- Nov 15, 2013
adrien-matta authored
adrien-matta authored
- Nov 12, 2013
adrien-matta authored
adrien-matta authored
* unrecognize -e option on various linux platform
- Aug 20, 2013
matta authored
- Some old machine requiered the -e flag in front of echo to interpret correctly the \t command as a tab - some new machine ignore -e and the make fail later - The solution to both is to suppress the -e flag (done before) and replace \t by the ascii code \011
- Jan 09, 2013
nicolas authored
Now, one should first execute the configure script and then run make * There is the possibility to pass as arguments of the configure script detector names, e.g: ./configure must2 cats * Moreover, there is the possibility to compile specific detectors, e.g: make must2
- Jul 16, 2012
matta authored
- Mar 13, 2011
deserevi authored
environment variables. * The $NPTOOL env. variable is now the only one to be defined for running the project. * Add comments in the $NPTOOL/NPLib/liblist file to specify that this file is created automatically.
- Nov 16, 2010
deserevi authored
+ scripts are used to move header files, libraries to the include and lib directories + scripts are located in NPLib/scripts + liblist is know created on the fly and is removed from the NPTool package * Update NPL Makefile to include Paris and Shield detectors