThetaCM(energylab, thetalab); // transform to theta CM
else if (fCrossSectionHist) {
// When root perform a Spline interpolation to shoot random number out of
// the distribution, it can over shoot and output a number larger that 180
// this lead to an additional signal at 0-4 deg Lab, especially when using a
// flat distribution.
// This fix it.
theta = 181;
if (theta / deg > 180)
theta = fCrossSectionHist->GetRandom();
// cout << " Shooting Random ThetaCM " << theta << endl;
SetThetaCM(theta * deg);
else {
NPL::SendErrorAndExit("NPL::InelasticBreakup", "No cross section provided, add relevant token to input file.");
return theta;
void InelasticBreakup::ShootRandomExcitationEnergy() {
if (fExcitationEnergyHist) {
void InelasticBreakup::KineRelativistic(double& ThetaLab3, double& KineticEnergyLab3, double& ThetaLab4,
double& KineticEnergyLab4) {
// 2-body relativistic kinematics: direct + inverse
// EnergieLab3,4 : lab energy in MeV of the 2 ejectiles
// ThetaLab3,4 : angles in rad
// case of inverse kinematics
double theta = fThetaCM;
if (m1 > m2) {
theta = M_PI - fThetaCM;
// fThetaCM = M_PI - fThetaCM;
fEnergyImpulsionCM_3 = TLorentzVector(pCM_3 * sin(theta), 0, pCM_3 * cos(theta), ECM_3);
fEnergyImpulsionCM_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM - fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.Boost(0, 0, fBetaCM);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fEnergyImpulsionCM_4;
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Boost(0, 0, fBetaCM);
// Angle in the lab frame
ThetaLab3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionLab_1.Vect());
if (ThetaLab3 < 0)
ThetaLab3 += M_PI;
ThetaLab4 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionLab_1.Vect());
if (fabs(ThetaLab3) < 1e-6)
ThetaLab3 = 0;
ThetaLab4 = fabs(ThetaLab4);
if (fabs(ThetaLab4) < 1e-6)
ThetaLab4 = 0;
// Kinetic Energy in the lab frame
KineticEnergyLab3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.E() - m3;
KineticEnergyLab4 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E() - m4;
// test for total energy conversion
if (fabs(fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.E() - (fEnergyImpulsionLab_3.E() + fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.E())) > 1e-6)
cout << "Problem for energy conservation" << endl;
double InelasticBreakup::ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab, double PhiLab) {
// EnergyLab in MeV
// ThetaLab in rad
double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3 * E3 - m3 * m3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 =
TLorentzVector(p_Lab_3 * sin(ThetaLab) * cos(PhiLab), p_Lab_3 * sin(PhiLab), p_Lab_3 * cos(ThetaLab), E3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab - fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
double Eex = fEnergyImpulsionLab_4.Mag() - fParticle4.Mass();
return Eex;
TLorentzVector InelasticBreakup::LorentzAfterInelasticBreakup(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab, double PhiLab) {
double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3 * E3 - m3 * m3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 =
TLorentzVector(p_Lab_3 * sin(ThetaLab) * cos(PhiLab), p_Lab_3 * sin(PhiLab), p_Lab_3 * cos(ThetaLab), E3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab - fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
return fEnergyImpulsionLab_4;
// Return ThetaCM
double InelasticBreakup::EnergyLabToThetaCM(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab) {
double E3 = m3 + EnergyLab;
double p_Lab_3 = sqrt(E3 * E3 - m3 * m3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = TLorentzVector(p_Lab_3 * sin(ThetaLab), 0, p_Lab_3 * cos(ThetaLab), E3);
fEnergyImpulsionCM_3 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Boost(0, 0, -fBetaCM);
double ThetaCM = M_PI - fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Angle(fEnergyImpulsionCM_3.Vect());
return (ThetaCM);
// Return EnergyLab
double InelasticBreakup::EnergyLabFromThetaLab(double ThetaLab) {
// ThetaLab in rad
// IMPORTANT NOTICE: This function is not suitable for reaction A(c,d)B
// where M(c) < M(d), i.e. (p,d) or (d,3He) since in this case the same
// angle observed in the lab corresponds to two different energies.
