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  1. Dec 22, 2010
  2. Dec 21, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * New (and last!) positioning scheme for GaspardTrackerTrapezoid in NPS · 050ba4a2
      deserevi authored
                /      \           ^
               /        \          | v
              /          \         |
             --------------   <-----
                                 u = (128,1) - (1,128)
             w = u x v in direction of third stage
      * Cartesian and spherical positioning of GaspardTrackerTrapezoid is consistent
      * gaspHyde.detector has been modified to take these changes into account
      * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
  3. Nov 17, 2010
  4. Nov 16, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * Change scheme for NPL Makefile · 5d65b1ce
      deserevi authored
         + scripts are used to move header files, libraries to the include and
           lib directories
         + scripts are located in NPLib/scripts
         + liblist is know created on the fly and is removed from the NPTool 
      * Update NPL Makefile to include Paris and Shield detectors
  5. Oct 21, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * New positioning scheme for GaspardTrackerTrapezoid in NPS · 526ffd13
      deserevi authored
            ---------------        ^
            \             /        | v   u = (128,1) - (1,1)
             \           /         |     v = (1,128) - (1,1)
              \         /    <------ 
               \       /        u        and w = u x v in direction
                -------                  of third stage
      * gaspHyde geometry is now well-defined
      * Stripping scheme in NPS and NPA still to be done
    • deserevi's avatar
      * Changes in NPS for GaspardTrackerDummyShape shape · 85e9b914
      deserevi authored
         + new positioning method in cartesian coordinates:
             w = u x v where u = (128,1) - (1,1)
                             v = (1,128) - (1,1)
             comment: this differs from Must2 positioning scheme 
                      where w = v x u
         + this ensures a full consistency between simulations
           and analysis when GaspardTrackerDummyShape is positioned
           at the *same* place with cartesion or spherical coordinates
         + this was checked with a GaspardTrackerDummyShape module at
           R = 100, THETA = 180 and PHI = 0
      * Add support in NPA for GaspardTrackerSquare shape
         + same changes as for GaspardTrackerDummyShape both in NPS
           and NPA
         + full consistency is achieved when GaspardTrackerModule are 
           positioned at the *same* place with cartesian or spherical 
         + this was checked with the barrel of the gaspHyde geometry
      * Misc:
         + remove compilation warnings in ParisCluster
         + begin work on GaspardTrackerTrapezoid (NPS + NPA)
  6. Oct 13, 2010
  7. Oct 12, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * Add support for annular shape in Gaspard · 1fe79370
      deserevi authored
         + add reliable scorer functionality for theta and phi strips in NPS
         + add theta and phi strips position determination in NPL
      * Status:
         + Analysis is working well, except that excitation energy, when using
           the strips, is reconstructed -20 keV off.
  8. Oct 11, 2010
  9. Oct 08, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * Support for multi-shape based detector (Gaspard) in NPTool · c296ea20
      deserevi authored
         + A lot of work has been done
         + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew class
           This class now *only* hold the physical information as calculated
           from NPAnalysis.
         + Status:
           running NPAnalysis gives the same results with the new structure
           than before in case of the gaspardTestSpheric detector (only one
         + Everything is prepared for multi-shape but whould be tested
  10. Oct 07, 2010
    • deserevi's avatar
      * Begin support for multi-shape based detector (Gaspard) in NPAnalysis · ec62d5ec
      deserevi authored
         + TGaspardTrackerDummyShape.{h,cxx} and TGaspardTrackerTrapezoid.{h,cxx} added
            These classes will deal with reading the configuration, calculating the 
            geometry and building physical events.
         + TGaspardTrackerPhysicsNew.{h,cxx}
            This class holds the TGaspardTrackerData class and knows all the detectors
            to analyze through a map relating the detector number and the corresponding
            TGaspardTrackerModule object.
      * Status:
         Configuration files with heterogeneous shapes are read and the map
         is filled correctly
  11. Oct 01, 2010
  12. Sep 28, 2010
  13. May 11, 2010
    • matta's avatar
      * Changing in TPlasticPhysics · 3b3decd1
      matta authored
      	- Token in NPLib now fit the one of NPS
      	- No more error in NPA initialisation of the detector configuration
  14. May 10, 2010
  15. Mar 30, 2010
  16. Mar 29, 2010
  17. Mar 25, 2010
    • matta's avatar
      *Fixing one mor bug in EventGeneratorBeam · 4bb4709b
      matta authored
      	- For some reason, 6He and 8He (at least) are not instiate in the Ion table before the runManager initialisation but 11Li yes...
      	- To fix the problem  the m_particle pointer is set at first event launch
  18. Mar 24, 2010
  19. Mar 05, 2010
  20. Feb 23, 2010
  21. Feb 22, 2010
  22. Feb 18, 2010
  23. Feb 11, 2010
  24. Feb 10, 2010
    • matta's avatar
      * Fixing things with the calibration manager · 3a3570a3
      matta authored
      	- Little test has been performed and things seems to work correctly
    • matta's avatar
      * Reviewing Calibration manager logic · e9a7c751
      matta authored
       - Adding missing call of VDetector::AddParameterToCalibManager in the DetectorManager class
       - Modifing the algorithm that read the calibration file so it should work (hopefully)
       - Modifiyng analysis project so it's instantiate things in the correct order
  25. Feb 08, 2010
    • matta's avatar
      * Improving EventGeneratorTransfertToResonance · 4e9d7914
      matta authored
      	- Now the weight of each event is stored instead of using a rejection methods when making the phase space decay
      * Adding a pure phase space Event Generator
      	- Using an input file, one can simulate any many body phase space (up to 18 body)
      	- Same weight methods is used as in TransfertToResonance
  26. Feb 03, 2010
  27. Feb 02, 2010
  28. Feb 01, 2010