// If this situation is encountered here:
// 1- the final energy will be determined randomly with a 50%-50%
// split for either energies.
// 2- Any angle outside of the allowed range (in this case) will return -1.
// 3- The user lab distribution will be used between angles {0,max} and the
// spatial distribution of the high energy and low energy branch
// will be the same.
// 4- Practically, in an experiment using a downstream spectrometer
// only one of the energy branches is considered.
// !! If both of the branches are needed the user SHOULD use the center-of-mass distribution.
// This calculation uses the formalism from J.B Marion and F.C Young
// (Book: Nucler InelasticBreakup Analysis, Graphs and Tables)
// Treat Exeptions
if (fBeamEnergy == 0)
return m4 * fQValue / (m3 + m4);
double A, B, C, D, ThetaLabMax = 181 * deg;
double Q = fQValue;
double T1 = fBeamEnergy;
double TT = fBeamEnergy + Q;
double sign = +1;
A = m1 * m4 * (T1 / TT) / (m1 + m2) / (m3 + m4);
B = m1 * m3 * (T1 / TT) / (m1 + m2) / (m3 + m4);
C = m2 * m3 * (1 + (m1 * Q) / (m2 * TT)) / (m1 + m2) / (m3 + m4);
D = m2 * m4 * (1 + (m1 * Q) / (m2 * TT)) / (m1 + m2) / (m3 + m4);
if (fabs(A + B + C + D - 1) > 1e-6 or fabs(A * C - B * D) > 1e-6) {
cout << " InelasticBreakup balance is wrong in NPInelasticBreakup object." << endl;
if (B > D) {
ThetaLabMax = asin(sqrt(D / B));
if (gRandom->Rndm() < 0.5)
sign = -1;
if (ThetaLab > ThetaLabMax)
return -1;
double cosine = cos(ThetaLab);
double sine2 = pow(sin(ThetaLab), 2);
double factor = sqrt(D / B - sine2);
double EnergyLab = TT * B * pow(cosine + sign * factor, 2);
// cout << " Angle/energy: " << ThetaLab/deg << " " << EnergyLab << endl ;
// cin.get();
return EnergyLab;
void InelasticBreakup::Print() const {
// Print informations concerning the reaction
cout << "InelasticBreakup : " << fParticle2.GetName() << "(" << fParticle1.GetName() << "," << fParticle3.GetName()
<< ")" << fParticle4.GetName() << " @ " << fBeamEnergy << " MeV" << endl;
cout << "Exc Particle 1 = " << fExcitation1 << " MeV" << endl;
cout << "Exc Particle 3 = " << fExcitation3 << " MeV" << endl;
cout << "Exc Particle 4 = " << fExcitation4 << " MeV" << endl;
cout << "Qgg = " << fQValue << " MeV" << endl;
void InelasticBreakup::ReadConfigurationFile(string Path) {
ifstream InelasticBreakupFile;
string GlobalPath = getenv("NPTOOL");
string StandardPath = GlobalPath + "/Inputs/EventGenerator/" + Path;;
if (!InelasticBreakupFile.is_open()) {;
if (InelasticBreakupFile.is_open()) {
Path = StandardPath;
else {
cout << "InelasticBreakup File " << Path << " not found" << endl;
NPL::InputParser parser(Path);
Particle InelasticBreakup::GetParticle(string name, NPL::InputParser parser) {
vector<NPL::InputBlock*> blocks = parser.GetAllBlocksWithTokenAndValue("DefineParticle", name);
unsigned int size = blocks.size();
if (size == 0)
return NPL::Particle(name);
else if (size == 1) {
cout << " -- User defined nucleus " << name << " -- " << endl;
vector<string> token = {"SubPart", "BindingEnergy"};
if (blocks[0]->HasTokenList(token)) {
NPL::Particle N(name, blocks[0]->GetVectorString("SubPart"), blocks[0]->GetDouble("BindingEnergy", "MeV"));
if (blocks[0]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergy"))
N.SetExcitationEnergy(blocks[0]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergy", "MeV"));
if (blocks[0]->HasToken("SpinParity"))
if (blocks[0]->HasToken("Spin"))
N.SetSpin(blocks[0]->GetDouble("Spin", ""));
if (blocks[0]->HasToken("Parity"))
if (blocks[0]->HasToken("LifeTime"))
N.SetLifeTime(blocks[0]->GetDouble("LifeTime", "s"));
cout << " -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --" << endl;
return N;
else {
NPL::SendErrorAndExit("NPL::InelasticBreakup", "Too many nuclei define with the same name");
return (NPL::Particle());
void InelasticBreakup::ReadConfigurationFile(NPL::InputParser parser) {
vector<NPL::InputBlock*> blocks = parser.GetAllBlocksWithToken("TwoBodyInelasticBreakup");
if (blocks.size() > 0 && NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel())
cout << endl << "\033[1;35m//// Two body reaction found " << endl;
vector<string> token1 = {"Beam", "Target", "Light", "Heavy"};
vector<string> token2 = {"Beam", "Target", "Particle3", "Particle4"};
double CSHalfOpenAngleMin = 0 * deg;
double CSHalfOpenAngleMax = 180 * deg;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) {
if (blocks[i]->HasTokenList(token1)) {
int v = NPOptionManager::getInstance()->GetVerboseLevel();
fBeamEnergy = fParticle1.GetEnergy();
fParticle2 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Target"), parser);
fParticle3 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Light"), parser);
fParticle4 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Heavy"), parser);
else if (blocks[i]->HasTokenList(token2)) {
fBeamEnergy = fParticle1.GetEnergy();
fParticle2 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Target"), parser);
fParticle3 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Particle3"), parser);
fParticle4 = GetParticle(blocks[i]->GetString("Particle4"), parser);
else {
cout << "ERROR: check your input file formatting \033[0m" << endl;
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergyBeam")) {
fExcitation1 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergyBeam", "MeV");
else if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergy1")) {
fExcitation1 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergy1", "MeV");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergyLight"))
fExcitation3 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergyLight", "MeV");
else if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergy3"))
fExcitation3 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergy3", "MeV");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergyHeavy"))
fExcitation4 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergyHeavy", "MeV");
else if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergy4"))
fExcitation4 = blocks[i]->GetDouble("ExcitationEnergy4", "MeV");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ExcitationEnergyDistribution")) {
vector<string> file = blocks[i]->GetVectorString("ExcitationEnergyDistribution");
fExcitationEnergyHist = Read1DProfile(file[0], file[1]);
fExcitation4 = 0;
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("CrossSectionPath")) {
vector<string> file = blocks[i]->GetVectorString("CrossSectionPath");
TH1F* CStemp = Read1DProfile(file[0], file[1]);
// multiply CStemp by sin(theta)
TF1* fsin = new TF1("sin", Form("1/(sin(x*%f/180.))", M_PI), 0, 180);
CStemp->Divide(fsin, 1);
delete fsin;
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("LabCrossSectionPath")) {
fLabCrossSection = true;
vector<string> file = blocks[i]->GetVectorString("LabCrossSectionPath");
TH1F* CStemp = Read1DProfile(file[0], file[1]);
// multiply CStemp by sin(theta)
TF1* fsin = new TF1("sin", Form("1/(sin(x*%f/180.))", M_PI), 0, 180);
CStemp->Divide(fsin, 1);
delete fsin;
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("DoubleDifferentialCrossSectionPath")) {
vector<string> file = blocks[i]->GetVectorString("DoubleDifferentialCrossSectionPath");
TH2F* CStemp = Read2DProfile(file[0], file[1]);
// multiply CStemp by sin(theta)
// X axis is theta CM
// Y axis is beam energy
// Division affect only X axis
TF1* fsin = new TF1("sin", Form("1/(sin(x*%f/180.))", M_PI), 0, 180);
CStemp->Divide(fsin, 1);
delete fsin;
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("HalfOpenAngleMin")) {
CSHalfOpenAngleMin = blocks[i]->GetDouble("HalfOpenAngleMin", "deg");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("HalfOpenAngleMax")) {
CSHalfOpenAngleMax = blocks[i]->GetDouble("HalfOpenAngleMax", "deg");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("Shoot3")) {
fshoot3 = blocks[i]->GetInt("Shoot3");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("Shoot4")) {
fshoot4 = blocks[i]->GetInt("Shoot4");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ShootHeavy")) {
fshoot4 = blocks[i]->GetInt("ShootHeavy");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("ShootLight")) {
fshoot3 = blocks[i]->GetInt("ShootLight");
if (blocks[i]->HasToken("UseExInGeant4")) {
// This option will not change the Ex of the produced ion in G4 Tracking
// This is to be set to true when using a Ex distribution without decay
// Otherwise the Ion Table size grew four ech event slowing down the
// simulation
fUseExInGeant4 = blocks[i]->GetInt("UseExInGeant4");
SetCSAngle(CSHalfOpenAngleMin / deg, CSHalfOpenAngleMax / deg);
cout << "\033[0m";
void InelasticBreakup::initializePrecomputeVariable() {
if (fBeamEnergy < 0)
fBeamEnergy = 0;
if (fExcitation1 >= 0)
fParticle1.SetExcitationEnergy(fExcitation1); // Write over the beam excitation energy
// fParticle1.GetExcitationEnergy() is a copy of fExcitation1
m1 = fParticle1.Mass() + fParticle1.GetExcitationEnergy(); // in case of isomeric state,
m2 = fParticle2.Mass(); // Target
m3 = fParticle3.Mass() + fExcitation3;
m4 = fParticle4.Mass() + fExcitation4;
fQValue = m1 + m2 - m3 - m4;
s = m1 * m1 + m2 * m2 + 2 * m2 * (fBeamEnergy + m1);
fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, sqrt(s));
fEcm = sqrt(s) - m1 - m2;
ECM_1 = (s + m1 * m1 - m2 * m2) / (2 * sqrt(s));
ECM_2 = (s + m2 * m2 - m1 * m1) / (2 * sqrt(s));
ECM_3 = (s + m3 * m3 - m4 * m4) / (2 * sqrt(s));
ECM_4 = (s + m4 * m4 - m3 * m3) / (2 * sqrt(s));
pCM_1 = sqrt(ECM_1 * ECM_1 - m1 * m1);
pCM_2 = sqrt(ECM_2 * ECM_2 - m2 * m2);
pCM_3 = sqrt(ECM_3 * ECM_3 - m3 * m3);
pCM_4 = sqrt(ECM_4 * ECM_4 - m4 * m4);
fImpulsionLab_1 = TVector3(0, 0, sqrt(fBeamEnergy * fBeamEnergy + 2 * fBeamEnergy * m1));
fImpulsionLab_2 = TVector3(0, 0, 0);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_1, m1 + fBeamEnergy);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_2 = TLorentzVector(fImpulsionLab_2, m2);
fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1 + fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
fBetaCM = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab.Beta();
fEnergyImpulsionCM_1 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_1;
fEnergyImpulsionCM_1.Boost(0, 0, -fBetaCM);
fEnergyImpulsionCM_2 = fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
fEnergyImpulsionCM_2.Boost(0, 0, -fBetaCM);
void InelasticBreakup::SetParticle3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab) {
double p3 = sqrt(pow(EnergyLab, 2) + 2 * m3 * EnergyLab);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_3 = TLorentzVector(p3 * sin(ThetaLab), 0, p3 * cos(ThetaLab), EnergyLab + m3);
fEnergyImpulsionLab_4 = fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab - fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
fThetaCM = EnergyLabToThetaCM(EnergyLab, ThetaLab);
fExcitation4 = ReconstructRelativistic(EnergyLab, ThetaLab);
Double_t InelasticBreakup::GetTotalCrossSection() const {
Double_t stot = fCrossSectionHist->Integral("width"); // take bin width into account (in deg!)
stot *= M_PI / 180; // correct so that bin width is in rad
stot *= 2 * M_PI; // integration over phi
return stot;
void InelasticBreakup::SetCSAngle(double CSHalfOpenAngleMin, double CSHalfOpenAngleMax) {
if (fCrossSectionHist) {
for (int i = 0; i < fCrossSectionHist->GetNbinsX(); i++) {
if (fCrossSectionHist->GetBinCenter(i) > CSHalfOpenAngleMax ||
fCrossSectionHist->GetBinCenter(i) < CSHalfOpenAngleMin) {
fCrossSectionHist->SetBinContent(i, 0);
// Check whenever the reaction is allowed at the given energy
bool InelasticBreakup::IsAllowed(double Energy) {
double AvailableEnergy = Energy + fParticle1.Mass() + fParticle2.Mass();
double RequiredEnergy = fParticle3.Mass() + fParticle4.Mass();
if (AvailableEnergy > RequiredEnergy)
return true;
return false;
#ifndef NPInelasticBreakUp_h
#define NPInelasticBreakUp_h
* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 this file is part of the NPTool Project *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $NPTOOL/Licence/NPTool_Licence *
* For the list of contributors see $NPTOOL/Licence/Contributors *
* *
* Original Author : Adrien MAtta contact: *
* *
* Creation Date : April 2024 *
* Decription: *
* *
* *
* Comment: *
* *
* *
// C++ header
#include <string>
// NPL
#include "NPBeam.h"
#include "NPInputParser.h"
#include "NPParticle.h"
using namespace NPL;
// ROOT header
#include "NPReaction.h"
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TLorentzRotation.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TVector3.h"
using namespace std;
namespace NPL {
class InelasticBreakup {
public: // Constructors and Destructors
public: // Various Method
Particle GetParticle(string name, NPL::InputParser parser);
void ReadConfigurationFile(string Path);
void ReadConfigurationFile(NPL::InputParser);
TRandom* RandGen;
int fVerboseLevel;
private: // use for Monte Carlo simulation
bool fshoot3;
bool fshoot4;
bool fshoot5;
bool fUseExInGeant4;
bool fLabCrossSection;
Beam fParticle1; // Beam
Particle fParticle2; // Target
Particle fParticle3; // Light ejectile
Particle fParticle4; // Heavy ejectile
double fQValue; // Q-value in MeV
double fEcm; // Ecm in MeV
double fBeamEnergy; // Beam energy in MeV
double fThetaCM; // Center-of-mass angle in radian
double fExcitation1; // Excitation energy in MeV of the beam, useful for isomers
double fExcitation3; // Excitation energy in MeV
double fExcitation4; // Excitation energy in MeV
TH1F* fCrossSectionHist; // Differential cross section in CM frame
TH2F* fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist; // Diff. CS CM frame vs Beam E
TH1F* fExcitationEnergyHist; // Distribution of Excitation energy
// Getters and Setters
void SetBeamEnergy(const double& eBeam) {
fBeamEnergy = eBeam;
void SetEcm(const double& Ecm) {
fEcm = Ecm;
s = pow(Ecm + m1 + m2, 2);
fBeamEnergy = (s - m1 * m1 - m2 * m2) / (2 * m2) - m1;
void SetThetaCM(const double& angle) {
fThetaCM = angle;
void SetExcitation1(const double& exci) {
fExcitation1 = exci;
void SetExcitation3(const double& exci) {
fExcitation3 = exci;
void SetExcitation4(const double& exci) {
fExcitation4 = exci;
// For retro compatibility
void SetExcitationBeam(const double& exci) {
fExcitation1 = exci;
void SetExcitationLight(const double& exci) {
fExcitation3 = exci;
void SetExcitationHeavy(const double& exci) {
fExcitation4 = exci;
void SetVerboseLevel(const int& verbose) { fVerboseLevel = verbose; }
void SetCrossSectionHist(TH1F* CrossSectionHist) {
delete fCrossSectionHist;
fCrossSectionHist = CrossSectionHist;
void SetDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist(TH2F* CrossSectionHist) {
fDoubleDifferentialCrossSectionHist = CrossSectionHist;
double GetBeamEnergy() const { return fBeamEnergy; }
double GetThetaCM() const { return fThetaCM; }
double GetExcitation1() const { return fExcitation1; }
double GetExcitation3() const { return fExcitation3; }
double GetExcitation4() const { return fExcitation4; }
double GetQValue() const { return fQValue; }
double GetEcm() const { return fEcm; }
Particle* GetParticle1() { return &fParticle1; }
Particle* GetParticle2() { return &fParticle2; }
Particle* GetParticle3() { return &fParticle3; }
Particle* GetParticle4() { return &fParticle4; }
Particle* GetNucleus1() { return GetParticle1(); }
Particle* GetNucleus2() { return GetParticle2(); }
Particle* GetNucleus3() { return GetParticle3(); }
Particle* GetNucleus4() { return GetParticle4(); }
TH1F* GetCrossSectionHist() const { return fCrossSectionHist; }
int GetVerboseLevel() const { return fVerboseLevel; }
bool GetShoot3() const { return fshoot3; }
bool GetShoot4() const { return fshoot4; }
bool GetUseExInGeant4() const { return fUseExInGeant4; }
// Modify the CS histo so cross section shoot is within ]HalfOpenAngleMin,HalfOpenAngleMax[
void SetCSAngle(double CSHalfOpenAngleMin, double CSHalfOpenAngleMax);
private: // intern precompute variable
void initializePrecomputeVariable();
double m1;
double m2;
double m3;
double m4;
double m5;
// Lorents Vector
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_1;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_2;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_3;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionLab_4;
TLorentzVector fTotalEnergyImpulsionLab;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionCM_1;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionCM_2;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionCM_3;
TLorentzVector fEnergyImpulsionCM_4;
TLorentzVector fTotalEnergyImpulsionCM;
// Impulsion Vector3
TVector3 fImpulsionLab_1;
TVector3 fImpulsionLab_2;
TVector3 fImpulsionLab_3;
TVector3 fImpulsionLab_4;
TVector3 fImpulsionCM_1;
TVector3 fImpulsionCM_2;
TVector3 fImpulsionCM_3;
TVector3 fImpulsionCM_4;
// CM Energy composante & CM impulsion norme
Double_t ECM_1;
Double_t ECM_2;
Double_t ECM_3;
Double_t ECM_4;
Double_t pCM_1;
Double_t pCM_2;
Double_t pCM_3;
Double_t pCM_4;
// Mandelstam variable
Double_t s;
// Center of Mass Kinematic
Double_t fBetaCM;
TLorentzVector GetEnergyImpulsionLab_1() const { return fEnergyImpulsionLab_1; }
TLorentzVector GetEnergyImpulsionLab_2() const { return fEnergyImpulsionLab_2; }
TLorentzVector GetEnergyImpulsionLab_3() const { return fEnergyImpulsionLab_3; }
TLorentzVector GetEnergyImpulsionLab_4() const { return fEnergyImpulsionLab_4; }
public: // Kinematics
// Check that the reaction is alowed
bool CheckKinematic();
bool IsLabCrossSection() { return fLabCrossSection; };
// Use fCrossSectionHist to shoot a Random ThetaCM and set fThetaCM to this value
double ShootRandomThetaCM();
// Use fExcitationEnergyHist to shoot a Random Excitation energy and set fExcitation4 to this value
void ShootRandomExcitationEnergy();
// Compute ThetaLab and EnergyLab for product of reaction
void KineRelativistic(double& ThetaLab3, double& KineticEnergyLab3, double& ThetaLab4, double& KineticEnergyLab4);
// Return Excitation Energy
double ReconstructRelativistic(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab, double PhiLab = 0);
// Return Lorentz Vector of Heavy Recoil after reaction
TLorentzVector LorentzAfterInelasticBreakup(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab, double PhiLab = 0);
// Return ThetaCM
// EnergyLab: energy measured in the laboratory frame
// ExcitationEnergy: excitation energy previously calculated.
double EnergyLabToThetaCM(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab);
// Return theoretical EnergyLab, useful for a random distribution in the lab frame
// ThetaLab: angle measured in the laboratory frame
// This uses the fExcitation4 and fQValue both set previously
double EnergyLabFromThetaLab(double ThetaLab);
// Check whenever the reaction is allowed at the given energy
bool IsAllowed(double Energy);
void SetParticle3(double EnergyLab, double ThetaLab);
double GetP_CM_1() { return pCM_1; }
double GetP_CM_2() { return pCM_2; }
double GetP_CM_3() { return pCM_3; }
double GetP_CM_4() { return pCM_4; }
double GetE_CM_1() { return ECM_1; }
double GetE_CM_2() { return ECM_2; }
double GetE_CM_3() { return ECM_3; }
double GetE_CM_4() { return ECM_4; }
// Print private paremeter
void Print() const;
ClassDef(InelasticBreakup, 0)
} // namespace NPL
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